they yell, they howl
they scream against the soft-sounds
as if God rides on the breeze
on the rim
but no one hears Him
these sounds
are they a "Why?", a "Help!"
a call to awaken those with closed eyes
and plugged ears?
some sit in prayer
list'ning to the unlikely
to the in-between
where the holy lies
and poems are writ on patient souls
i listen to my wavering heart
the incredulity within belief
between the silence and the words
i hear "Wake up!
God's closer than you think"
this strange encounter is music
an invite to sing ones self into a question
here God and i duet
and a temple is built of song
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Naturally, we always read the Gospel in terms of our own desires. When I speak of Jesus, whether I want to or not, I'm speaking about myself. One can realize this and still keep one's sense of humor.
-It's impossible to avoid risk or the need to interiorize one's faith.
-Every message that does not ripen in the individual conscience is dead.
-Doctrinal unity, however necessary, is ultimately only an administrative unity.
-The Church has no need of power to sweep us along by its very size in the manner of political societies. Meaning organized according to some rational process tries to substitute itself for the Word is a rejection of the Holy Spirit.
-An interpreter of the Gospel can only be an explorer and prophet, not the administrator of its meaning.
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