Friday, January 31, 2014

*Voice Lessons

out of a suitable 
silence, a cave,
perhaps, a mist
you come to
the cave
hiding in  loneliness

out of infinite
attention to nothing
or beyond you
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

on the horizon

i ask myself
who will see it
who will notice those cries heard in the night
to be complicit in the crimes outside our door?
will ours be a voice trembling 'neath a dimming bulb
warning that the light we see is dark?

totalitarians love war as if  bread for their tables
blood, the red wine coating their throats
when people disappear, they'll help them hide
because crimes against the struggling are cause for more

we'll  shake our heads when the warning sirens wail
longing that the enemy would learn that we are right
who imagines our sincerity to be tainted?
nothing is more natural than knowing God's on our side

when we smell flesh as the dust rains upon our heads
will the silent torture of convictions spew vomit on the streets?
when The Bomb, our bombs sprinkle the lawns of our villages
will then a whimper rise enough to explore the rubble of despair?

when bodies return wrapped in their symbolic flag
will it be too late to redirect the movie
to cancel the show about dandelions on our lawns
and show the faces that horrified the dreams of our parents
now possessive of our lungs as a suffocating theme?

are we to salute or weep the dead murdered at our hands
for they will be our brothers, our children
our neighbors slain upon the carpeted earth?
then the airy transparency of our majesty
will lay crumbling like a yellowed constitution
released finally from its vacuumed tomb

who will see it
who will notice
complicit in the crimes outside our door
as oblong clouds stretch across the azure sky
as if beds awaiting heads to arrive?

We human beings are so intent on proving ourselves to be gods and goddesses that we end up proving ourselves to be devils.

*Everyone carries within him/herself the imperishable Spirit, the inner Observer of all that goes on in the mind and psyche of humankind and in the operations of our organs of sensation and action.  Because of its presence within the innermost heart, and howsoever veiled it might be through the effects of forgetfulness, it nevertheless still communicates to the soul a thirst for transcendence.
-Victor Danner

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why do you warn your children, "Be careful!"
when you enter my neighborhood?
Don't you see I've lived here all my days
through its dangers, trials, toils, its joys?
Or are we more alike than some?
Cause in your neighborhood
I watch for the boogieman too.


i would NOT feel guilt o'er a tragedy
as sweet revenge enters my heart
dominating my emotional state

i recoil, ashamed
for a moment or so
as a surge of mem'ries feeds my thoughts

coaxing the lingering rage against suppression
pay-back-time caresses me
addicted to long forgotten hurts

oh, to be evil for a flash
to know its lusts
purring like a cat having captured a rat

oh to be rotten to the core for a moment of crime
to believe i'd be happy in this state of soul

"it's life, in her justice, beating the children
with the visitation of crimes their parents obliged"
however faintly my conscience bothers me

then the children of the next generation rise before my eyes
mirroring that adage long spoke down the times
"what goes around, comes around"
comes through my door
making visitation 'pon my children
for the crimes i adore

my thirsty revenge tempers its lust
my smothered conscience recovers its shame

*I think as people get older, it starts to become evident that either they become more developed or they become caricatures of themselves. It seems that many people re suffering form a refusal of the fact that they have to grow.
-Lorraine Kisly

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

sitting with my private self 
within a private room
 i see Myst'ry walking on the air 
and i scream in silence 
as the dark light passes

is mine a call or summons 
a panic-plea, a desp'rate sign? 
who knows as my mouth shuts 
about the soundless wonder
  hollowing my throat

mute, i'm thrown into the dungeon 
of lone communion, where the 
hunger for words is something
  more than for food or fluff
  passed around as super-substantial

this is no carnival, no circus 
where clowns induce laughter 
by falling on their heads

this is blind sanity, incomparable 
madness made sane by seeing, 
the touch of the Invisible holding
 ones attention beyond the skies 
for the viewing of visions
  revealed to the patient-waiters

oh, that i had, i had

i understand why people kill themselves 
coming upon a bridge or meeting a
gun head or heart-on, emptied of hope 
of any chance to change  
to be other than another's thought of them 
to drag the burden of immutability about their feet 
shackling the reputation of their very self 
as if the other were god, any god 
and they, one bad angel loose on the world 
of their making and unmaking 
while the sinless ones hide well their transgressions 
their thoughts, their feats, their transgressions of mind 
their honey-covered flesh enough to be innocent
in the general judgment of the guilty

how i wish i had, i had done 
what's supposedly i have done 
deeds so bad that injustice is necessity 
and sign of inclusion for the pure of heart
  rejected as a concession out of hand

oh that i had, i had, to muster up a smile
  having accomplished something with pride
  exposing the accuser's sins 
frozen in convenient truths and lies

