Thursday, January 21, 2016

if i could i'd hold you
and keep holding you
holding you
cause i'm damn scared
and need holding too

and i would drop large tears
to drown the hatred in the land
and water flowers somewhere heartily
in a heart somewhere, heartily
yours and mine
and anyone who'd be ground
for some new thing

for crazies rule the world
and they curse the ground
dropping bombs to contain bombs
produce terrors to contain terror

and ev'ry word they speak
cause dictionaries to flee
for truth has found no home
even there
and like lies told cent'ries over time
this time's no different from the past
their slippery words passing through the filth
placed upon our tables as milk
that stinks

stop me from walking on their path
remind me again and again
what's human
what's Christian
ways to forgive
to own my faults
my weakened faith

let me share slivers of love
when slivers are all i have

hold me that i may hold you
for what do we have to give
but hugs to each other

this is a time of madness
in the grip of the crazies
but we will live
though death falls about
and madness seems to reign
cause God is full of laughter

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -I had to wake up from the old human dream of the universal and absolute which I had confused with the love of God.

  -There is a frenetic passion for the absolute, a taste for the marvelous and for miracles, that is only a camouflage for self-love, one means among others to bottle up the desire by refusing to surrender the dream, face up to reality and set out on one's journey.  It is possible to fall upon God as into vice.

  -Begin then by curing yourself of the desire to be God at any cost.  Instead, return to your center, become one person among others in an experience based on brotherhood.  In Christianity, unlike in Eastern religions, it is not the absence of desire that saves.  Desire cuts through the event and becomes salvation when, by grace, it is transformed into oblivion and gift. Nevertheless, without denial or repression, one needs to be cured of desire in order to create space.  For the God who fills human hunger is at the same time the Unknown, the Stranger.  Only his absence-presence allows a person to be oneself. lose oneself spiritually it is first necessary to find oneself.

  -To be only what one is, to consent to the fragility of existence, to refuse to be everything and everywhere in illusory fashion by surrendering to the magic of abstraction, to stop making God the idol of a dream, to create a new relationship - this is the way.  When people discover their own truth, there burst forth an alleluia that permeates all that lives without putting obstacles in the way.

  -Every authentic spiritual life, it seems to me, first goes through disappointment.  A day arrives when we hate illusions, and perhaps we then become less dishonest disciples, a little more capable of hearing the word.

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