Saturday, May 30, 2015

groaning into holiness 

i am a bruised vessel
empty and cracked
waiting to be patched
peering into clouds
searching for a scoop

groaning into holiness
born of the worn earth
i live in a field of cautions
setting out, stiff of heart

an uptight preacher of the Word
the irony borne on crumpled bones
asleep in hope
beneath a wreckage of doubts

what am i to say to the weary-worn
forlorn of heart with thirsting souls
but that we encircle the table and have a drink
partake of bread
affirm our common bond

*Thoughts of Sidney Poitier

-Talking with her was a pleasure, mainly because I wasn't interested as much as in getting into her pants as getting into her mind.  She seemed to know a bit about everything, and I knew she could help me fill in the blanks in my own general knowledge. Her words touched familiar chords I had often heard inside myself, her voice lodging complaints we both held against the state.

Her language, too, inspired me.  For instance, the phrases "rhetorical bullshit" and "disingenuous motherfucker." "Bullshit" and "motherfucker" I had heard before, of course, but what kind of bullshit gets to be "rhetorical,"  and what need a motherfucker do to be considered a "disingenuous motherfucker"?  "Bourgeoisie Negroes" was another.  We got locked in a conversation once, I remember, about who she was and who I was, as individuals, in America.  "How we see ourselves, how we see each other," she said, "should be determined by us and not by people who generally don't like us; people who pass laws certifying us as less than human.  Too many of us see each other as 'they' see us", she continued.  "Time for that shit to stop.  We're going to have to decide for ourselves what we are and what we're not.  Create our own image of ourselves. And nurture it and feed it till it can stand on its own.

She looked through the plate-glass window of a coffee shop at snow ffalling on the Brooklyn street near where she lived.  "I'll tell you one thing," she added, "If I have anything to say about it, by the time my grandchildren get here, this hypocrisy democracy is gonna do some changing."

Friday, May 29, 2015

Hotel Ecclesiastica

i've seen the dry tears of actors
the disclaiming violence of the sincere

their ears are plugged life other ears
their eyes blocked like other eyes

their lies sour like other lies
their rules kill like other rules

their taste for life is like other tastes
they abandon those who are their own

i fuss and cuss like all the rest
being part and parcel of the mess
while my protests on deaf ears rest
a sinner midst sinners in its nest

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

  -Just suppose  for the sake of an admittedly fantastic argument that he is the One who is to come, full of grace and truth and all that.  Have you ever considered, have I whose trade it is to consider it really considered seriously, just what it is that the Lamb of God is going to have to take away?

   I mean if I have any inclination at all, or you, to start being whatever in God's name it means to be "a child of God" - and let's say there is no argument for having such an inclination but let's just suppose that at certain unguarded moments we have it, this inclination to start being children of God - have we any idea at all what by the grace of God we are in all likelihood going to have to stop being, stop doing, stop having, stop pretending, stop smacking our lips over, stop hating, stop being scared of, stop chasing after till we're blue in the face and sick at the stomach?  O God, deliver us from the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world because the sin of the world is our heart's desire, our uniform, our derby hat.  O Lamb of God, have mercy upon us.  Christ have mercy upon us. 

  -Passion without wisdom to give it shape and direction is as empty as wisdom without passion to give it power and purpose.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

the union of silence

the bound lift their hands and the chains rise
clanging and bouncing off each other
in a dance of bondage wanting freedom
and a symphony lies with the links
though dungeons holds their souls in isolation
like a score holds the music
around which the dancers dance

for a while all seems lost until a baby's born
who knows how to cry when the chained dare not
who long with each other for some open heart
some crack in the facade of humanity presumed sane
but lost behind words of kindness limited to a few

what music is made occurs united with silence
until what is longed for breaks as a surprise instantly expected
when survivors walk free with lose hanging smiles
beneath their eyes wondering why it took so long

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

-The dance of the nations is a dance of death.

-The question is, what are we defending, our enemies and we?