*Behind every story is a story.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Your Fire
burns brush. 
The forests blooms.

it is your face
your face that draws
and i yearn to touch

then you
all of you
as if a magnet
pulling me to steel
melts us into passion
burning  love

*Palliative care is equipped to manage most patients' physical pain, but the suffering of dying encompasses much more.  It includes the pain of unfinished business, the letting go of attachments to people and places, as well as to ourselves and our lives.
-Rebecca Sachs Norris

*The state hat gives me life is the gate that gives me death.  Only a few understand this intuitively.
-Lao Tzu

Sunday, January 26, 2014

*...the pain we  feel at a given moment is more real than the pain we may endure in the future.  This earth with all its charms and beauty is after all the earth of the "exiles of Eve."
-Czeslaw Milosz


the commander's head 
filled with empty dreams 
of a special joy

bobbing in anxious tones
over dead men's bones 
being carried home.

midst shattered nerves 
and tainted hope 
hyped by the illusions  

of a superficial faith 
into empty feelings  

of noisy drunks.
nervous throats 
coughed discomfort  

as if toxic smoke 
from aborted hope 
lay' o'er the graves  

of these recent dead. 
bearing in himself 
the burden of squandered hope

he shuffled to depart 
gathering his notes 
like scattered jacks.

poised to depart 
the monotony of those 
clothed in the earth

a nervous switch of irony 
greets him at the exit door:
a patient parent pleading

he'd bring their children home 
outside flag-draped tombs 
and preferably close to whole.

Friday, January 24, 2014

*...perhaps we make a mistake if we take the definitions of who we are, legally, to be adequate descriptions of what we are about.  Although this language may well establish our legitimacy within a legal framework ensconced in liberal versions of human ontology, it does not do justice to passion and grief and rage, all of which tears us from ourselves, bind us to others, transport us, undo us, implicate us in lives that are not our own, irreversibly, if not fatally.
-Judith Butler

our house is on fire.
  can't you smell the smoke?
  toxins are blazing
 poisoning the sky.

gawkers stare at each 
other guessing at what's
 beyond the flames.
  curiosity turns judgmental

 as they press to see
 puss oozing from beneath the doors
 a fragrance mixed with dust.
  alleluias lay silent in the gray

 awaiting the brigade
 to douse the raging flames.
   whatever rises sounds of doom
 mournful as voices wail

  for respite from the torrential fall
 of curses lifted to the sky.
  where oh where are the savior-gods
 who led us to this apocalyptic now?

  if only they'd open the gates
 trying to flee their gilded cage
 and set us free from the promises made
 yes set us free from the tomb they've built.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sucking every bone of You
every joint, all marrow
like a man hungry for food
empty-belly, starving
with pig feet in his mouth
and chicken feet in hand
am I for you, O Lord

The smell of You, the taste for You
gluts the glands of my soul
into saliva, sweet, dripping
languishing for a bit of You

Sin doesn't oppress me. I oppress myself by my sin.

Break me down, Lord, and all the barricades I set up between You and me.  I want to approach You, not with caution but with open throttle.  In me are road-blocks, detouring my route to You.  If  I but move them from the highway of my life, I'd drive straight to You.  What's outside me is not enough to stop me from driving past You.  The crosses, words, bells, sacraments, Church must be settled within me.

How many of us never give milk because no one pats our leather hide!

