Thursday, July 28, 2016

i wish there were seats for sitting

i wish there were seats for sitting
as I amble through the aisles of Noguchi-chiseled stones
spaced and placed in a mythic round

the high and low of chipped and polished earthen-ware
voice beneath their pink-green black-rose grey-white facades
within a hum of mysterious awe-inspiring forms

chiseled for our simple meeting 

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -Transformation of mind and heart, interior justice, that's what concerns apostles.
  -As long as the priest is primarily a functionary of the sacred, the professional of the parade-ground - that is, as long as he constitutes a caste - Christian communities will not arrive at real responsibility any more than the soldiers of a regiment, in spite of all the adjustments made under the pressure of circumstances.

  -Freely chosen priestly celibacy was a fantastic power for giving and loving.  It helped form a large number of fraternal men who helped slaves, women, and the poor to exist - those who felt the need to breathe more freely.  Making celibacy a requirement for the priesthood has poisoned and falsified innumerable consciences and led to the over-compensation of activism when it didn't produce a fanatical faith that was merely the crystallization of despair.  It has been a deadly policy for some time.  Before thinking of the "good of the Church"  in the short term, or at least what is considered as such in conceptualist and administrative terms, it would be better to think of the freedom of men.  In this area many things have been preserved only by the torture of some and the hypocrisy of others.  It was undoubtedly one of the causes of the weakness and sadness of the Christian world just before so many priests "deserted".

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