Saturday, February 28, 2015


sound the gong
call the faithful
the abbot comes
leading the monks in prayer

retrace your steps
and follow

God calls

you are near
in the midst of town
walking toward the message
softly drifting to your ears

follow the red umbrella
approach the echoing gong
bow down in the temple 
and settle into song

*Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-To be a Christian is to believe in mediation, and to believe that this mystery [the crucifixion] must come through bread and wine and music and incense and architecture and visual art.

-It seems to me that artists are the technicians of sacramental sensibility.  Their job is to transfigure the senses, to move us from idols to icons.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Is this the way:
that we are boxed  bodies
smiling from our rears
in pretense that our fronts aren't gleeful?

We are frightened containers
afraid of the gift our bodies are
the Gift we dare not claim.

What bare souls!
What guilt our spirit would cast aside
if there were a Yes
to all the poop the Lord released
to ev'ry drop of funky sweat
to all that bonds us to this flesh
to all the Kingdom's rejoicing over it
forever and ever amen!

*Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-...we must not, in that dialogue, ask of people to drop their truth-claims at the door.  We must not ask Muslims to stop being Muslim in order to have a democracy.  And likewise, we Christians should not be expected to drop our Christianity in order to engage in that conversation.  I think it's much healthier, and we're more inspired to be charitable, if we acknowledge those differences and learn to love each other in spite of them - and in some ways because of them.

-These playwrights [Greek tragedians] understood that if you see violence, you get caught up in it, aroused by it.  I read not so long ago that the link between television violence and actual violence on the part of young people is more scientifically verifiable than the link between tobacco smoke and cancer.

-Violence is part of the world we live in, so it has to be a part of art in some way.

-...I would say that if the depiction of violence is going to be healthy for us, it should result in our experience of compassion, our sense of the pitiableness of the human condition.

                                                                                                         (Dream poem)

Backed into a corner
alone and very confused
Tired of running away
My manhood has been abused
Not my choice 2 be so blunt
But u must fight fire with flame
I allowed myself 2 run once
and was haunted by the shame
if I must kill I will and if I must do it again
I would but the situation is a no-win
-Tupac Shakur

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What of me is bleeding?
All of me is bleeding.

What of me is grieving?
All of me is grieving.

What of me is silent?
All of me is silenced
all about me prayer:
urgent emergings
rising from my soil;
itching surprises,
nothing surrounding;
ladened rebellions,
the Wind espousing;
needful pairing,
all of me journeying;
I walk stumbling.
Someone's on the Way.

"Come toward me
all you weary ones,
I will wash your feet."

*Reflections of Gil Bailie:

-...we must not...ask of people to drop their truth-claims at the door.  We must not ask Muslims to stop being Muslim in order to have a democracy.  And likewise, we Christians should  not be expected to drop our Christianity in order to engage in that conversation.  I think it's much healthier, and more inspired to be charitable, if we acknowledge those differences and learn to love each other in spite of them - and in some way because of them.

-Violence is part of the world we live in, so it has to be part of art in some way.

-...I would say that if the depiction of violence is going to be healthy for us, it should result in our experience of compassion, our sense of the pitiableness of the human condition. 

And 2morrow

Today is filled with anger
Fueled with hidden hate 
Scared of being outcast
Afraid of common fate
Today is built on tragedies
which no one wants 2 face
Nightmares 2 humanities
and morally disgraced
Tonight is filled with rage
Violence in the air
Children bred with ruthlessness
Because no one at home cares
Tonight I lay my head down
But the pressure never stops
gnawing at my sanity
content when I am dropped
But 2morrow I c change
a chance 2 build anew
Built on spirit, intent of heart
and ideals based on truth
And 2morrow I wake with second wind
and strong because of pride
2 know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my dream alive
-Tupac Shakur 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

why were my eyes full


why were my eyes full
my heart shattering?


our tech-gods had chosen their twelve disciples
marked their heads with friendly fire
as if their death was some how different
since they died at commanders' hands.
heroes before the ground engulfed them
privileged mortals unique among the rest
God promised as their undisputed shield
swooping down to snatch their martyred souls.


freshening-up evil as a good we needed to hear
the ram'blings of gods soothed the enraged souls
to lead us deeper into the dangerous frontier
stationing us stealth'ly beyond the heart of war.


thus my eyes are full
my heart is shattered
seeing a hundred thousand victims 
pilloried to a cross

Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-The thing about Christians is that, at least formally, we make a point of saying that we are sinners -  not that we used to be, but that we are - and that you can count on our continuing to be so.

