Saturday, August 31, 2013

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on the horizon

i ask myself
who will see it
who will notice those cries heard in the night
as companions to the crimes outside our door?
will ours be a voice trembling 'neath a dimming bulb
warning that the light we see is truly dark?

totalitarians love war as if bread for their tables
blood, red wine slaking their throats.
when people disappear, they'll make then hide
cause crimes against the struggling are cause for more.

we'll shake our heads when the warning sirens wail
hoping that the enemy will learn the we are right.
who imagines our sincerity to be tainted?
nothing is more natural than knowing God's on our side!

when we smell flesh as the rains upon our heads
will the silent torture of convictions spew vomit on the streets?
when The Bomb, our bomb sprinkles the lawns behind our gates
will then a whimper rise enough to explore the rumbles of despair?

when bodies return wrapped in their symbolic flag
will it be too late to redirect the movies in our dens
to cancel the show about dandelions on our lawns
and show the faces which horrified the dreams of our parents?

are we to salute or weep the dead murdered at our hands
for they'll be our brothers, our children
our neighbors slain upon the carpeted earth?
then the airy transparency of our majesty
will lay crumbling like a yellowed constitution
released magically from its isolated tomb.

who will see it?
who will notice
complicit in the crimes outside our door
as oblong clouds stretch across the azure sky
as if pillows awaiting heads to rest patiently
upon lungs possessive of suffocating themes?  

God is not an extra in a movie.  God is the movie and we're the screen upon which God is viewed.  God must be seen in a new way and that way is love: love of self and love of the other as self.

*I beheld the working of all the blessed Trinity, and in this beholding I saw and understood the three properties: the property of fatherhood, the property of motherhood and the property of Lordship in one God.  In our Father almighty we have our keeping and our bliss as regards our human substance, which is ours by our making without beginning.  And in the Second Person, in wit and wisdom, we have our keeping as regards our sensuality, our restoring and our saving: for he is our Mother, Brother and Savior.  And in our good Lord the Holy Spirit we have our rewarding and our recompense for our living and our labors which will far exceed anything we can desire, owing to his marvelous courtesy and his high plenteous grace.
-Julian of Norwich

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

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I kneel in prayer without words, blankly looking at and seeing nothing. There. The patterns and wrinkles of the sheets stare, wonderingly, at me who cannot say, "I came to do your will" because it will be a lie. I can muster only, "I long to do your will" because I know my sin, my weakness, my failures which throw any promise to You back into my face, regretfully.  So, I kneel in silence, espying nothing, perhaps looking for You before I'm jolted by my inactivity to say something banal and common, trite and memorized because my words are still as my heart is searching.  To be loyal to You is my desire in spite of the lies of my life. I know what I want, perhaps, even what You want but I fail in the execution and, hence, am silenced and kneel down this way.

* Can Jesus, a male, be a savior for females?  Is the Christ figure a valid symbol  for women, fostering in them a healthy integration of personality and acting as their chief help in experiences of God?  Or has Christianity so identified the maleness of the historical Jesus with normative humanity that femaleness automatically falls to second-class citizenship in the community of God, a status we have seen historically translated as barring women from priestly office and power?  Have women by virtue of their sex alone been excluded from full
 representation in Christ's ministry, a sex that is somehow less important than the male in creation and redemption?  Is Jesus' maleness so precisely identified with the divine Logos that femaleness is excluded from divine status and participation?

-Ann Belford Ulanov


the winged life

to be

in the open
of hearts



-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

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with blood in the eye

the marines are coming
the marines are coming

the guardians of freedom are running
with guns drawn, they are shooting
the people of the land in the name of freedom

they're squelching dissenters
lest fear trap the loyal in movement and care
rallying 'round god cloaked in red, white and blue

they capture strange folk skinned in black and brown
as their children kill friends near the cottage gate
for blood has moistened their eyes
and their hands are red from weeping

the land must be defended in the time of crisis
though we be the crisis whose time has come

Flee the gods that whip you.
Flee the gods of Desire.
Mouth open, fly 'cross the fields
fly and don't look back.
Run on the edge of death.
You need not be a whippping child.
All gods are passing-powers
fragile as their bended knees, pursuing.
Ready yourself for laughter.
Their fall is at hand
for other gods pursue as well 
amd these will be made the less
for all giants fall and bow to Death
have an end you know full well.

