Friday, July 31, 2015


The lone ones crawl through tunnels searching for light
repeating the routes the brave ones traversed

With heads out front and unsure of their footing
they move on their knees to what the journey presents.

As their eyes suck in the darkness
night weaves a wrap for their retinas to hold.

Their voices long for ears other than their own
and silenced-sounds surrounding their thrones.

Unaware that their freedom is a few bends ahead
where fresh-air pours in under the canopy of night
they stop to die in the box that's home
gift-wrapped, bowed and parceled, Sent.

*Jesus is the trigger in the trap that brings down those values and principles upon which our systems stand. He forces us to re-think our relationship to the divine, religion and the state.
*Silence can be such a sweet sound.

*Democracy cannot be "promoted" on top of a a mountain of corpses.
-Asef Bayat

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blaming escapades

We'd like to save ourselves
but can't

We blind ourselves to our escapades
escaping, if possible, our original dis-grace

We fall deeper into the ancient hole
dug eons ago while fleeing first

It's tragedy we long
Responsibility we set aside

Felix culpa we sing at Easter time
yet quickly suppress the message therein

wrapping all in blaming tones
unable to listen to our own

With difficulty we accept ourselves
and the pathetic state of our kind

but if we would responsibly say Yes
our present stumbling would occasion grace

*Studying your own experience demands more bravery; you never know exactly what you might discover.
  -Carol Shields

*I just think too many women, and men too, arrive at old age without having touched their authentic self.
  -Carol Shields

*I think love is the basic building block.  It's your basic molecule.  Why else would we make an effort to be sort of good in the world and with one another, if it weren't for this kind of mystical connection that holds us together?  Why else would we do it?
  -Carol Shields

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A hole in the heart

There's a hole in the heart
where dark secrets keep
a cave where ghoulish tales hold.

Sin stalks the bat-caverned way
with fecal droppings perfuming the air.
There, Jesus huddles, stoking a fire.

 *We human beings are so intent on proving ourselves to be gods and goddesses that we end up proving ourselves to be devils.

*Living in the illusion of our professional importance.

*Humanity was before humans were.

*He just finds life too wonderful to give up easily.
  -Timothy Findley

*I think you reach a plateau of spiritual contentment through love - and only through love.
  -Peter C. Newman

*Spiritual strength among employees will be invaluable if businesses hope to become competitive, productive, and happy places....Standard full-time jobs and traditional corporate culture are disappearing.  People who work will need to find spiritual resources within themselves if they and their businesses are to prosper. Workers will have to find contentment in themselves, rather than simply buying into the corporate race.
  -Peter C. Newman

*I don't know  how pursuing a more spiritual life is going to work out in the end, but it would be absurd not to try.
  -Peter C. Newman

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

annual pilgrimage to the shrine of Martin

the shrine's been built 
the banners are out
they're cummin'
the media's cummin'

they're cummin' with exhalation's ecstasy
orgiastic reportage in praise of the dead
ev'ry niggra hidden is set on stage
before the ev'ning news, 'tween 9 and 10
preyed upon to bolster pride
a display of guilt for Negroes to see
ancient murders recast to stir us to "when"

displayed, held captive
Eminem stands chanting their praise
while Tupac's discontent is quieted for the weak

but all imperialism of talk strangles us
we're shadows dancing on the walls of exclusion
expats parading in a massive charade
demonstrations of solidarity as the structures collapse
affirmative action proclaims our day is done
the scaffolds dismantled that helped us on the way

thus we are yet niggers
slaves inflating on the American Dream
for all is falling at the sound of each clap
the mule and 40 still taking their nap

*...would you want to go on being yourself forever?
  -Robertson Davies

*You should never rule out any possibility.  The scientists are always discovering something is possible they didn't think was possible.
  -Robertson Davies

* one of the great mainsprings of life.
  -Robertson Davies

Monday, July 27, 2015

Stark-naked primitive
earth child frighteningly free
scouring the ground for betel nuts:
a hairless mute
with his butt toward the sky
sniffing about for freedom.

The hum, the buzz
the odor of the common distracts him
long-sighteningly shuffling for food
like hogs rooting for grub.

