Tuesday, November 26, 2013

looking at the world ass-backwards

looking, I was looking out
 into the ever-fresh fields of rude
 magnolias flipping in the breeze of 
the summer days shouting Yellow
 Yellow, as brilliantly as they can
 to distract the hedge-trimmers with
 scythes in hand and I knew as they
 knew that their days were trim, that
 they'd be trimmed by the noon of 
day so they'd laugh and laugh
 with the brilliance of the hurricane 
rains smacking their heads against
 the shorelines of the patient land
 where the grasses wept when the
thatchers hewed the flowers gone
 the grasses chewed but waited till
 these immigrants would again depart
before coming forth again to pester
them in nature's ever-rule of land
and always win yes always win
 yes win their effort to control the mass

*It is the cross and only the cross that provides a constant point of reference in the chaos of our world, because there is all poverty and helplessness and pain, in our yearning and all our mutual injustice, taken up into the stillness of God's everlasting love and made into the instrument and revelation of God's unchanging will.  So in all of it, beatitude is formed in the depth of our individual and churchly lives, giving us at least a courage to persevere until all joy is revealed.  And so our hope comes to be focused on God's rule rather than on our own, and it comes also to expand, reaching far beyond the widest dreams of earthly planners, because it homes in on the fullness of blessing which God has in store for those who love God, which 'eye has not seen and ear has not heard and it has not entered the heart of humankind to conceive, (1Cor.2:9). 
*Simon Tugwell

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