-...what sort of peace can there be when terror is at the heart of it?





 to know
 the this

 this and that



-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

a shadow frightened the crowd 
as you set your hands to guard your face
and ward off sounds tapping in your brain

see their cry is for you Lord always for you
and it breaks forth from the stillest voice
from bodies at once dead yet breathing
hoping for a big ear that hears
and patience to live long enough to see
vengence and love yes vengence and love
while the shadows of fate hang loosely overhead
ready to drop like a net gathering the dead

yet hope ekes through the tears steadily falling
from failed tears and mouths ever crying 
cries eating at my nerves grating them to movement
to dance midst tears on which they slide
as i grab their cries and cry awaiting your coming

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

-We have it in us to be Christ to each other and maybe in some unimaginable way to God too - that's what we have to tell finally. We have it in us to work miracles of love and healing as well as to have them worked upon us.  We have it in us to bless with him and forgive with him and heal with him and once in a while maybe even to grieve with some measure of his rejoicing at another's joy as if it were our own. And who knows but that in the end, by God's mercy, the two stories will converge for good and all, and though we would never have had the courage or faith or the wit to die for him any more than we have ever managed to live for him very well either, his story will come true in us at last.  And in the meantime, this side of Paradise, it is our business (not, like so many, peddlers of God's word but as men and women of sincerity) to speak with our hearts (which is what sincerity means) and to bear witness to, and live out of, and live toward, and live by, the true word of his holy story as it seeks to stammer itself forth through the holy stories of us all.

-The world speaks of holy things in the only language it knows, which is a worldly language.

Monday, May 25, 2015

I do not understand what I do
for I don't do what I would like to do
but instead I do what I hate.
                       -Letter to the Romans

crawling out of Hell

why don't i leave the place i casually walk into
the hell of my life wherein i play with fire?
when the devil is me
what is Satan to do but join in for the ride
enjoying the ayes and ways of my wickedness?

i don't know why i relish the pain of  fire
the smell of Death engulfing my heart.
i shove Christ toward the edge of my life
out of site, out of light
packed with doubts, full of pouts.
out of sorts with the sordid
i've convinced myself it's good for curiosity.

oh that blessed curiosity
of which the Evangelizer John says
"cover your eyes, pluck them out
push back desire lest the stirring desire
curses you for placing your hands
into the mush the nourishes not."

i find myself there again and again
for the umpteenth time
wondering when i'll come to myself
bend my knees and crawl home to God.

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

-...crucifixion is part of our stories too, because we too are men and women of sorrow and acquainted with grief.

-In spite of every reason to give the whole show up, we're here still just able to hope; in spite of all the griefs and failures we've known, we're here still able to rejoice; in spite of the darkness that we all of us flirt with, we are here still just a little, at least, in love with light.  By miracle we survive even our own shabbiness, and for the time being maybe that is resurrection enough. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

they yell, they howl
they scream against the soft-sounds
as if God rides on the breeze
on the rim
but no one hears Him

these sounds
are they a "Why?", a "Help!"
a call to awaken those with shut eyes
those with plugged ears?

some sit in prayer
list'ning to the unlikely
to the in-between
where the holy lies
where poems are writ on patient souls

between the silence and the words
i hear, "Wake Up!
God's closer than you think"

i listen to my wavering voice
the incredulity within my belief

this strange encounter is music
an invitation to sing ones self
into a question

there God and i duet
a temple is built of song

*Human nature: the beautiful face with  the ugly scars.

*Loving one another is loving God...with all the if's, ands and buts...but it isn't easy.

*I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

*Painting is a faith and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.
  -Vincent van Gogh

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

  -And in the end they got him(Jesus).  And forget all the grim paraphernalia of his death because the obscenity and horror have long since been ritualized out of it.  They got him, that's all.  He wasn't spared a damned thing.  It was awful beyond telling, god-awful.  And then it happened.

  -... but the temptation to settle for the lesser good, which is evil enough and maybe a worse one - to settle for niceness and usefulness and busyness instead of for holiness; to settle for plausibility and eloquence instead of for truth. acknowledge a miracle is to have to act on it somehow - to become some kind of miracle ourselves - and that's why they scare us to death.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Christ, I hate your nails, I loathe your pints of blood.

Artificial passion


What's artificial is their passion.
It's akin to the "Just Like" colognes
from the dollar store:
no pain, no doubts
nothing hot enough to burn someone;
nothing raw enough to expose ones blood.
It's sanctity that's dead letters in a book
ones we dream "if only's" about.


I trip upon my struggles
my pretences to follow you
to cling tenaciously with passion
to whatever I need to mimic you.
Your feet have pressed into the land
that mark of passion that's real obsession:
red roses soaked in gall
beaten and stirred to the sweetest fragrance
borne stately like thorns ringing the skull
and binding like nails through ones wrists.
You rub against my coward's flesh
to summon me whene'er you call
your niggling spirit pushing me
through tears difficult to swallow.