Monday, January 20, 2014


dare drink

then laugh aloud
higher and harder with each ingestion
each swallowing
and gracious off'ring of the Word

be communicant
sharing thoughts with the thoughtful
a guide to spirits with The Spirit
the Wholly-Thoughtful Jokester-Foolish

one would have thought thunder broke
as the iron fagots twisted and shattered
blessing the fracture of self-adherence
with tears gathering for the healing
the invitation to The Dance
engagement in The Party

*Waiting for Warmth

the water is running
 as I stand before the mirror
waiting for it to warm
to wash, shave and comb my hair

waiting, too, for something else
a coldness in me to go
in the light of a love
that won't run out as I grow old

in this winter a stillness stirs
my eyes pool 
a spring clears my way
washing me with tears 
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Racism USA

I see changes coming
but fear, if we forget,
the kind of people we've already been

Behind our smiles of comradeship
social accommodations are easily breached
and the return to bias is conveniently brief

Scapegoating rises easily from our souls
with simple gestures and rapt remembrance:
a familiar tale will toss us back
to patterns germinating within our flesh

One nagging itch
releases the venom of the past
warming our memories
gathering the fragments of hate

Carnival masks are dusted, donned 
patched and polished to spite;
facades, reshaped, hide our face
guarding our eyes lest they show our ugliness

Racism is the easiest cover-up of national sin
once we're convinced that every one's in

*Anti-Semitism is also an expression of a lack of talent, an inability to win a contest on equal terms -  in science or in commerce, in craftsmanship or in painting.  States look at the imaginary intrigues of World Jewry for explanations of their failure.

At the same time anti-Semitism is an expression of the lack of consciousness of the masses, of their inability to understand the true reasons for their suffering.  Ignorant people blame the Jews for their troubles when they should blame the social structure or the State itself.  Anti-Semitism is also, of course, a measure of the religious prejudices smoldering in the lower levels of society.
-Vasily Grossman

Thursday, January 16, 2014

water scene


you smile
edging toward the ledge 
you tease Death 
laughing into the deep 
tempting Neptune to kidnap you 
to grab you a diver 
at no risk no pain 
an explorer with sleep to gain


shall i leap into the water 
ask the sea be my mother 
or should i sit on the rock 
and relish its stability 
till the typhoon flies 
or a branch brings peace

We write back and forth
with greetings of friendship 
unsure our bonding 
while longing for one

Our smile is broad 
upon receiving a letter 
but wait we will
till our eyes spy the other

We melt into our ages 
our flesh altering with time 
doing the predictable everyday
till a face stands at our door

A stranger-friend rings from the porch 
awaiting a reply, an opened door 
unsure of our bonding 
while longing for one

So how shall I smile 
unsure our our bonding 
peering through that face 
since the longing is gone

*Human history is not the battle of good struggling to overcome evil.  It is a battle fought by a geat evil struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness.  But if what is human in human beings has not been destroyed even now, then evil will never conquer.
-Vasily Grossman 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

upon seeing you in a photograph

i your smallness, lost between the giants
your face conceals its joy
your lips block its smiles

i'm sad spotting myself in you
my journey plotted clear in yours
 which is and is yet to come

i hope a scenic trip for you
with flowers in your eyes
the sun, your companion brother
singing within your face

i hope a song will form
and escape through your cavernous lips
the tingle of freedom uncovered
and firing up your feet
your body wildly welcoming
the awe of an awakened child

i'll watch and wait by the river
expecting  you to cross

*Wherever we are, whoever we are, the responsibility for the integrity and beauty of our personalities cannot be shirked.  I must get up each morning, take life into my own hands, and put my distinct, unique, and unrepeatable stamp on it.  I must freely decided to create the mood of the day rather than let circumstances and conditions of the day rule my life.  With my spirit, the breath of God in me, I will transform the raw matter of my life and form the raw matter of my life and make it beautiful.  That is my human vocation and my moral duty.
-William McNamara, ocd

Monday, January 13, 2014

Catechism 101

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*When the social position of the artist was that of an artisan or a super-crafts person, the spirit of competition acted as a stimulus.  Today the position of the artist has changed.  They are no longer valued as the producer of their work, but for the quality of their vision and imagination as expressed in their work.  They are no longer a maker of art: they are an example of a human, and it is their art which exemplifies them.  This is true at an appreciative and philosophical level even under capitalism, where works of art are are treated on the market like any other commodity.  In the artist's new role there is no place for comparative competition.  One cannot properly compete to be a representative of Humankind.  It is the contradiction between this truth and the dominance of the art market over all art production which destroys so much talent and creates so much confused desperation among artists in the capitalists countries.
-John Berger[gender modified]


Is this what Truth is:
a disguise behind words
a life hid under cloaks?
Is there no truth to be spoke
beyond life lived in disguise
parading behind masks
prancing 'round maypoles
as if a pillar of fire?

