-Chinese fortune cookie
beyond beyond
the search is about love
the looking about
the catching at a glance
the chance, the sought
the never caught
the up, the down web-ways
the in and out of site after site
with bodies, same bodies
on a different face
without breath, flat
untouched, hoping
hoping to touch some spot
to see, to find a piece
of my self, missing
long spent, departed
long never there
tis a strange journey through
the surf-tide through me
valleys of despairs and mounts
the expectant plateaus of me
the salt-flats of the desert
my desert and flatland of my wants
my wish to find someday
the ever best-absent something
called love
yet i continue on
letting go, releasing want
the beast, the albatross
swinging 'round my neck
to let it fly, released
to find new shores
o'er which to sail
new waters of fish
new lands to rest
build a nest
lay down and die
cause here i cannot rest
or be, discover me
but somewhere Beyond
beyond beyond
good day
good night
a jazz
of juice
good day
good orange
my mouth
all music
from my
good night
we eat
we eat
-Jerry Schoerder, Cap.
*A thought of Jean Sulivan:
-...without denial pleasure is degraded and...joy is never the product of self-gratification.
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