Monday, February 9, 2015

not in Iraq

they ain't dead, y'all
none die in the 'raq

no show, no parade
no flag draped coffins on display
no trumpet call
no Guards ever fall

you're mistaken
your fears misshapen
thoughts distended
your vision barricaded

no, they ain't dead y'all
none die in the 'raq

If death doesn't get ya, somethin' else will.

*Reflections from Theodore L. Prescott:

-So much striving, but at the end of the day, we are still, as Walker Percy wisely observed, stuck with ourselves - and I might add, stuck with our particular gifts, and the weight of history.

-It seems that we live by moving, yet we know that not all movement amounts to living.  So we want to engage in purposeful movement, movement that really gets us somewhere.  But there are problems built into the idea of getting somewhere, both in art and faith.  It is very difficult to know where it is we want to go, or how it is that we get there.

-...our faith tells us that all ends are proximate, and even death - that seeming fearsome finality - is another passage in the borderlands.

-Perhaps hell is an unending futile movement in the same place, and heaven is finding peace and rest as we move toward and in Him who was, is, and is to come. 

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