O that un-truths were vaginal: 
un-poked, sewn, strapped to appear as whole! 
We humans speak with twists 
contrived nuances chiseled into lies. 
But we are what we are: 
broken, bent, contorted 
hiding behind goodness 
lest we meet God 
and drop our props 
bearing Truth cause She's more pure 
than any money at hand 
or fecal stench exiting our bowels.

Truth seeks to breathe free
that lies by stagnation will die.
The noble speakers' task will be
the pursuit of Truth that She'll run free.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

...that prayer i was to say
my kneeling before The Space
empty of words, feelings, thoughts
hollow of meaning and meaningfulness

i was to be at prayer
full of hope that The Ear would open
to my confession of sin
my sin, full-nest resting in my breast
birthing wrongs that  fly
both day and night

i was to pray
that The Transformer would cast a miracle
and change my eggs
into a fighting gift of aliveness toward Him
that i would move beyond locked-in-hereness
that some new sum of me might mature
that some one more Christian than my wobbly self
might emerge from the woods

and i am here present
kneeling before the Father
at the soft bed of my weakness
and the cold heart of my flesh
that plugged ears might open
 and the doors of me fling wide

i pray for conversion
like Paul in his desert
for hard scales to tear from my eyes
my devilish way of seeing
my futile way of viewing

i pray and plead
confess and implore
that some new me be born
and Easter rise again

Thursday, January 9, 2014

*Love, in the divine sense, is the giving of one's whole being to another, and when we say that God is love we mean that God gives God's entire infinite Self to every single object of God's love, to every creature that God has made. Of course the gift is received in varying degrees by different creatures as the light of the sun, shed with equal brilliance upon all parts of the earth, is reflected more perfectly by a mirror than by a brick. Humankind can reflect God's love more perfectly than an animal. To reflect it with absolute perfection, one would have to be God.  But while the degrees of reception differ, the gift is always infinite in fullness.  To humankind and to atom, to star-cloud and to earth, to sun and to snow crystal, to mountain and to worm, to sage and to food, to saint and to sinner, God, to whom size and number offer no obstacle, gives eternal and inescapable union with God's very Self.  For in God to exist, to create, to love and to redeem are all one pure and simple act; they are God's Self.  And the gift of union with God's own Self is the Logos, the eternal Word, incarnate in history and incarnate in the souls and bodies of people as Christ.
-Alan Watts

*Self Portrait

I am
fallen from a frame
too tight to welcome
wonder and without
to wait until nothing
resting on a silence
to perform
for the first time
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tell me one time

Tell me one time
that God like black
just one time
that God like black

Black feel like a sore
like black and blue
like a scab yanked from a bleeding wound
Black feel rejected
like folk shuttered from ones face
like pigs skinned to kick about
Black feel like daggers carried about at night
like criminal dens sheathed in the dark
Black feel like society's perpetual dis-ease
like a sneaky plague slipping neath ones door
Black feel like a mood, hogging a fog
a murderous attitude that engulfs a room
Black feel like a cruel humor choking a groom
that demeaning jokes to laugh one off
Black feel like the color of bills
like suspect-dealings in a market of thrills
Black feel like a check-mark made by the raising of hands
designating one guilty when the guilty have fled
Black feel like magic
where a wizard turns every thing white
with words the color of the ace of spades
Black feel like the widow's kiss
her hourglass measuring the speed of death
Black feel like choice memorial rot
carved in stone to pacify ones thoughts

Black is many tales and fears
passing through some story-teller's mouth
but tell me this:
does God like Black?
Do people who are black
have one caring friend?
Just tell me this that no matter what
there is a God that chooses black

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Before Black was beautiful

In this land where color matters
where monies control ones worth and toil
a lost child, nude and photogenic
wandered about looking for himself.

Being a man before his private hairs budded
some phase of him having been abandoned
he quizzed the mirrors reflecting race,
faces of people more acceptable than his
not locked in a thousand jails-terms repeated
not a cache of bones cast aside as trash.

Who'd understand his psychotic frustrations
his fingering of figments and fragments of youth
the brown of him both burden and curse?

Dark feelings of rejection flavored this presence;
what's vulnerable guided his search for home.
Living in anger stoked flames, consuming peace;
the scorched spot in his heart being love cremated.

Calloused and ill, he longed for freedom.
His tears never freed his burdened self
a mannequin controlled by a ventriloquist's fist.