His is the culture of masters
humused pilgrims vying for India
Puritans assured of new field-findings
bringing Jesus bound on the ships of England
a pressing a desire to imitate Christians.

Is this the faith of imbeciles?

There's an echo of longing therein
a lurching for some lost dream
some untame-able vision
that's here beyond words
or the clothing of the righteous.

The naked truth at the tip of his nose
the dung-yard dirt lacing his nails
these repeat the tale of pilgrims
of those determined, trekking to Compostela 
of reclaimed nudes begging at the Gate
where Lazarus gazes sadly at Abraham.

Is ours the faith of imbeciles?

Where's the tip of our nose
the echo in our soul?
Will we show India our filthy nails?
Will Lazarus greet us at her door?
What will we say?
What will we be?
Will we be...

Yes!  Yes!  Yes! 

 for what?

*...humans won't ever understand everything.
  -Robertson Davies

*Too many Christian churches focus on social work and too many religions behave as if humans are  Lord of Creation and everything else is subject to them.
  -Robertson Davies

*An excess of zeal to do good to others is bad stuff.
  -Robertson Davies

Friday, July 24, 2015

he leapt into ecstasy
fire drawing Francis into Itself

Love wrapped him in red
seraph wings fluttering bright
as if a discov'ry entered their heart

thus they danced into swooning
the embrace of Christ piercing his flesh
signing him a crucified

*...confession is good for the soul.
  -Evelyn Lau

*'s observable that a bad background doesn't necessarily mean a bad outcome.
  -Robertson Davies

*...evil is like a force that can act through a person.
  -Robertson Davies

*Christianity has had very remarkable effects, and has worked very well in certain ways, but I think the time has come when we've  got to recognize there's a side of existence the Christian church has been shutting out for 2,000 years: half the human race.
  -Robertson Davies

*...humans won't ever understand everything.
  -Robertson Davies

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

the burden of conflict

i'm sick and tired of conflict
conflict tears my soul
my head knots and pulsates
an ache shivers my bones

anxiety pressures my heart beat
and the beating feeds my fears
my vision grows distorted
and distortion twists my heart

nightmares disturbs my sleep
no sleep frazzles my nerves
my mood shifts to sour
depression has found a friend

antsy becomes my response
which begins to taunt my mouth
and before i know what's happened
i'm fighting, baring my fists

angry with myself
i'm angry with the other
and the fear of pounding another
drives me to harm the cat

i see that this is madness
the cat, the man, the fight
transference clouds the issue
the issue is myself

so i dump the plot of victimness
take my crap into my hands
bear the burden of my weakness
leave the conflict for the dead

the circle of life gets vicious
each one has problems enough
and one more conflict won't help us
conflicts can tear us apart


*Our personalities and individualities, with our dysfunctions, make life interesting, frightening and humorous.  No wonder God loves us.

*When Sister Death arrives, we'll be ready.  She's the only way to go.

*All of our heroes have mud on their feet.    

Tuesday, July 21, 2015



working for Pentecost
with its "bitter" words off fiery tongues
from dross burners of withered dreams
is to await the Dove at midnight coming
pounding at the door of our encrusted hearts
cracking the walls around our precious life

Blood will look for blood
wanting ev'ry inch, ev'ry breath we take
to slit open our gut for a covenantal sacrifice
emptying our heart of the brazier of life

God'll whisk us safety-free for the Church's sake
to hum flaming music into waxened ears
to proclaim in symphonic loony-tunes the sacred word
corrupting the values of the surrounding crowd

like mused, shredded and discarded notes
a misfit desperado off'ring the illusion of health
they'll toss us out like a disgraced doll
defamed disciples of Incarnate Love


will God be revealed when you spread-wide the Dove
if the illusions you unmask are good for ones health

serve then the paradoxes of the Subversive One
set free the slaves to the salves against health


staying healthy will slay us, living we will die
the health of our living is in the living we allow die 

Some words of Laurence Gough:
*The most selfish thing you can do is forgive.  I think freedom's found in forgiveness.

*With parenting, everyday is a wonderful opportunity to fall flat on your face.

A thought from Evelyn Lau:
...confession is good for the soul.

