Wednesday, November 18, 2015

you can always tell when you're on the outs
when you're talked about behind your back
cause insiders always treat you differently.

their eyes curl behind your back like a knife
ope'ning a hole for the poison to alight.
you can tell by their bright address

the elisions in conversations
the silence in movements
the manner in which they treat you like a guest

in your own home, a stranger from another town
to be watched and locked out like stray dogs
searching for some warmth with their tails 'tween their legs.

you can always tell by their enthusiasm to move
move on to the next place of safety and abandoned talk
with unmasked questions slipping from their lips

like saliva that pools beneath their tongues
with no place to go 'cause swallowing they forgot
and you are filtering their sacred space.

they rarely call or treat you like their own
even when you're more than they are to you
when you're the elder who's paid their fare.

it's a cancerous hurt to be neglected without regard
when in humanhood you're the outsider you've always been
the uninvited at the party they call LIFE.

around their wrists are bands of yellow and white.
What Would Jesus Do? is the question they wear
and you wonder though you know right then and there.

you've done what they have done but kept you out
sitting atop the ocean wall waiting for the waves to smash
and take you to the heaven of your nightmare of regrets

meeting God undercover, hiding from your face
cause you were not worthy to stand before their face
having decided you couldn't stand before the The Countenance.

you can tell 'cause you've been to hell before
and their heaven is just as close 'cause their devils smell
knowing how to keep distant from the sinful of the earth.

you can always tell when you're on the outs:
chewing gum when you'd prefer to eat flesh
cursing yourself, wanting to cuss others out.  

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -I want to affirm this world in such a way that I do not turn a blind eye to tragedy, suffering and failure.

  -To believe is, in part, not only to acknowledge but also to bear the wound in the heart.  Willingness to bear the wound comes when we begin to realize that we are loved.

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