So, flee the gods that whip you.
You need not be a whipping child.
Flee the god within you,
the one with whip in hand.

There's always someone smarter than you in some way.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

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 a rapper's delusion

mixed images snaked through my mind:
couples hugging as in embrace;
faces bound in colored stripes;
spent sperm swimming briskly;
Van Gogh's ear being re-opened;
rappers mouthing karaoke
not knowing what else to say
because booty and booze never cut a record
nor placed bread on another's table.

this was the nonsense seeking meaning
at a venue near a boutique cafe
in hopes a coveted music-maker
would stop to hear me thoroughly through.

but it's silly to wait much longer.
it's now a quarter to nine
and the gas-lamp lighter is roaming
through alleys making outrageous promises
while listening to my mental meanderings 
on a night when day hangs longer and longer.

it's time to move on.
hop a train and find a bed.
rest the rhythms circulating round my head
as they await the night when they'll be heard.

a tear, downtown

his hand was stretched
'twas food he sought.

i asked him who he was.
Danny was his name.

i was the first of 50;
none others cared to stop.

"will you shake my hand?
dirty, i know it is."

off slid my glove. 
it blew his scandalized mind.

i grasped his hands
and he praised God.

we shook each other warm.
he didn't label me a bum. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Land-mine martyr

I felt the fireworks;
carried the torch in my body.
They thought it fun;
this wheel-chair I won.

Look, God
I was there.
I was playing in the jungle
midst the bursting of bombs.
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empty minds

dying from a pornography of bilious suppositions
an incessant supply of tortured words
we collapse like fattened whores
drunk on the wine of debauched dreams
hoping for release from programmed fears
that hold us captive to junk food mush
coursing the cells of our striving selves
our wills flattened by laws and courts.

to live or be larger than narrowed whims
passed on to us by our gaseous heads
we die at their hands
by suicides hatched by the dim witted
a people too blind to think, reflect
having lost the truth of ourselves.

thus we gaze into glass coffins
hoping to spot the next coming
we'd life to be when discovered
when uncovered by studious researchers
buried with our empty minds
and they assessing who we are.

elegy for a dead ken

rush to my funeral
you would be brothers
come, marching in
bouquets in hand

lay them at the foot of my coffin
peer into the box
protecting my remains

speak your words of praise
while thinking thoughts of shame

i'll listen
won't budge an inch

fear not
jesus won't awake me
hand me back to you with tears

years to come
when you're free as me
buried with the dead 
neath stones chiseled with steel
our names etched and forgotten
we'll meet to fuss, to cuss
to begin again

learning to love each other
for once

*One of the points of the Adam story is that we are not born in Paradise.
-Fr. Thomas Hopko

Thursday, August 22, 2013

woman ascending a staircase

his eyes scoured the night
searching for eyes to heed him
to watch, yet unnoticed his switch
a secret wish his lips held tight
of a woman under wraps of fear
in his masculine cauldron of shame

but, as from a shadowed edge
a place beyond the stage of dance
i caught the play-act of his heart
the one his buddies did not catch:
his woman, free for a moment's glance
as she ascended the royal stairs 
*...what the modern human being cannot accept is forgiveness and grace.  We would rather take our punishment, as it were.  And the Christian God says, "No. I forgive you whether you like it or not."  That's the only fire of hell-this loving forgiveness of God.  That's why Jesus says there is only one unforgivable sin-the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  And what is that?  It is the unwillingness to be forgiven and to forgive.  The proud cannot accept grace.
-Fr. Thomas Hopko
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awaiting liberation

who'd say  it
who'd say that word "liar" out
clenched behind false teeth

biting themselves to avoid release

for it is a lie
spoken with such grace and deliberation
that the detractors fool by the trembling in their throats

what assurance!

