Saturday, May 24, 2014

We are perfectly imperfect
-Rupert Dorn, Cap.

swinging on the high-spot of a renaissance world

swinging on the high-post of an approaching renaissance world
ready to defecate as the lions straggle about my feet
i wander through memories long resting in forgotten fields
where my mind floats with the lost thoughts of a forgotten child

me, shepherding my brothers through a daily splash of life
when father's gone and mother's slaving in the nest-egg of hate
while the nations war's and the niggaz wait with spite
in the everyday breathings when the promise come-late

yow-e!  yow-e!  yow-e!  i scream
like a pinched nerve caught on the edge of tomorrow's reign
awaiting the day of redemption crawling toward a door
to set free the caught and trapped, victims of despair and hope

ah!  i breathe and let go of the afternoon of vile tribulations
like a burst of fresh air moving on into the night
to wrestle with the unknown-known that flaps us all about
in the mystery of the human, dancing toward the Parousia

one day! yes! one day we'll flay and flag no more
for a newness to surround and clothe our fluttered souls
but like some discoverers of a distant and heated galaxy
allow our jaw to drop and our mouths to fly with praise

death is our greatest freedom, our release from the strangling mess
when what we'll want will be the biggest surprise of all
thus we wrestle on with tattoos clothing our gagging mouths
in hope that peace will be our exit and joy our entry into home

*...when Jesus comes along saying that the greatest command of all is to love God and to love our neighbor, he too is asking us to pay attention.  If we are to love God, we must first stop, look, and llisten for him in what is happening around us and inside us.  If we are to love our neighbors, before doing anything else we must see our neighbors.  With our imagination was well as our eyes, that is to say like artists, we must see not just their faces but the life behind and within their faces.  Here it is love that is the frame we see in them.
-Frederick Buechner 

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