Thursday, February 19, 2015

a neck-craning chicken
chauffeured on a truck of fated hens
cackled from her mobile cage

*Thoughts of Gil Bailie:

-The question"Who am I?" needs to be set aside.  Instead, we should ask, "Where am I?  There are two grids on which you answer that question.  First, as a biblical person, I am called and sent - to the person next to me, to my family, to the people I run into today.  My vocation is very mundane, and it can shift daily.  A friend of mine, when he was first ordained, lived with an elderly priest, and at breakfast one morning my friend asked him, "Father, when did  you decide to become a priest?" The old priest said, " When I got up this morning."

Secondly, I'm always situated in history.  I'm called and sent at a historical moment, a moment that will impinge upon my vocation and my life and challenge me.  I have to be a loving person and a witnessing Christian in this situation.  I can't just stand on the soapbox and preach the gospel.  I have to speak to my time.  This is especially true for artists and poets and musicians, people who have a creative vocation.  If you want to redeem the time, you have to pick up on its confusion.

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