-We should all think of ourselves as religious Semites, which , by the way, would put us a little closer to Islam.

-Any time you have a marker, whether ethnicity or race or gender or physical handicap, when a society falls into chaos or crisis, there will be people who will seize that marker as a way of directing their confusion and fear, setting up the whole scapegoating business which [Rene] Girard has analyzed so powerfully.

The Promise

"I will give u liberty, but first give me ure spirit
This I must confiscate because the evil fear it."
I too would he afraid of passion governed by reason
An open mind 2 trying when corruption is in season
The promise that they claim
2 be completely true
is hypocrisy at its finest
A trick 2 silence u
never will I believe a promise
from the masters of the Art
trickery does not succeed
with those with Honest Hearts
-Tupac Shakur

Thursday, February 19, 2015

a neck-craning chicken
chauffeured on a truck of fated hens
cackled from her mobile cage

*Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-The question"Who am I?" needs to be set aside.  Instead, we should ask, "Where am I?  There are two grids on which you answer that question.  First, as a biblical person, I am called and sent - to the person next to me, to my family, to the people I run into today.  My vocation is very mundane, and it can shift daily.  A friend of mine, when he was first ordained, lived with an elderly priest, and at breakfast one morning my friend asked him, "Father, when did  you decide to become a priest?" The old priest said, " When I got up this morning."

Secondly, I'm always situated in history.  I'm called and sent at a historical moment, a moment that will impinge upon my vocation and my life and challenge me.  I have to be a loving person and a witnessing Christian in this situation.  I can't just stand on the soapbox and preach the gospel.  I have to speak to my time.  This is especially true for artists and poets and musicians, people who have a creative vocation.  If you want to redeem the time, you have to pick up on its confusion.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


in the gap
between the notes
in the soundless void

there the message
there the call
the ground to stand still
and be

there the deed
the altered act
the world
a life

do you not hear the frozen breath
the angled gasp
the swallowed words
the dissected cords

do you not hear the sigh of love
the whimpering child
the tortured man

cock your ears
slow your breath
whisper and pause

there is the door to the universe
the opening
where all waiting worth hearing

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

himself, perhaps

without love, he was a shallow grave, a tainted reliquary
where dogs bury bones for future consumption

he was aching for resurrection from his tomb
to leap about the temple of his world

he dreamt of sowing cheer for once
and bear the presumptions others assume

but it was life that was missing
had escaped into the wilderness of loss

of a childhood smothered beneath a mountain of loss
beneath the garbage dump where seagulls swarm

he longed to rise crying
to scrub away filth from the treasure at hand
to flush the muck binding his feet

but who'd hug him in his funk
choose him, a trinket cast off as junk?

who will notice and enfold him in care
who other than himself, perhaps?

*Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-No group of  people is more unalike than a group of really committed Christians.  The saints are as unusual and unique as you can imagine.

-Christianity is all about imitation, not in the slavish sense, but in the sense of being inspired to the same aspiration.

-Heaven is not where you are, it's who you're with.

