Sunday, January 31, 2016


pleas and entries
obliterations and destruction
have turned light into dark.

vengeful monsters
torch our waters.
why our national posturing?

why our twisted and disputed truths?
why these pages put of time?
does blindness squelch insight

when our eyes are packed
with wax and lies?
our distorted and deviant life

growls like a bully-child
threatening strife.
stop now and smell the roses

lest our make-believe becomes real
and we lay weeping in our tombs
our fears flowing warmly

our bones bleaching on slabs
our friends passing by
without prayer or trust

with smirks and disgust
we stinking from our lusts.
look! see the signals of hope

awakening the crippled.
hear the dead captives tinkering
in the dungeons of the damned.


it is winter
all is green

I turn

the pain

into night


the door


                                                  -Jerry Schroeder,Cap.

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -In the last analysis it is the Gospel that inspires and guides the Church.  Popes, bishops and priests are servants of the Word and our servants.  They exist only to make sure it remains alive, and to point out the way to go.

  -If to read is to set out, to be transplanted, to create anew, we can see why the men of the Church find it(the Gospel) so painful to read.  After all, the way things are done now, it's as if they were the authors of the text.  How can Christian communities be freed by the Word when they transform it into a form of knowledge to which they hold the key?  The Church continually represses the prophetic voice until an event takes place that shakes it to its roots and unleashes the tide of the Spirit.

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