Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tensioned Silence

at once arrogant and shrill
speaks truth about relations
louder than words could cloak
as these stand at the threshold looking
staring blank past their eyes pleading
their lips sealed against knowledge
that would free the caged Bird

like God is silent
yet slaying
like God can slay
holds them tensioned
attending to each other's absence
and presence
brushing each other
like a whispered hope
a fermenting dream
believing that one day
forgiveness will bloom
and wonder why it took so long 
to speak

*Solitude is not necessarily a retreat from communion.  The deepening of subjectivity can be liberating for others.  A day can come when you will belong totally to yourself - that is, to what created you, when alleluia breaks forth.  Then you'll no longer want to wall yourself  in, and in communion with all things you'll rejoin the universal in a vital experience.  You will still sweat blood, but a tiny unshakable joy awaits you in every corner.
-Jean Sulivan

*Don't take away anyone else's certitudes.  Everything ripens in its time.
-Jean Sulivan

* Strangle the phrase with which you were going to compare the present with the past or fear for your future.  Leap into the present instant; the past or and the future are contained within it, and it carries its load of the eternal.  Stop torturing yourself, poisoning your own life.  Disappointed hopes, a broken heart - she has wounded me to death, he has destroyed me - what vanities these are!  Happiness is not in happiness; it's in the unending process.  Then let's get going, live as long as you're alive, do something, something absurd. Or better, who knows, if you've just had dinner, quietly do the dishes.
-Jean Sulivan

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