Saturday, June 27, 2015

The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize.
                                  -Chinese fortune cookie

beyond beyond

the search is about love
the looking about, the catching
at a glance, the chance
the sought, the never caught
the up and down the web-ways
the in and out of site after site
with bodies, the same bodies
on a different face, without breath
flat, unfelt, hoping
to touch some spot
to see, to find a piece
of my self, missing, long gone
long departed, long never there.

tis a strange journey through
 the surf-tide, through the
valleys of despair, the mounts 
the expectant, the plateaus
the plateaus, always the plateaus
the salt flats of the desert, my
desert, the flatland of my wants
my wish to find someday
the ever absent something
called love.

yet I continue on
let go, release the want
the beast, the albatross
swinging 'round my neck
to let it fly, let it flee
find new shores o'er which to sail
new waters to fish, new lands
to rest its wings, build a nest
lay down and die because here
I cannot rest free to be, to discover self
but somewhere beyond, beyond.

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -When Christian liberty becomes the heart of people's existence, they lift up their heads and raise their voices.  Like animals who panic and turn tail, who can smell danger faster than the wind can carry it to them, the scribes and pharisees showed an obstinate and endless patience as they strove to immunize and neutralize society against the threat of liberty.  For joy, which is born of freedom and only from freedom, is a deadly peril.  It shakes walls, enlarges the soul, strips off old skins, and tells the stranger, the black, the Chinese, "You are my brother, my sister."  To the atheists it says, "We share the same unbelief"; to the prostitute, "You are no worst than many others; in fact, you're more honest." With its sense of humor, joy sees Christian liberty as rooted in faith; in its winnowing-basket it sorts out what is alive and what is only of archaeological interest.  Leaving the past behind, joy strains toward the future, treating what was been already been achieved as of little value.

  -A person is alive only to the extent that she achieves spiritual freedom, radiating the spirit of alleluia, no longer responding to external commands, having become one with God - who never gives an order because God is love. Civilization, culture, the Vatican, the pope, and the church exist only in order to permit each of us to become alive and free.

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