Wednesday, June 26, 2013

pebbles in the day-song

falling quietly like dry leaves in the fall
upon hardened grass waiting renewal
pebbles slip through the rubble of lives pounding at doors
while searching for birds recently flown away

a voice of garbled notes
longing to catch its breath as the wind shifts away
is lost
la-la-ga-ging along the path
stretching to touch a distant dream
filtering through the echoes on the rim
where the voice of blue bugs moan out a hymn

but what does one say
when the echoes float from dead throats
crying aloud toward an enclosed ear

i don't know
watching the sad shadows form around the eyes
around victims sitting with patient breath
as if some doctor might walk along
and heal what they cannot care to speak

...and they don't know
being both deaf and silent
to the urges roiling within them
on worn bellies and tried hearts
with centuries of "Never"
as the one word spoken from their lips

i am sick watching this parade
seeing the damage the pebbles form
in ev'ry land between the sunny morns
because i don't know how to mend
or enliven hope among our broken bones
between the sins each person brings along

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