*How Can We Be Free

Sometimes I wonder about this race
Because we must be blind as hell
2 think we live in equality
while Nelson Mandela rots in a jail cell
Where the shores of Howard Beach
are full of Afrikan corpses
And those that do live 2 be 18
Bumrush to join the Armed Forces
This is so called "Home of the Brave"
why isn't anybody Backing us up!
When they c those crooked ass Redneck cops
constantly Jacking us up
Now I bet some punk will say I'm racist
I can tell by the way you smile at me
then I remember George Jackson, Huey Newton
and Geronimo 2 hell with Lady Liberty

Sunday, February 15, 2015

as at the end of night

i walk in the night
stain my eyes, stub a toe
move toward the dawn
itching for the light

all about lay felled limbs
reaching out to snare me
night creatures molesting me
from the underbrush of their domiciles

i sense the chill of darkness
darkness cov'ring my dimming light
eating at whatever spark of hope
flits about my soul

each step is a prayer
a prayer for courage not to lay down and die
not to abandon childhood's believing
that out there somewhere sleeps the dawn

priming my eyes to mate her
to touch her light at the end of night
i push away the dross clinging like spider webs
poised to wrap a morsel in their silky hands

i press forward, toward, to glimpse the dawn
straining to greet her with a kiss

*John Paul comes to the defence of sexual intimacy.  He points out that intimacy is what's being betrayed.  Nietzsche - whom you have to thank for his candor - says that if you want to destroy Christianity, not to bother challenging its creed, because who cares?  If you want to destroy Christianity, you have to attack its ethic.  Fundamentally he's talking about the ethic of empathy for victims, but it's also implicit that the sexual ethic is part of what has to be held in contempt, and this is powerful.  We don't realize that the attack on the Christian sexual ethic is an attack on Christianity as such.  My reasoning comes from a reading of John Paul: we are made sexually, that is, with sexual differentiation, so we are made incomplete.  We are made for each other in an absolutely physical way.  Our sexual desires are a kind of homing device which makes us want the other, and it's that encounter with the other, at which Adam said, "This at last is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh," that John Paul calls "the moment of hominization," the moment when mystery breaks in.... The mystery, the real human sacrament, is when they look into each other's eyes and say, This at last is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh," which is an exclusive claim.
-Gil Bailie

Friday, February 13, 2015

a power we own

with lust in the eyes to see more of...what!
of the same dissatisfying stuff of death and emptiness
emptiness multiplied again and again
on dead faces and dead screens as if they were the real

this is the prison we're in
believing walls are parameters of the world
the horizon of life in a rotten wheel

we feel barred from the journey
abandoned to grey coffins
colliding with selves avoiding the drama of life

we sing songs of righteousness
bonding hell, making joy a loss
our pleasures becoming punishment
like the twistings of wars

what a gift it would be to break this strangling mold
and discover the gift of freedom along the road
uncover life with light and regain our sight
smelling the roses as power we own

*Reflections of Gil Bailie:

-One has to say something about beauty.  The three essentials are truth, goodness and beauty - and they're interrelated.  

-The revelation of the cross comes down to what the centurion said at the moment Jesus died: "Surely this is an innocent man."  What he saw was goodness.  The revelation was not of the ugliness of human acts, which is predictable, but of goodness shown in its midst.

-I get help in the liturgy, in the sanctuary, and from the artist, the poet, the musician.  They're not providing a commercial break from the clutter; they're there to show us that in this concrete material world of earth and the body and nature and culture, salvation can be visible.

"Where There Is A Will"

Where there is a will
there is a way
2 search and discover
a better day

Where a positive heart
is all u need
2 Rise Beyond
and succeed

Where young minds grow
an respect each other
based on their Deeds
and not their color

When times R dim
say as I say
"Where there is a will
There is a way!"
-Tupac Shakur

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

personal bomb

his face was a flag
his eyes were bricks staring
packed with charges atop a hill
to melt those standing below

he was roaming dynamite
a time bomb steadily ticking
eating up minutes with a red glow
his pressure running high

banished like sin from memory
who thought of him as a risk
as a burden needing a sling
to hold up dreams for healing?

so we suffer waiting for death
our peace scarred with anger
left as bread to feed our hearts
as we trudge toward safety faintly had

oh how we yearn to raise the high-five
in pretense that brotherhood was always our lot
but truth won't stop shackling our buckling backs
with each others hate and concentrated lust

i wish i knew what not to do
in weighing the already breaking backs
but i'm caught in the ever reeling cycles of violence
that moved him to charge up the hill

when fraternity has been strangled
and all conversations failed
fear has no face to flee from
and is an explosion walking blind

*Thoughts from Gil Bailey:

-We live in a world that has calloused our sensibilties, a world where we are bombarded visually, ravaged by stimulation until we can't see or hear or taste or feel or touch anything, and in this world the artist is charged with bringing us to our senses.  This is the sacramental sensibility.