But look!
A sliver of light brightens up his face.
His brown flesh shivers neath a milky smile
for someone said his skin is lovely.
Thought he half-believes they're addressing him
his body shimmers with a sense of worth.

*The meaning of the simply that we do not have to attain union with God.  Humanity does not have to climb to the  infinite and become God, because, out of love, the infinite God descends to the finite and becomes  human.  Despite humanity's refusal of God, despite our pride, our fear, our helpless and hopeless involvement in the vicious circle of sin, God's nature unalterably remains love-the agape which consists in giving oneself wholly and without reservation to the beloved.  Therefore the eternal Word, the Logos, becomes flesh, making our nature his nature; he assumes our limitations, suffers our pains and dies our death.  More than this, he bears the burden of our sins: that is, he remains in union with us even though we crucify him and spit on him; he continues to dwell within us and to offer, or sacrifice,our lives to God even though we commit every imaginable form of depravity.  In short, God has wedded Itself to humanity, has united Its divine essence with our inmost being "for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health" for all eternity, even though we elect to be damned.

If I ascend up into heaven, you are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there also.

All that remains for us to do is to say, "Yes-Amen" to this this tremendous fact, and this is still within the power of our fallen nature.  Our motive for saying it, however perverted by pride and fear, makes not the least difference, because the fact is the fact: we have been given union with God whether we like it or not, want it or not, know it or not.  Our flesh has become God's flesh, and we cannot jump out of our own skins. And once we realize the futility of our pride, that we can neither ascend to God nor, by reason of pride, prevent God's descent to us, the proud core of our of egoism is simply dissolved-overwhelmed by God's love.
-Alan Watts

*The more you protest against life, the more bogged down you get in it.  That's a truism.  The problem is how to leave the earth behind, rise up and go further.
-Ilya Kabakov

Sunday, January 5, 2014

In the spirit of prayer

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*When Sister Death arrives, we'll be ready.  She's the only way to go.

*All of our heroes have mud on their feet.

An open file

Mine's an open file:
Antietam and Gettysburg raging within me
I'm a slave vying to break free
but war wages 'tween the blue and grey

Napalm falls, scorching my memory
shocking it with awe
to frustrate justice by denials

This war seems perpetual
embedded in the quagmire of hist'ry
smothered 'neath pretence and forgetting
lest revenge ignites pages
where the history of Blacks lay dormant

I don't know
I just don't know what to do
or how...
I know Lincoln doesn't speak
nor sleep around here
Booth's gun is my heart
loaded and ready to fire
wild, into the wilderness

To ward off envy, I'll shoot to kill
but who will die before I'm skilled

I need forgiveness
perhaps self-forgiveness
while hungering for justice
but fear my anger won't get none
not even an enemy's, perhaps

*The function of the Incarnation is to unite humankind as individuals with God as God, without "confusion of natures."  Human nature does not become divine in the process, but perfectly human, for when Spirit is in union with created nature it does not overwhelm it but perfects it.
-Alan Watts

Thursday, January 2, 2014


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Parousian shout

From their fanfare of shock
rising from the rich o'er the poor
the strong o'er the weak
will be a roar of praise
the underlings alone can mouth
a day of renewal and acclamation
of huggings and embrace
when the down'll be up
and the high-flung thrown into doubt
wondering "How could this be
when all my labors were for You
even though they suffered for the love of You
when all my claims were for staking You
for giving You reign o'er the terrorists of earth
o'er the realm of the Fiend;
how could this be?"

Ah, praise there'll be
that heaven will ne'er tire to hear
cause all the strong and rich
the grand upon the earth
will be drawn into its arms
by the victims of their might
by their pains to rid the land
of the dregs of Adam's sin.
The Sin will have been them
brought through the Golden Gate
by the forgiveness of the pained
and the blood of the Lamb.

leave the town you roam in

a long-time blind
a long-while dead

leave the town you roam in

don't look back
never return
grab no morsel
the Past you've left

there, poison is food
and you were drugged 
your eyes boarded 
your feet bound 

leave the town you roam in

keep stepping on 
flee with the wings of Freedom 
your eyes have been purged 
your health restored 
your limbs swing free 
your thoughts sing renewed

leave the town you roam in

out into the darkness 
turn toward the Light 
recover your dignity 
let Joy rule your life

leave the town you roam in