Tuesday, February 2, 2016


i long for you Christ
fish-food for the human soul
meal of the hungry
morsel for the poor
savior from hunger
my primal need

*Life is a gift.  Celebrate it.

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -In the spiritual order an abstract affirmation satisfies only the person who makes it.  It falsifies our progress along the way and degrades the poem of faith.  Such people take a little girl and tell her, "Jesus is the Son of God; he has risen.  You have to believe this as well as other things."  Faith then becomes something ideal, a sort of artificial satellite of the mind that we can never catch up with, and end up by rejecting, or which we accept with a kind of dualism.  This faith is an illness from which we must recover.  Jesus the miracle-worker is the center of the stories.  We love God and with and others in a sublime interior space, which is simply a way of hiding and is ultimately a form of self-love inside the magic circle of an established vocabulary.  In this way an ardent, intolerant faith often exists with sterile lives, and with no sense of fraternity.

  -...the Gospel is linked to gestures, glances, and breathing, that it was made to be offered, eaten, and to become ourselves, reinvented, replayed, to merge with our silence as much as with our voices.

  -Jesus speaks of himself allusively and progressively.  His disciples understand only much later, when they understand at all.  No one has ever finished understanding.  Don't have too much confidence, therefore, in those who say, "He is here, he is there."  He is always elsewhere.  To put forward a framed and final image does nothing but transform Jesus into an object of devotion or theme of reflection - which is precisely to make use of him to protect oneself.

 -...the ultimate meaning of Christianity is not a world of ideas.  It is a risk freely accepted when weakness and humility call out to us.

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