Thursday, October 3, 2013

there will always be something

always wishing for  another path
another face
another something
that's different from what we be and see
another might 
another flight
that might lift us from our plight

but No!
there won't be
just can't be
being what we be
this humankind
broken and smashed
greedy and hung'ring for another's spot
or land or life
or whatever'll pull us from our plight
of greed and lust
of all or bust

how live with it with a smile
bowing our heads and cry
of thanking God
and doing our best
to make a little peace
and enjoy our tiny piece
of life on this earth
until death do us cease

*If I say that this world is beautiful and good, that I love it, this doesn't mean the I'm not aware of the horror, the degradation and the danger of impending catastrophe.  I'm speaking of what is true in consciences that are stronger than evil.
-Jean Sulivan

Christian language, as soon as it moves away from experience and is no longer verified by it, becomes elastic, full of distortions and quibbles, concerned with synthesis and false harmony.  When we embroider emptiness with abstract formulas, we have the very opposite of a language of hope.
-Jean Sulivan

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