-Rene Girard has said many times that we want to talk about language instead of using it - we have a sort of postmodern hermeneutics of hermeneutics of hermeneutics.  "In the room the women go, talking of Michelangelo" is the condition from which the visual artist must save us, and the great mainstream of art in the twentieth century has completely abandoned the task. 

-The three essentials are truth, goodness and beauty - and they are interrelated.  Everything in our culture is either a perversion or a parody of or an inversion of Christianity. For example, we have the western avant-garde's notion that truth is ugly. 

*Tears of a Teenage Mother

He's bragging about his new Jordans
the Baby just ran out of milk
He's buying gold every 2 weeks
the Baby just ran out of Pampers
He's buying clothes for his new girl
& the Baby just ran out of medicine
u ask for money for the Baby
the Daddy just ran out the Door
-Tupac Shakur

Monday, February 9, 2015

not in Iraq

they ain't dead, y'all
none die in the 'raq

no show, no parade
no flag draped coffins on display
no trumpet call
no Guards ever fall

you're mistaken
your fears misshapen
thoughts distended
your vision barricaded

no, they ain't dead y'all
none die in the 'raq

If death doesn't get ya, somethin' else will.

*Reflections from Theodore L. Prescott:

-So much striving, but at the end of the day, we are still, as Walker Percy wisely observed, stuck with ourselves - and I might add, stuck with our particular gifts, and the weight of history.

-It seems that we live by moving, yet we know that not all movement amounts to living.  So we want to engage in purposeful movement, movement that really gets us somewhere.  But there are problems built into the idea of getting somewhere, both in art and faith.  It is very difficult to know where it is we want to go, or how it is that we get there.

-...our faith tells us that all ends are proximate, and even death - that seeming fearsome finality - is another passage in the borderlands.

-Perhaps hell is an unending futile movement in the same place, and heaven is finding peace and rest as we move toward and in Him who was, is, and is to come. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

...and the footsteps of beggars cause the earth to tremble once again.  [Monsieur Ouine]

farewell to Yesterday

crumbling, the cathedral is crumbling
listen to the cracks widening
the hammers swaying against the bells in their shells

see the roaches scatter
fleeing the failure of structures
of love, of truth, of caring for each other

listen to the cassocks dropping
curates and rectors from doors flying

listen to the stained glass falter
while all the saints of yore tumble
shattered and scattered as shards of glory

it happens that no stone's upon a stone
no sound of pipes awakens at Mass
or lulls one to sleep before they exit

is this the farewell to dead Yesterdays
the inauguration of a new Today
when flowers bloom through the salt
and the salt sweetens the waters again?

perhaps, now, perhaps...
Jesus might rise in the dead
and the saints in poverty can be true again
and go forth talking, taking Fire as a friend

*...encouraging an interchange between art and faith does not mean seeking the dissolution of their inherent differences, or the absorption of the one by the other.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*To engage art is to use it, and it will do something to or for you, even it if does not cause you to go on a buying spree.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*One aspect of receiving and having faith is some fundamental reordering of the way one looks at the world.  Faith begins to de-fang that hungry, omnivorous creature within each of us, the one that so easily turns people or things into objects to satisfy our appetites....  So one result of faith then is that we can begin to relax and get to know each other, and creation itself, not as means to our ends, but as God's means of display.
-Theodore L. Prescott

Friday, February 6, 2015

There are nights

There are nights when the snow is...
is light enough to lift haze from trees
and scrub shrubs with moon-curls and stars alike
yet rest beneath the clouds' high mystery
leaving silence to speak to any who'd hear

What's to be done when quiet covers the night
when sleeping snow holds warmth within
but be reverent and not disturb the un-folding awe
stealing one from the noises of night?