i am betrayed
and sulk like soaked peas waiting to be thrown into the pot
a pris'ner of incompetent words and thoughts

a diagram  of dismembered smarts

words were said
their stiletto-style stuck to  subjects without verbs
incomparable sounds against truth

but it's truth i desire

that longs for freedom now
bound in the throats of liars
diverting it to the killing fields

where the lovers of death yet dwell

zombies fixed on harm and shame
and the burden of gross falsification
while i lay here

a bound body

sweating beneath the heat of breath
filled with untruths that slay with skill
awaiting the liberation that truth would bring

even though in prison i die
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while nigglets clown


we await Bethesda-waters to churn
that we might dive in and be healed
but no angel appears to stir the stagnant pond
the pool beside which we stand

we need a hand, a body to drag us in
our crippled limbs too heavy to bear


we journey as if on the dark sie of the moon
where craters bleed and sand dunes blow
pushing the heat from our cooling hearts
forming the chill in our trembling chest

shivers of silence encompass our poisoned minds


a little balm, some simple care, a spark of joy
would brighten the gray side of our minds
guiding the pain of hist'ry hobbling our feet

into that dark mirror we peer
into shadows bouncing black upon the glass
probing the faces that have molded our truth


the multiplication of sorrows soon forgot
rise behind the strained-glass of emancipation-lords
enjoying the circus while nigglets clown 

prison of the mind

the prison in our mind     it's that that draws us round from cemetery to cemetery     from tomb to tomb where our stinking pasts are laid

we long to douse the smoke-clouds hov'ring above the smoldering of our deeds     the garbage pit that yawns as we watch     here we stood attempting to burn the rubbish that taints us     the refuse of sins thought long discarded      in the dump we called "home"

we're like fools in dunce-caps      facing the wall of rejection     twiddling our thumbs waiting for some trapdoor to spring     hurling our vision into bas-relief on the wall of lost grace

like dour virgins posing for a date     we sit staring into cameras that hold our image without a soul     seated and staring into the coated glass     hoping our Mate will ring and lead us to Spring

but will we remain stuck on the hinges of old queries     trapped in the questions that philosophy can't solve as we travel the road hungering for Light 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013



to be 


a way 

to the heart 
of the other 





-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

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a person in five phrases


held in the vise of despair without visions of hope
nails sharpen into swords and the stomach sours
becoming a volcano of spite. yet i walk about normally
with the abnormality of insanity crying for dead dolls
washing their dirty faces to see in a clearer light.
but can Pepto-Bismol coat the sorrows
that already make me blush, that flushes wholeness
into the life i bear, to muster whatever laughter i can bundle
like a hyena after a kill?


i reach through the fog that sits at the center on my mind
and touch whatever of  limbs limp toward the earth
stretching to touch a caring one somewhere in this universe
a prisoner shackled and manacled upon the torture floor
waiting for the CIA to enter and smash the dead soul of me
into some meaningful life so that questions arise.
they see not blood nor hear the stream of screams.
they bruise not humans with a name
but immune, beat those with answers that kill
some self more notable than i
some other more barbaric than they
they say.


the one-color world bothers me.
i look into the eyes of grey and see darkness.
all about are smiling faces with glued expressions
and i am frightened by the sincerity they bring.
the tenor of their conversations is noise
unhealthy at the end of all.


a humming in the atmosphere reminds me of a lost butterfly.
somewhere between a need for freedom and healing
the spir'tual and the mental fall apart.
it needs to return to the flow of life
unable to maintain position o'er the mythical sea.
attacked like children chasing a fleeing ball
it's a slab of flesh destined for abuse
to be chewed upon, then vomited into a trough.
it's how i feel, atrophied: gnawed and discarded.
what is the death in me? regurgitation?
an attempt to reclaim a life
before the surgeon arrives to apply the knife?