Friday, July 17, 2015

a long question

one more faithlessness!

one more faithlessness!

is it hope against oneself
against ones taste for self-destruction
against You and ev'ry peace offered
against prohibitions we rail against
and ev'ry drop of Life pouring
through our vows of repentance
against Your bottomless gift of grace
and all Love that is You
against The Against toward which we run
though its nothingness is obvious
even as we thrust ourselves against You
falling into wretchedness
mocking goodness as control
stumbling in our search for You, The Good?

O Most For Me and All
snatch us lest we fail again
and be against You and our all-against
again and again forevermore

*The Emerging Mystics(con't):

-I like mystery.  But I don't like secrets.
 Sylvia Fraser

-You put yourself through mental gymnastic so you can go to the performance with as clean a    psychological state as you possibly can.  But I actually cannot make a spiritual experience happen.
 Loreena McKennit

-I believe in God in probably the same way my dog does.
 Farley Mowat

-We're living on a a continent where we are obsessed with being in power, rather than being in love.
  Barry Lopez

-Some notions of divine creativity seem to be images of something that comes from above, with some  kind of magic wand.  I much prefer the idea that it comes from an earthly place that is full of  sexuality and sensuality.
 Nick Bantock 

-I read a lot of existentialist literature in the fifties...  One of its ideas was the concept of the absurd,  that things didn't make sense.  That is completely repugnant to me.
 Alex Colville

-Love is the basic building block.  It's your basic molecule.
 Carol Shields

Thursday, July 16, 2015


We have arrived
but no one knows where to
just that the press about us is tempered
with other news swirling about us.
There's always something wrong
some suspicion that'll attract attention:
too good, too rich, over-sexed, too Black
acceptable with and edge to be trimmed.

Our men merit prison still
while DNA's confess us innocent of crimes
violent one committed before justice became scientific
but well after the jails were built.
Who'll expose the victimized of then
or hand these the last paycheck owed to them?

Our Condoleezza's and Powell's deflect our niggratude
toward something akin to fashion, American-style.
In forty-years we've made amazing strides
enough to disclaim their kind from us
each standing on her own, Clarence Thomas at their side.

An amazing group we are
to slave decades into nothin'
that no one owes us nothin';
having reached the top
that murder's our path to the bottom.

Our deaths are often violent
practicing what our genes learned long ago.
The Greeks knew nothing of comedy
for our tragedies are the humors of the court.

We praise the Lord for His goodness
cause once the tide has changed
we'll recognize ourselves again: 
great entertainers with humor
niggers till our dying day. 

*The emerging mystics:

-The new spirituality will be first and foremost an experience of creative energy and inspiration.
  Nicholas Berdyaev

-You get this overwhelming sense of how small you are in the Arctic.  You can't ignore the fact you're only a part of a vast whole.  And it wants you.  It's not there for you.  We're there for it.
Timothy Findley

-The idea is not merely to believe in spiritual intuitions, but to rely on them.
  Peter C. Newman

-In ritual space, the competition disappears.
  Robert Bly

-I would like to end up sitting on the end of my grave and saying, "Well, I didn't win the Noble Prize, and I didn't win the Pulitzer Prize but I won the Refrigerator Award.
Robert Fulghum

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What do you gain by winning the world but destroying yourself?
-Mark 8:36

gargoyles watch the corners of our lives

1. Home-front

vigilantes guard the empty streets
with guns in hand, poised to shoot the shadowed ghosts

creative initiators of  group think
their "secret" codes summon comrades to arms
their eyes watching strangers passing by

insiders pass inspection by winking their eyes
(they're the ones with guns fixed at your head)

big brother peeps o'er our shoulders without shame
eyes staring at us as a warning, trained
to pounce on words deemed illegal and claimed
ready to drag enemies to the cages of the condemned

it's freedom that must be preserved at the price of condemnation
freedoms founded on judaic-christian imperialistic codes
laws, once decent, now packaged to exclude
with selective suppression to preserve the status quo

2. War-front

bring home the bodies aerated by bullets
informing the nation of their noble cause
they died to break the systems of demonic dominance
confronting the enemy to view life through their eyes
unaccepted were their efforts at promoting equality
they sealed their efforts by firing their guns

3. Church-front

upon cathedral corners sit gargoyles sporting smiles
grotesque and comical, inviting a quest

why do the nations rage, sending their young to war
while the initiators of conflict rest blanketed in their beds?

