Thursday, April 30, 2015

Our daily bread

bread buttered with tears you see
bread craving our hungry lips
bread filling the bellies of lives;
bred that smells of war and pain
 the fractures of rape and tortured minds
the neglect of love and abandoned friends;
bread torn apart by friends we know
fam'lies that pound us into dough
bending wills, reshaping souls;
bread, Your bread, spit upon the poor
to whom we toss out crusted spite
avoided in clubs and on city streets
blamed and cursed for being near:
this is the bread that's daily
the bread upon which we prey
the bread You offer us pray upon
with tears of shame and re-memberings
to shape us whole as nurturing bread;
this is the bread we're given to eat
bread to be given as hope to feast.

when our teeth grind the host
blood unveils the whisp'rings of our lips;
Your Christ leaks through what we intend forget
each drop of Him falling 'pon the weak of us;
and when Your priest holds aloft the sacred bread
it's us You see
each clown acting out their own charade
our false and tainted scripts revealed.

skilled Molder of the Human Clan
knead the dough of us anew 
that we might feast without guilt
bearing the shame that truly frees;
and You weeping with Love
with tears to wash our crusty hearts
press forgiveness into our filthy hands
the Bread You unstintingly give.

-Think straight.  Stand up.  Walk tall.

-May your crosses be steps in the Resurrection Dance.

-Sometimes you gotta get mad to do somethin'!
    *street prophet in San Francisco

*Thoughts of Jean Sulivan:

-Spiritual possible only because of not-knowing.  The mentality that presents faith as natural betrays it while pretending to serve it.  That's why a rigid faith is merely flight from oneself and over compensation.

-Believers almost always imagine that faith means certitude.

-Learn to recognize the faith that reveals a secret despair.

-For me the absence of doubt would be disturbing.  Not the kind that suggests flight, laziness, a preoccupation with oneself in the guise of intellectual difficulties.  I'm speaking of an active doubt that hunts out prejudices and every kind of idolatry, an ongoing discovery that grows stronger by overcoming all obstacles.

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