i'd like to film the world with water and light
with clapping and exuberant laughs
but my limbs fall limp and my spirit faints
feeling lost among the lonely
fumbling in search of meaningful land. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

eulogy for our dead sons

sound taps! ring the dormant bells! 
wail aloud! burn the buildings down! 
pierce heaven's shield with mourning.
  gather 'round the corpse of the slain 
powdered and painted for a party 
clandom's day of remembrance 
the familiar curse of tears to shed

our cold heroes sleep past dreams; 
froze in the youth, they lay dead.  
all promise ceased with their heart 
hope vanquished at the hour of their passing.  

God hears the weak fists pounding
sees revenge kick ass about town.  
the brothers' lives survive on blood 
rivulets of life dried on a curb. 

tiny notes appear in the press: 
young man killed outside his home.
a numberless death counted by the FBI 
for a report on crime and statistical health.  

fire, then, the shots that "honor" these dead 
and bear one more to the funeral home.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

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Mirrored Man

Look, ye, frightened, mirrored man!

Spy  upon yourself in the glass, starkly,
turning your way and another, away. 

Catch yourself in the course of flight. 

You are many questions running, hiding.
your ghosts won't harm your smile.

Kiss then that you may radiance beam.

They long to hold you lest you scream 
yet fail to because you will. 

Riddles twist within your upright frame 
and upright, your spirit faints at its faults. 

These are the mirrors of your love, 
exposing the shadows of your life.

Notes to a mother whose daughter may marry an Afro-American man

Theirs is a life they have to make together.

The first moth is sex, the rest of life is learning to live with each other.

The couple needs to put each other at the center of their life even or, especially, when children arrive and depart.

In problem situations, talk and listen, listen and talk but don't presume.

Family members should "never" be models for how the couple chooses to live.  They are the only ones who can live their life.

Be true to and with oneself, always.

No marriage is perfect even when they have similar issues.

Blessings on the journey...and forgive.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

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tears know me
not as cascades
but sighs
as moist corners
of glands seeping
yearning to scrub
both eyes clean
clear of dust-filled years
of deep-piled mem'ries
binding emotions
which like muzzled dogs
strain to bark and romp
upon the lea
in freedom's form
chiseled on the heart 
of me

Friday, August 9, 2013

sign on a boarded-up buildingPosted by Picasa
*There is an interaction between seeing and being.  The kind of person you are effects the kind of world that you see.
-Simon Tugwell

prison of the mind

the prison in our mind   it's that that draws us round from cemetery to cemetery   from tomb to tomb where our stinking pasts are laid

we long to douse smoke-clouds hovering above the smoldering of our deeds   the garbage pit that yawns as we watch   here we stood attempting to burn the rubbish that taints us   the refuse of sins thought long discarded in the dump we called "home"

we're like fools in dunce caps facing the wall of rejection   twiddling our thumbs waiting for some trapdoor to spring   hurling our vision into bas-relief on the wall of lost grace  

like dour virgins posing for a date   we sit staring into cameras that hold our image without soul   seated and staring into the coated glass   hoping our Mate will ring and lead us to Spring

but will we remain stuck on the hinges of old queries   trapped in the questions that philosophy can't resolve  as we travel the road hungering for Light

Thursday, August 8, 2013

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What's happening to me?

Why does she hold me like this
treat me like her lover?

I am frightened by the feelings
rushing through my veins
a flare of fire burning in my flesh.

I sweat
and my skin tingles to the touch.

Set me down
lest I pee upon myself
lest my flow should become milk
and I shout in pleasured pain.

Spare me, my future.

Curse me not with doubts.

Let me be child and wrestle
in the grass but not in mind
or upon a troubled heart forever
in search of meaning forever
forever in search of why.

Release me.

Spare me, a child.

I've witnessed Death
  yours and mine 
and Ours throughout Time.