though wars are won one dead soldier at a time
the knights are guarded by gargoyles of stone
their names erased as we trod upon their graves

*The New Ancients

-For nothing worthy proving can be proven
nor yet disproven; wherefore thou be wise
cleave ever to the sunnier side of doubt
and cling to Faith beyond the forms of Faith
                                   Alfred, Lord Tennyson

-There are no rules. This is what gets me in trouble with certain members of the Christian community. I really don't think it's about rules.
                                                Bruce Cockburn

-I don't want a God who is a parent who might kick me out of the house.
                                                                                           Lynn Johnston

-I'm weak on my own.  I think everybody is.
                                            Susan Aglukark

-The gospel is about trying to incarnate a love which is both radical and not stupid.
                                                                                                             Ann Copeland

-I'm not here just to while away the time.  And it's a waste of time to just chase money.
                                                                                                              Tony Hillerman

-What is it that makes a human being go?  It is energy. And the physicists tells us that energy never vanishes.  So when the body is worn out and dies, where does the energy go?
                                                                                              Robertson Davies

Monday, July 13, 2015

When people are saying, "Peace and security", then sudden disaster comes upon them like pain upon a woman in labor, and they will not escape.
                                                                                                                                                                                               -1 Thessalonians 5:3

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
a copy-cat mickey-mouse way of living
where ev'ry mall repeats another
and we kill ourselves striving to look alike
"God, spare the world this imitative curse"

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
informers with a patriotic scent
stir toilets to analyze ingredients therein
where ev'ry enemy of mine will be theirs
and I'll be suspect when i finger their friends

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
protective pulp circles the fearful seed
and like religious kitsch fills its emotional needs
moments of humor are primed by sitcoms
the last laugh for all being History's ghost

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
the poor are snuffed, intellectuals spurned
the arts are targeted as corrupters of youth
the military machine drives the minds of most
distinguishing not between friend or foe

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
peace and security no one can give
when your mind's not free and your spirit's chained
for fear smothers freedom, love frees one up
the kingdom of the human always tragically ends

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom

*Thoughts of some doubters:

-Modest doubt is the beacon of the wise.
William Shakespeare

-It doesn't seem to me that doubt is the opposite of faith.  Doubt is an integral part of faith.
John Irving

-I don't want to believe if it's not true.  I want evidence.
Paul Verhoeven

-I don't want to come across like a saint here - because I'm not, I can be a jerk - but I think the best thing you can do is to forgive.  The most selfish thing you can do is forgive.
Laurence Gough

-I take issue with poets who say some days it just descends from the clouds in inspiration.  I really dislike the idea that you're just being a conduit for a larger force that is doing all the work for you.  I mean it is such hard work.
Evelyn Lau

-To witness sane and in every regard respectable individuals experiencing direct rapport with the divine fills one with either fear, which finds its natural outlet in disbelief, or envy.
Wade Davis

-I can't imagine life without curiosity.
Douglas Coupland

Saturday, July 11, 2015

i sit here funky
in a not so easy easy-chair
tried, back aching
thigh pulsing, bowels un-moving
waiting to awake enough
to read or stand or walk about
while thoughts and problems
pester my mind

i'm tired more that an ox circling an immobile stake
grinding corn of which it cannot partake

am i sick of conscientiousness
conscious enough to do something like
form a club, write a letter
go ballistic, be depressed
something on a Monday afternoon
listless in the summer heat
listening to myself complain
about this and that

where is God when you need God
as if needs the only use for "being God"?

perhaps i'll feel better
once my constipation's gone
and i am up and about
spirited again

*Thoughts of some atheists:

-That which has been believed by everyone always and everywhere has every chance of being false.
                                                                                                                                            Paul Valery

-In a sense all my work is about a search for values, or a code of honor, that one can live by.
                                                                                                                       Mordecai Richler

-The only thing I hold against my that he was an atheist until he found out he was dying.  Then he turned into a major coward, and went back to the Catholic fold.
                                                                                             W.P. Kinsella

-Raven is the force that keeps the world turning.  Raven is a demigod who does nothing inadvertently.  He goes through eternity turning over rocks to see what's underneath.
Bill Reid