There's no escape but death
no assurance to measure ones step.
Send quickly then your Paraclete
and coax me up your hill.
I'll cry Abba-Daddy, give me candy
cause I'm scared to taste your meat.

*Thoughts of Frederick Beuchner:

  -Peddlers are people with packs on their backs full of things they want to sell, and the things they try
to sell hardest are the things they think will sell best.  Peddlers are less concerned with what the world needs than with with what the world wants or can be made to settle for.  Peddlers are salespeople who are interested less in the quality of what they're selling than in the success of their sale. So if the peddlers of God's word happen to be preachers, it's preaching as an end in itself they're apt to concentrate on.  They do their best to be effective, eloquent, original. They choose the stories that will go over best and be remembered to their credit longest.  Or if we happen not to be preachers, then when it comes to just speaking of, and out of, our faith in a general way, we, like them, tend to stick to the salesmanship of it and speak of it whatever is easiest to speak and whatever we think will go down most easily.

  -Because all peddlers of God's word have that in common, I think: they tell what costs them least to tell and what will gain them most; and to tell the story of who we really are, and of the battle between light and dark, between belief and unbelief, between sin and grace that is waged within us all, costs plenty and may not gain us anything, we're afraid, but an uneasy silence and a fishy stare.

  -The story of Jesus is full of darkness as well as of light.  It is a story that hides more than it revels.  It is the story of a mystery we must never assume we understand and that comes to us breathless and broken with unspeakable beauty at the heart of it yet by no means a pretty story though that is the way we're apt to peddle it much of the time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

visions of a promised-land

the silent tears of the foreign-languaged
heated by the visitation of homing mem'ries
brew in a cauldron of streaming images
spilling o'er the edge like waves on a turbulent sea
thire minds, a roiling lake sloshed about in reflections
churning dreams bombarded with sorrow.
they are invisible bodies wall-papered with greenbacks
that monied hands hang before their face like carrots.

affections rise for air in hopes drowning in need
when they think about their fam'lies, oppressed and baited.
visions of a promised-land seduces like a prostitute's voice
as they chanced their bodies against the desert's death.
thrilled to have arrived across the borders of fate
their homes await news of freedom's price.
sons and brothers, dads of various stripe
bear the blows of their scrourging
escaping toward a promised land.
Rachel wails still the song forlorn women wail
when the loves of their lives are ghosts haunting their dreams.

they who ne'er wrote, lay dead with sand in their eyes
while the captured are bound to the land of their birth
handcuffed in jails, awaiting sentence
no better saved than those who escaped near-free.
but God loves each howe'er their plight might end
for each is Jesus bent upon the pillar of scourging
receiving wounds to bear the carcasses on their backs.

*The only face I see of God is the face of another human being.

*The statue of limitations expires on all childhood traumas.  We have to get over it, fix our lives and move on.
-Quincy Jones

*A work of art has no existence or function apart from its effect on human observers.
-Marshall McLuhan

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Like a tether

i'm like a tether
knocked about
bouncing off
the flat of Your hands

kneed in the side
i limp along
bent and aching
like Jacob, panting
his sciatic acting up 
'pon wrestling You

i don't understand myself
hanging out with You
as if sadism's Your trait
and punishments all i want

who'd think a Daddy would
stand by, doin' nothin'
watch His son nailed
mocked upon a cross?

You're weird, you know
quiet as they come
yet  Your silence holds me
where'er i turn to run;

fleeing from Your presence
You always seem to be
breathing down my back
even when i'm alone

ever since i've know You
felt You as a strange pain
i've been riveted to Your presence
a weird-wonder to refrain

why are You so difficult?
how distant can You be?
yet i love You none the less
Your tether and Your call

*For a human being to say that the cosmos is all there is strikes me as like a worm  in an apple saying that the apple is all there is.  Even if we could solve all the problems of the cosmos and stood here healthy, solvent, adjusted, and proud in our knowledge at last, we would still stand here like Moses with the muck of our less-than-humanness on our shoes and the feeling in the pits of our stomachs that the cosmos can never entirely be home because we know as surely as we know anything that  though we have never seen it except in dreams, our true home lies somewhere else.  Those dreams are the ultimate madness the church is built upon, or, because those who call them madness are themselves the madder still, the ultimate sanity.
-Frederick Buechner

Saturday, May 16, 2015



The imploding society sits in the pit of imbeciles
nursing on blood-myths their leaders sing.

