Thursday, May 28, 2015

the union of silence

the bound lift their hands and the chains rise
clanging and bouncing off each other
in a dance of bondage wanting freedom
and a symphony lies with the links
though dungeons holds their souls in isolation
like a score holds the music
around which the dancers dance

for a while all seems lost until a baby's born
who knows how to cry when the chained dare not
who long with each other for some open heart
some crack in the facade of humanity presumed sane
but lost behind words of kindness limited to a few

what music is made occurs united with silence
until what is longed for breaks as a surprise instantly expected
when survivors walk free with lose hanging smiles
beneath their eyes wondering why it took so long

*Thoughts of Frederick Buechner:

-The dance of the nations is a dance of death.

-The question is, what are we defending, our enemies and we?

-...what sort of peace can there be when terror is at the heart of it?





 to know
 the this

 this and that



-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

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