Saturday, December 10, 2016

our personal gods are hungry
Moloch feeds on the "False":
erratic, soulless
rootless chasings
of cowards and slaves
lying, seducing
drawing into bondage
via divergent pursuits
or one's own struggling self

we fly past Christ
past his crucifixion
floating on foggy paths
into the jaws of greed
into the weaknesses of gods
into their birthing gloom

yet, here He always stands
welcoming into His Home

Reflections of Alan Jones:

-Human beings can never quite do justice to the inner truth of things.  Our speech is never completely accurate; in facet, we can say true things falsely, speak the literal truth and still be untrustworthy.

-When we speak and mean what we say, and try to act on what we say and mean, we move closer to what we are meant to be.

-Language, then, forms us rather than informs us.  When it is corrupted, other corruptions follow. George Orwell's horror story 1984 is a parable about what happens when words are cut off from their true meanings.  In Dante's Inferno, the deepest circle of hell is deceit and betrayal.  The corruption of language means the breakdown of human relations.  It is a form of forgery.  When the currency of human interaction is counterfeit we are all lost.  Words are our means of communication.  Pollute our relationships with flattery and deceit, our language with lies and propaganda, our common life with the self-serving use of images, and what happens?  We can no longer reach each other, and, what is worse, we lose touch with ourselves.

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