Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What is it I'm searching for?
Is it You
or me
or both at one time?
What do I hope to find in figures
in flesh
in the myriad images copying each other?
I'm not sure.
Blindly I scour to find You
or me
or both at one time
the same.
But how can this be
that at the one and the same 
are we?
Is there a bond of blood that binds us bound?

Some pretend that people don't search
pick through alleys or garbage to find
some treasure tossed
some faint remembrance of a foggy past
some fabric of life worn thin
neath clothes of splendor
smelling of the sourness of shit
the stench of human failings
that ev'ry human smears upon itself
even neath other-worldly wear
cloaking the body 
though leading the parade. 

"O Lord!", they shout
cursing all the failed ones of love
en-helling them
with attempts at riddance
howe're they must
and bring about 
the unveiling of their designs
to be gods above the devils
seven times more
the children of hell than they.

Now I know what I search
and who.
It's You in some way
and I
that hidden, smothered self in muck
that sad and shameful me
standing naked before the Sun
undisguised and taking heat
for the sins I've homed
and the hope I've sown
assured that one-day
Truth will set me free
even if from prison I gaze
upon scars etched while falling.

I've found Life
and am breathing free.

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