Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Are these but so many meanderings
so many waters coursing 'pon pounded rocks
so many streams flowing deep in Mother Earth?

Are these but so much ink dried on yellowed skins
so many parchments witnessing the age-long quest
so many hands penning tales of journeyed souls?

Are these but so much clay pressed upon the wheel
so much mud spun into the shapes of Man
so many palms molding pots for drinking Life?

I know not but wonder so, observing all
peering into the heart of matter's presenting stuff
the stuff my life-long is shaped by... and by.

O God/Maker, Redeemer, Word of God, Son
nestled in the flesh of every womb-borne child
speak your glad-tidings that I trust may know
may know questions whose answer is You.

*...buying has become a form of entertainment, a sport, almost an end in itself.  Consumerism is a disease that indicates a terrible poverty of spirit, one in which the quality of life is bartered for sheer quantity of goods and money.
-Mary Evelyn Jegen

*We have the possibility of exchanging the  dependence on force as a means of providing security for a way of stewardship and hospitality.  What we have held in ownership we must now hold in trust for one another, valuing hospitality as we value our very lives.  There is a Gaelic expression that says it all: "It is in the shelter of each other that the people live."
-Mary Evelyn Jegen

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