yellow tree
standing in the failing-fall
you are the sun against the steel-grey fog of morn
nowhere to go but shine
a promise awaiting
the brilliance of the large-light
If I won't speak
then I choose the non-spoken
letting life be
not mumbling 'bout what is or isn't
The still-word will die
and I will die
holding it in
Mine is the choice
with the will to die
staying the course
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Jesus is on the road with the prodigal son, and he's also with the father who waits on the hill for his son. Always on the side of the poor until they allow their greed to become a substitute for wealth, until they begin calling their taste for luxury and comfort justice.
-For Jesus the worst folly would be passively fitting into a society presented as the only one thats's possible and reasonable, but which insanely destroys, both psychologically and spiritually, both those who profit from it and those it eliminates.
-From Jesus ' point of view accumulation is crazy.
-An unhealthy mind never stops preaching about the vanity and alienation of all commitments.
-Only one way to be a disciple - grow young again. That means learning how to die, to make oneself free, a traveler with almost no baggage. No acquired positions, no regrets, no decorations. Let the only dream of your life be - to wake up.
-If he is condemned and executed, in the last analysis it is because he makes it clear that reforms and changes are not only to be made externally, but within ourselves. Such a message is unbearable.
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