*...our presence together indicates that the idea of a wall separating art and faith is silly.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*...the grace that delights believers and unbeliever alike in beauty is indeed related to the beautiful Grace that is tasted in the mystery of Christ.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*If the secularized aesthete wants to confuse art with religion, the Christian temptation runs in a different direction.  Even if we are wise enough to know that the domain of art cannot be taken by force, Christians are still tempted by the idea that art should be a colony in the kingdom of God.  In one sense this is a biblical vision, where God's sovereignty is indeed kingly, and everything is subject to this rule.  The problem has been in the application of this image to social organizations, where the church and theology - that old queen of the sciences - have the first and the lastst words.  This model has produced works of great power and beauty, and some artists and thinkers have looked longingly back to the Middle Ages.  But historical distance obscures hard realities and lets us overlook the fact that we have very different ideas about art than medieval culture did.  While we may envy the integration of the arts into medieval daily life, I believe many of us would be reluctant to relinguish the freedom that is a hallmark of contemporary art.
-Theodore L. Prescott

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

returning home with no music

oh, bitter death
i meet you upon return
with sadden ears and a poisoned mouth

i wish that you would hide

enough i've had of your seductive rage
piercing through the heart-range of my life

enough i say

it must be time to die
time for some new me to arise
and touch someone with my cries

*I am certain that the result of the personal growth industry is a collective inability to discern what constitutes significant change.  Of course this is a complex cultural dynamic, the fruit of interacting factors - our omnipotent communications technology, for one.  Whatever the reason, we Americans have problems distinguishing major achievements from interesting diversions. the growths of accomplishments listed in the Guinness book of records is impressive.  Many achievements recorded there required great effort and skill, but they seem of dubious distinction when compared to accomplishments found in earlier periods of history.  In my judgment this is not a phenomenon that exists only at the fringes of our society.  We certainly see it in the arts, and also in spirituality.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*..achievements are relative to the person making them...
-Theodore L. Prescott

*A River That Flows Forever
4 Mother

As long as some suffer
          The river Flows Forever
 As long as there is pain
            The River Flows Forever
As strong as a smile can be
          The River Flows forever
And as long as u R with me
                 we'll ride the River Together 
-Tupac Shakur

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


...and maybe-
they'll see you

...and maybe-
they'll hear you

...and maybe-
they'll like you

...and maybe
you'll go on movin'
on and on
until that day
that night
that moment of chance
when someone might stop
to thank you for trying
for crying
for creating and being
for singing and speaking
who you sense you are 
and maybe...

...then may be


*It is good to attend to and seek out the situations that provoke your sense of creative movement.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*...change is the only permanent condition in life.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*There are twelve-step programs, self-help books, talk shows, counselors, evangelists, psychics, and therapists, all glad to help you rearrange the furniture within your soul.  Walker Percy has marvelously parodied this in Lost in the Cosmos:The Self-Help Book.  The desire for transformation is hardly bad, but the accumulated effects of all the techniques and programs for crossing  into a better you, with subsequent glowing testimonials of new life, have  created the cultural equivalent of attention deficit disorder.  America's public discourse is full of nervous 
introspective twitches, spasms, ticks, jerks, shudders, mutterings, and finally incessant rocking as we search for the next "best thing" for our lives.
-Theodore L. Prescott


Strength is overcome by weakness
Joy is overcome by Pain
The night is overcome by Brightness
and Love - it remains the same
-Tupac Shakur

Sunday, February 1, 2015

weep and cry

what else are we to do
but weep and cry
wail and flail
far and wise
o'er the wild minds
of badgered clowns 
of people crying
for some respite to drive
fleeing from the chaos of hell

but we are self-enclosed
denizens of total choice
of goddesses and gods
with little to lose
shouting and laughing
at the crowd on the loose
searching for enemies
imagined and stewed

ah! if we'd stop and stare
into a mirror with light
we'd uncover ourselves
'neath our pimples and glue
on our un-powdered face
with snaggly tooth
awaiting the truth

we'd unbind our foot
freeing us to move
and weep with live tears