Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Don't make me come down there"
signed god on some sponsor's mega-billboard.

I cursed at what I had seen:
the failure of eyes to see Presence all-about
exciting ev'ry molecule and atom and sound.

I could have wept but pitied instead
the blind believers framing God so frightfully mean
hatred hot in God's eyes for what God sees
poised to rip God's beauteous creation apart
tearing us to shreds for our few or many sins.

But sighs rose from my mouth instead
watching light fill the foggy morning sky.
It felt like the other side of the Deluge
and I was Noah, blessed to hold the messenger dove.


What's there to believe
sitting before videos of canned biographies?

When I look into the tragedy of my life
a life lost on blank minds pretending to survive
is Tupac Shakur the only tragedy in the Black race
or Michael Jackson a white-boy damaged buy the color green?

I needed affection but affection was denied.
The denial never banished the affection I sought
but surely denials infected my thoughts.
Now I'm an old man peeing on himself
yellowing my legs with more than the sperm of youth.

I am in and out, a depletion sitting side the empty road
damaging the struggles raging within my gut
suckling milk from The Abundant Breasts.


It's difficult to know when you're growing up
without voice or heart and blind demands.
Lusting parents want sweat from their lads,
your time and tensions skewed by wants and poverty.

Where is hope when your mind's tied to absence
and needed bonds foregone as if religion
when pretences of meaning pour from twisted lips
and ears open to love are waxed with with noisy distractions.

Business substitutes for intimate conversations.
Hearts become poisoned with material exchange
when what's truly needed by the human searching
are intangible possessions purchased by caring hands.

We see but are snared into the desire for image
to have fame and toys and the pains of exclusion
but God's present in our moments of darkness
always Bread for the hungry prophet.

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