-I think love is the obligation you have to give relationships meaning.
                                                                                               June Rule

-I find the whole pageant of life and evolution just wonderful.
                                                                          Robert Munsch

Friday, July 10, 2015

on the horizon

i ask myself
who will see it
who will notice those cries heard in the night
to be complicit in the crimes outside our door?
will ours be a voice trembling 'neath a dimming bulb
warning that the light we see is dark?

totalitarians love war as if bread for their tables
blood, the red wine coating their throats
when people disappear,  they'll help them hide
because crimes against the struggling are cause for more

we'll shake our heads when the warning sirens wail
longing that the enemy would learn the we are right
who imagines our sincerity to be tainted?
nothing is more natural than knowing God's on our side

when we smell flesh as the dust rains upon our heads
will the silent torture of convictions spew vomit on the  streets?
when The Bomb, our bombs sprinkle the lawns of our villages
will then a whimper rise enough to explore the rubble of despair?

when bodies return wrapped in their symbolic flag
will it be too late to redirect the movie
to cancel the show about dandelions on our lawns
and show the faces that horrified the dreams of our parents
now possessive of our lungs as a suffocating theme?

are we to salute or weep the dead murdered at our hands
for they will be our brothers, our children
our neighbors slain upon the carpeted earth?
then the airy transparency of our majesty
will lay crumbling like a yellow constitution
released finally from its vacuumed tomb

who will see it
who will notice
complicit in the crimes outside our door
as oblong clouds stretch across the assure sky
as if beds awaiting heads to arrive
pretending they were alive?

*...even the most avowedly nonreligious person still, in their deeper being, shares in a religious oriented behavior.
-Mircea Eliade

*The unconscious activity of modern humans ceaselessly presents us with innumerable symbols, and each of them has a particular message to transmit, a particular mission to accomplice, in order to ensure or re-establish the equilibrium of the psyche.
-Mircea Eliade

* is through symbols that humans find their way out of our particular situation and "open ourselves" to the general and the universal.  Symbols awaken individual experience and transmute it into a spiritual act, into metaphysical comprehension of the world.
-Mircea Eliade

Thursday, July 9, 2015


i would NOT like to feel guilty o'er a tragedy
as sweet revenge enters my heart
dominating my emotional state

i recoil, ashamed for a moment or so
as a surge of mem'ries feed my thoughts

coaxing the lingering rage against suppression
pay-back-time caresses me
addicted to long forgotten hurts

oh, to be evil for a flash
to know its lusts purring like a cat 
having captured a rat

oh to be rotten to the core for a moment of crime
to believe i'd be happy in this state of soul

"it's life, in her justice, beating the children
with the visitation of crimes their parents obliged"
however faintly my conscience bothers me

then the children of the next generation rise before my eyes
mirroring that adage long spoke down the times
"what goes around, comes around"
comes through my door
making visitation upon my children
for the crimes i adore

my thirsty revenge tempers its lust
my smothered conscience recovers its shame

*Every human existence is formed by a series of ordeals, by repeated experience of "death" and  "resurrection".
 -Mircea Eliade

*...the majority of people "without religion" still hold to pseudo religions and degenerated  mythologies.
 -Mircea Eliade

*A purely rational person is an abstraction; they are never found in real life.  Every human being is    made up at once of their conscious activity and their irrational experiences.
 -Mircea Eliade

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"Be careful"

Why do you alarm your kids, 
"Be careful!"
when you enter into my neighborhood?

Don't you see
I've lived here all my days
through its dangers, trials, toils and joys
or are we more alike than thought
'cause in your neighborhood
I watch for the boogieman too?

*Death is natural.  Each day is only itself.

*Our great temptation is to not accept being the Father's child and living as one.

*God is not an extra in a movie.  God is the movie and we're the screen upon which God is viewed.  God must be seen in a new way and that way is Love: love of self and of the other as self as well as  God.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Don't know

O God what is it I want:
You or some other substitute
some creature needing faith
while blocking You from the frame?

I don't know at times.
I feel lost and abandoned
out on some prairie
with tornadoes whistling round 
to suck me into their mouths
bearing me where I would not go
with You not being around.

Where should I go to expect to arrive:
to a heaven annexed to hell?