The songs of their sirens are beautifully wrought
being cover-ups for the vulgarities of law.

Their dead words enliven the poisoned air
their morality, justification for their crass suppositions.

They poke about swamps for the remnants of regret
searching for something to be sorry for.

"Shock and awe" encircle their lips
their mouths encrusted with a pestilence of lies.

We follow without question, groveling in fear
lest be be terrorized midst their promise of freedom
for these torturers punish the least suspecting
being escapees from public demotion.


Inward we'll fall into hellish destruction
of persons, of values, of a once treasured life
fodder strewn on the old land dying
awakening life, now barren and sour.

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

  -...if we come to church right, we come to it more fully and nakedly ourselves, come with more of our humanness showing, than we are apt to come to most places.  We come like Moses with muck on our shoes - footsore and travel-stained with the dust of our lives with us, our failures, our deceits, our hypocrisies, because if, unlike Moses, we have never taken anybody's life, we have again and again withheld from other people, including often even those who are nearest to us, the love that might have made their lives worth living, not to mention our own.  Like Moses we come here as we are, and like him we come as strangers and exiles in our way because wherever it is that we truly belong, whatever it is that is truly home for us, we know in our hearts that we have somehow lost it and gotten lost.  Something is missing from our lives that we cannot even name - something we know best from the empty place inside us all where it belongs.  We come here to find what we have lost. We come here to acknowledge that in terms of the best we could be we are lost and that we are helpless to save ourselves.  We come here to confess our sins.

  -It is the same voice that Moses heard and that one way or another says GO! BE! LIVE! LOVE!  sending us off on an extraordinary and fateful journey for where there are no sure maps and whose end we will never fully know until we get there.

Friday, May 15, 2015

When Dracula wants blood, red wine will not suffice.
-ken stewart

naked of bod'
the scribe swung scribbling
scribbling upon the ground
upon the flesh of the sages
we ritually neglect
while cov'ring the lessons 
on the biology of hate.

In a short while
the lords of anger will plunge
a crucifix into his groin
neutralizing his voice.

Tis the day of castrations
the proclamation of guilt
the guilt of accusations
separating truth from facts.

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

  -And then Moses hid his face, the Book of Exodus says, "for he was afraid to look at God", and well he might have been afraid if he had any inkling of what God was going to say next, because what God said next was as holy and fiery a word as there is in the Old Testament or anywhere else.  That word was GO.

  -For those of us who are in the habit of putting on our best clothes and going to church from time to time, maybe it is a good idea to consider what a church is, of all things. What are all these churches we keep coming to, year in and year out?  A church in the sense of a buiding is walls and a roof erected on the proposition that this ancient story of Moses and his burning bush is somehow true - that however you choose to explain that story, you cannot all that easily it away.  Something extraordinary took place a long time ago on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Aquabah, and our presence in churches, and the presence of millions like us, is evidence that the reverberations of the event are felt to this day. It is the reason why churches exist.  It is the reason why we go to them though we often forget it and go for shabbier reasons. The old church walls, the old church roofs, were put up in the faith that God is present anywhere in the world, he is present everywhere, and that if the ground that Moses stood on was holy, then the little patches of ground where churches stand are holy too.  The whole earth is holy because God makes himself known on it, which means that in that sense a church is no holier than any other place.  God is not more in a church than he is anywhere else.  But what makes a church holy in a special way is that we ourselves are more here.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The taste  for something

She longed the taste of something
something to fill her mouth
her ear
or any place open to fill
with some delight to satisfy 
her oral fixation
for the moment

She gave these free reign:
substantial bread
rolled to please
to fill
divert her need
for the moment

Could it be
that these would be enough
enough to sate
the hunger in her gut?