I tremble at our deed 
curse the will that chose the path: 
our path 
our will 
our burden upon the Land 
laying deep in spirits now 
struggling to revive 
to know 
The Hidden Who walked us 
called us in the Garden
giving us Light supreme.

We've killed ourselves 
and them 
and that 
which nurtures us 
for now we're lost again 
a fleeing mass of Want.

Hold me till the New Dawn breaks 
and we birthed 
in Yahweh's Paradise.

Detail from a painting 
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The cross at the side of the house


The cross at the side of the house 
stood straight against the madness within 
a sentinel of promise against the curse   
of Adam stumbling o'er rocks, hiding from God.

Bursts of mea culpas seeped through its walls 
where the mother stood, child 'pon her hip 
awaiting conversions of practice to practice 
lest hope be buried 'neath the Blood of the Lamb.

From the empty shell of a man grown old 
questions arise struggling for answers 
like wasted seed among the weeds on the road 
trampled by hurts and poverty's foot.

Like propped and stunted dwarfs 
their dreams dangle on tomorrow's limbs 
awkward and misshapen visions of must.


The friars vested in virgin faces 
process in green feathers to the altar of God 
celebrating Life in the Theater of Thanks 
dancing with those with a cross in their yard 
and lift up the shadows encircling them 
as the Spirit kisses Bread to nourish the poor.

*The Notice of Always

Within the circle of now
the movement ripples
quietly, to and fro,
washing the past
of pointlessness
cleansing the future
of fear
waking me to notice
what is

-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.
Edwin, girl

Awakening to the face of yourself 
we brush at the door of our meeting 
you shiver at the emerging prospect 
the claims of truth indwelling 
of something found while fleeing 
a treasure of frights rushing toward the light

Death to suicidal illusions
 you've been stabbed enough  

Your room's been aired 
the drapes pulled for the light 
go to your mirrored boudoir 
enter and peer upon yourself 
snap the image while 
crying hold the yes and weep for joy  

Accept your state with gratitude 
know love encoding you 
from knees bruised while doubting 
look up; catch grace dripping from the cross

God has eyes bright open 
reflecting back yourself 
stand then before his mirror 
naked, grateful for the gift 
the feminine smothered within you 
then kiss her; you'll kiss yourself

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

detail from a painting in DetroitPosted by Picasa
into my eyes a door opens
into my face and heart it swings
that into my soul the Breeze might roam
that something fresh might blow  
that the mote of closed-ness fall
 into a ball of nothingness 
that Light burn the hidden dust 
the musty mounds in the darkened space:
reclamation by the Mothering Now 
for habitation by the Eternal King
from the streetPosted by Picasa

yank down the doors and nets of your biased generations

open wide the walls that out-closed innumerable folk

build new reputations on your derogatory inflammations
 and let fresh air experience an unpolluted clime

we're sick from your massive influenzas
your abusive crimes, your employment of demons

the end of the depression is bowing before us
the people long suppressed by "democratic" elections

it's time to forsake your petty term selections
of yourselves as the gods for all "colored-kind"

the souls of the suppressed have escaped being hostage
to your "untainted" minimizations, your inherited lust

let go, let go of the noose around our necks
as you strangle your children who lay down and crawl

how many loved-less ones
are chasing aft affection
where e'er it might be found

in the closet 
on the stage 
in the booby-traps that have been laid

tell me
tell me
where e'er they have hid

fear not
i shall not harm them 
if we meet in the mud
nor curse the lineage of their oblations
to the slime and the grime
or imbecilic crimes

hand me the ledger with their names and fame
i wish to know them
to pass them on
in time

mine's a strange occupation
i know
like the strange aberrations
any one of us holds
strutting about the streets for an instant of fame
15 seconds of nothing
blown with the winds

live Life
live as best as you can
this is all that we have                               in our fabled fairyland

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Detail from an unknown artistPosted by Picasa
*O Death, you come when I had you least in mind.

*Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
-Anon [on a wall]

*A work of art has no existence or function apart form its effect on human observers.
-Marshall McLuhan
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No Black Indians in the museum

As only America can do
the Indians appeared as colored shades of white
pure and uncontaminated

Is it possible that my ancestors changed their skin
while greasing their hair?

Did their pigment slide off after their bath?

Is it possible that their tales were a mirage
as they looked toward the Mason-Dixon line
while marching west toward Nebraska?

Even the naked Amazons were displayed in shorts
lest their brown pricks offend the host

No Black Indians blurred the surrender of Geronimo
in his favored place near the Great White Chief

America must be pure

Keep Blacks far from the History Show
less the casinos remove their support

O God look

Behold the wild-child
now trapped
now tamed
now trained

I weep o'er the caging of him
longing for some wildness
for the innocence of his heart

Saturday, August 3, 2013

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Shades for an evening sun

Like a Black Madonna in a chapel nook 
the black night blends me within itself 
'till I am one with her in her solitude.

The night and I, brothers in our darkness 
as shadows mesh to blacken the spot; 
identity one via the Moorish sky.

Silhouettes shaded for an evening sun 
black lights shining 'gainst the morning rays. 
what drama laying with the Muse of life;

a gray dawn gleaming in the dark, dank site  
with the black words firing on a branding iron 
like ravens jetting toward the Indian corn.

Charcoal smoking in the ordained furnace 
making pitch flow smooth before the eboned altar 
(and the black night's baby in her solitude).

Jazz and a spring bulb

Tombed (Fall!) in the sterile womb 
and dead life from the winter scene-
blanket'd o'er with a fluffy quilt.

Star light and moon light and 
sun light; coolness and chilly 
with the warm heat - 'neath a cancer belt.

Footprints painted on a paper cup; 
and transmigration at the seasoned time 
but dopish, sleeping in the new spring time.

Ambrosia drunk (the god's own dew)-  
staggered - and ermined in the 
Tabor splendor: garmented bright.

"It is good for us to be here."- Voice 
and thunder clouds on a windy day; 
marriage, love and pregnated earth.

Partition! Break and quiescent pain; 
lab'ring joy - (stretched up, a limb); 
this late resurrection - Resurrection! 
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Your carcass lays dispirited
emptied of life
like the bottle in your hand
searching for the Spirit
amidst highs that drown
that cloak your suff'ring
and dull the nightmares
strolling by

You swill with a similar someone
that laughter might rise
and your garbled talk supply
what's missing all the time

Now laying drunk on the ground
you witness to your flight
and the shallowness of brotherhood
bottled against the Light

If Tired were tired
it would fall asleep.
Why do I fight my friend?

When the winds blow
the sand travels on:
those ever-changing dunes!

I drive o'er your shadow
and wrestle with your shade;
I embrace the vapors of your phantom
and kiss the wisp and fade

Thursday, August 1, 2013

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Is freedom a return to bondage?

When from our exile 
we run screamin' and fussin' 
it's not because we hate living 
but that the barbeque is gone.

We sit at the empty tables 
staring across to hollow faces  
wond'ring what happened 
on the fields of the slaughtered.

A depressing state of aloneness
 longing the abandoned Massa 
while starving in the savannas 
near food surrounding water 
awaiting a motive to claim it 
permission to want to live.  

What might we be in Egypt 
where Nile rivulets run sweet 
where frog legs abound for breakfast 
and the Massa makes us clean?  

Is this a place for vision?
Is wisdom worth seizing here? 
Is freedom a return to bondage
when the Lord has set you free?

There is power in that moment 
when truth might cause you bleed 
when visions are looking forward
toward unimagined lands.

Pilate, where are you hiding with washed hands?  The crowd wants blood.  You supply it in abundance as you slip back into the palace.  The guilty may be these but others hide theirs behind the quartered flesh of others.  Is it better that one or two or more die than that truth prevail?