I don't know.
I feel companioned
like a psycho talking to himself
or whatever self can be found.

Touch me as I cry.
Let me know You're around
that I might grab some hope
some pole with a flag of truce
white like people who've damned me
assigned me to non-personhood
those year when that was chic.

Turn toward me.
Kneel beside me at the bedside
there where angels weep
and the moon floats by before i sleep 
in hopelessness
awaiting another day.

Kneel near me and breathe for once.
I need You "to be"
even when I doubt
to break the neck of suicide
as I slide toward hell.

Kneel behind me now
and breathe down my back
like the Spirit who cares.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thomas Who?

Who are you Thomas Flood
Thomas Floyd
Thomas Fludd
who sired three kids
with Sophie Stuart
loved or used?

Where did you hide
that you could rise
to sire a child
when sex was desired?

Did your fam'ly know your underside
or had you learned from their wiles?

Irish they say you were.
 Did you speak with a brogue?
I'll never know.
Did you jump ship
to buy a slave
or is your hist'ry fixed
in Virginia's armament?

Your grandchildren
never saw your face
sat on your lap
played at your place.

You never visited
their alleys shacks
their Georgetown flats
their burial plats.

You disappeared Thomas Flood
fled to havens that kept you hid
but ever on their minds.

Your children hardly knew you
though bearing your name.
I've searched  for you
but found no trace
though it was your red
that covered my head
when I was born
your seed that lightened my flesh
making me "yellow" at birth
bringing Mendel's law full-bloom.

Thanks great-great-great grandpa
your legacy has stretched quite far
your hide and seek has birthed a freak
and a burden in my being. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

If I won't talk
then I choose the non-spoken

letting life be
not mumbling 'bout what is or isn't

The still-word will die
and I'll die holding it in

Mine is the choice
I will die staying the course

*Thoughts of Mircea Eliade [syntactically modified]: 

  -For Judaism, time has a beginning and will have an end.  The idea of cyclic time is left behind.  Yahweh no longer manifests God's Self  in cosmic time (like the gods of other religions) but in a historical time, which is irreversible.  Each new manifestation of Yahweh in history is no longer reducible to an earlier manifestation.  The fall of Jerusalem expresses Yahweh's wrath against God's people, but it is no  longer the same wrath that Yahweh expressed by the fall of Samaria. God's gestures are personal interventions in history and reveal their deep meaning only for God's people, the people that Yahweh had chosen.  Hence the historical event acquires a new dimension; it becomes a theophany.

  -Christianity goes even further in valorizing historical time.  Since God was incarnated, that is, since God took on a historically conditioned human existence, history acquires the possibility of being sanctified.  The illud tempus evoked by the Gospels is a clearly defined historical time - the time in which Pontius Pilate was Governor of Judea - but it was sanctified by the presence of Christ. When a Christian of our day participates in liturgical time, they recover the illud tempus in which Christ lived, suffered, and rose again - but it is no longer a mythical time, it is the time when Pontius Pilate governed Judea.  For the Christian, too, the sacred calender indefinitely rehearses the same events of the existence of Christ - but these events took place in history; they are no longer facts that happened at the origin of time, "in the beginning."  (But we should add that, for the Christian, time begins anew with the birth of Christ, for the Incarnation establishes a new situation of humankind in the cosmos).  This is as much as to say that history reveals itself to be a new dimension of the presence of God in the world.  History becomes sacred history once more - as it was conceived, but in a mythical perspective, in primitive and archaic religions.

  -Christianity arrives, not at a philosophy but at a theology of history.  For God's interventions in history, and above all God's Incarnation in the historical person of Jesus Christ, have a transhistorical purpose - the salvation of humankind.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

yellow tree
standing in the failing-fall light
you are the sun against the steel-grey fog of morn
nowhere to go but shine
a promise
awaiting the brilliance of the large light

*Democracy cannot be "promoted" on top of a mountain of corpses.
  -Asef Bayat

*Historical information is always after the effect and rarely makes a difference.  Sometimes it becomes more brutal as a corrective of the supposed or actual wrong.

*Jesus is the trigger in the trap that beings down those values and principles upon which our systems stands.  He forces is to re-think our relationship to the divine, religion, the state...and one another.

*Silence can be, at times, such a sweet sound.