*Thoughts of Frederick Bueckner

  -What scared the daylights out of me was to see suddenly how drawn we all are, I think, to the very things that appall us - to see how beneath our civilizedness, our religiousness, our humanness, there is that in all of us which remains uncivilized, religionless, subhuman, and which hungers for precisely the fare that Forty-Second Street offers, which is basically the license to be subhuman not just sexually but in any way that appeals to us - the license to use and exploit and devour each other 
like savages, to devour and destroy our own sweet selves.  And if you and I are tempted to think we don't hunger for such things, we have only to remember some of the dreams we dream and some of the the secrets we keep and the battle against the darkness we all of us fight.  I was scared that stiff that I would somehow get lost in that awful place and never find my way out.  I was scared that everybody I saw coming toward me down the crowded sidewalk - old and young, well dressed and ragged, innocent and corrupt - was in danger of getting lost.  I was scared that the world itself was lost as I was mad.  And of course in a thousand ways it is.

  -Faith is the eye of the heart, and by faith we see deep down beneath the face of things - by faith we struggle against all odds to be able to see - that the world is God's creation even so.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

hushed tears swell, words without voice
from a well sacred in my breast.

there's a tugging in my heart
as the Ralphian strings twine like cords
drawing affection from a sanctuary
deserted of prayer and long forgot.

a needling dream rises to the air:
an eagle's flight, an up-draft hawk
swept beyond the reach of wings
beyond the echo of their call.

i know not what cry to sound
wandering 'round the airy chords
nudging my mind, my thoughts to heights unseen
my soul to the Center long untouched.

my lost-ness wanders through a dark wood
blackness blinding what Light surrounds.

my feet shuffle in the night-time of my wanting.
the night-stars shine as to offer hope.
an Ascending Lark sings amidst the strings.
i hear Her voice saying, "Come!
run till you drop, drenched in tears of release
sweated, bathed, filled with your longing."

oh, Beautiful Love, it's You tugging at my soul:
Your voice of assurance, Your invitation to sup
Your wine of plenty, the peace of Your hearth.

i hear.  i come.  i run to Your heart
released, naked, straight to Your arms.

i feel Your warm Breath caring about me
your Flame-embrace fueling my within.

*Observations of Frederick Buechner:

  -I've seen the not all that pretty girls and less than good-looking boys - many of them hardly more than children, runaways - trying to keep alive by clumsily, shiftily selling themselves for lack of 
anything else too sell; and staggering around in the midst of it all, or slumped like garbage against the fronts of buildings, the Forty-Second Street drunks - not amiable, comic drunks you can kid yourself into passing with a smile, but angry, blood shot, crazy drunks, many of them blacks because blacks in New York have more to be angry and crazy about than the rest of us.

  -What scared the daylights out of me was to see suddenly how drawn we all are, I think, to the very things that appall us - to see how beneath our civilizedness, our religiousness, our humanness, there is that in all of us which remains uncivilized, religionless, subhuman, and which hungers for precisely the fare that Forty-Second Street offers, which is basically the license to be subhuman not just sexually but any other way that appeals to us - the licence to use and exploit and devour each other like savages, to devour and destroy our own sweet selves.  And if you and I are tempted to think we don't hunger for such things, we have only to remember some of the dreams we dream and some of the secrets we keep and the battle against darkness we all of us fight.  I was scared stiff that I would somehow get lost in that awful place and never find my way out.  I was scared that everybody I saw coming toward me down the crowded sidewalk - old and young, well dressed and ragged, innocent and corrupt - was in danger of getting lost.  I was sacred that the world itself was as lost as it was mad.  And of course in a thousand ways it is.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Is insanity required for following Christ?
 -Kenneth Stewart


I didn't leave looking for You.
I wanted slippers to rest in
to stroll quietly about the house.
You nuzzled in
as if I were insane to follow You.

I wasn't shopping for You
till You poked Your nose through Mars Hill
leaping in sight with questions and coal.
I perused the fated review
as You peeked through ink and page
and like Parker, O'Connor knows
bought You who'd been riding my back
Your eyes fixed upon my baptized flesh.
12 bucks and no slippers eased from my purse.

I wasn't looking for You
but you fingered me
thrusting Yourself before my face.
I noticed You
and couldn't turn away.

What do You want of me
more than of these?
I'm a coward, a frightened man.
Don't know if i can give You what You seek
if I trust myself to be crazy enough
to follow You through sink or swim.
So what was I to do
as You touched my iconed flesh
but say, "Yes!",
trusting my gut that You're here
no matter what?

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

  -Is the human heart the only source of its own healing?  Is it the human conscience                 only that whispers to us that in bitterness and estrangement is death?

  -We must each of us answer for ourselves, remember for ourselves, preach to ourselves our own sermons.

  -There has never been a time past when God wasn't with us as the strength beyond our strength, the wisdom beyond our wisdom, as whatever it is in our heart -  whether we believe in God or not - that keeps us human enough at least to get by despite everything in our lives that tends to wither the heart and make us less than human.  To remember the past is to see that we are here today by grace, that we have survived as a gift.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

This might not be it

This might not be it:
the door to the inner chamber
the hidden levels of my spirit
the light searching about the sky

This might not be it:
the window receiving new visions
the air swirling freshness to the open
the search breathing freer during the night

This might not be it:
the stairway up to the depths
the moist earth shaping my womb
the ground rooting and growing again

This might not be it
but whatever it is
I'm here for it
and won't depart
until something births
and I am more than dust

Friday, May 8, 2015

We rush past questions in order to avoid anxiety
 -Jean Sulivan

Pass on the half-tales
the feel-good stories
the bold forgettings

An inner war's stirring
one with the outer peace
with a supply of death
and sniper fire to thwart despair

The skewed support of hopes and dreams
proof by proof 
man 'gainst man
moves Tomorrow closer
inch by inch

But God leaks 'tween the silence
that cottoned ears might hear God's voice

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan

  -To create is the only important thing, to rediscover the fervor that produced the thing you're                weeping for.

  -A true revolution always rediscovers the source of a tradition and expresses it in body and soul at        the same time. order to be unrooted it's first necessary to be rooted.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Learn to recognize the faith that reveals a secret despair: Jean Sulivan



Who understands the naked Christ except the naked child?
They're shoved into caves layered in our lives
waiting embrace, to be drawn nearer to light.
Our minds wound them in gossamer lies
finessed enough to categorize out.
It's completed with a smile, a toasted success to the visions of lords
who place peons on the pathways of degradation for their betterment
the civil cause served to conquer evil in their bearing.

Here dwell the victims damaged by fate
offspring of animals whose mothers were raped.
A real blessing their snatching from hell
that a taste of heaven will be their most memorable state.
"We'll screw you white, whiter than the salty sand
re-pigment your kind that you might gain insight.
See Jesus suckered upon the cross?
Embrace him.  He's funky like you pitiable beasts.
Press your bruised breasts upon his battered chest.
His sperm drips grace if you touch his sores".


Help them, Jesus, help them
see the damage initiated trying to right the world.
Help before suicide is the fate of the wronged
before a thousand rapes take place in the name of the law
as filigreed memories support the fermented crimes.
Pat them on their backs for repelling the virtues of revenge
their anger seething, seeping like a pot of venom tea.
Help them, sweet Jesus, help them, learning your word
that mercy might attend to their slaughtered ghosts
as they await the revelation of righteous love.
Their wretched past is smoked o'er with vials of perfume
seducing the victims trapped in the agonies of shame.


History is writ by the conquerors' hand
till the day of retribution yanks the scales from their eyes.

*Each day is only itself and I can't make it other than what it is.

*God is not an extra in a movie.  God is the movie and we're the screen upon which 
God is viewed.  God must be seen in a new way and that way is love: love of self and love of the other as self.

*Our great temptation is to not accept being the Father's child and living as one.

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

  -To hesitate, to change one's mind, to make mistakes, these are proofs of honesty.

  -We rush past questions in order to avoid anxiety.

  -By his absence-presence Jesus is more present than in the flesh.  Every spiritual experience, if it's        not just imaginary, is rooted in this understanding. meet God is at the same instant to deny him.  Every certitude is a way of "putting God to              death".

Sunday, May 3, 2015

no sound

he made no sound

though belly bobbed
and cheeks bounced
though hands waved
and body swayed

he made no sound

a hungry child
whipped into silence
Don't Perturb
flashing 'cross his mind

trapped in a death-house
a frozen zone
for making sounds
including laughter

thus it was there
in comedy's air
he made no sound

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

  -Believers almost always  imagine that faith means certitude.

  -Learn to recognize the faith that reveals a secret despair.

  -For me the absence of doubt would be disturbing....I'm speaking of an active doubt that hunts out prejudices and every kind of idolatry, an ongoing discovery that grows stronger by overcoming all obstacles.

*What would happen to the consumer economy if we began to believe that any amount of happiness is enough.
-Gary  Greenberg

*All too often people are betrayed by the word freedom.  And as freedom is accounted among the most sublime feelings, so the corresponding disillusionment can be sublime.

*Religions get lost as people do.