Tuesday, February 3, 2015


...and maybe-
they'll see you

...and maybe-
they'll hear you

...and maybe-
they'll like you

...and maybe
you'll go on movin'
on and on
until that day
that night
that moment of chance
when someone might stop
to thank you for trying
for crying
for creating and being
for singing and speaking
who you sense you are 
and maybe...

...then may be


*It is good to attend to and seek out the situations that provoke your sense of creative movement.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*...change is the only permanent condition in life.
-Theodore L. Prescott

*There are twelve-step programs, self-help books, talk shows, counselors, evangelists, psychics, and therapists, all glad to help you rearrange the furniture within your soul.  Walker Percy has marvelously parodied this in Lost in the Cosmos:The Self-Help Book.  The desire for transformation is hardly bad, but the accumulated effects of all the techniques and programs for crossing  into a better you, with subsequent glowing testimonials of new life, have  created the cultural equivalent of attention deficit disorder.  America's public discourse is full of nervous 
introspective twitches, spasms, ticks, jerks, shudders, mutterings, and finally incessant rocking as we search for the next "best thing" for our lives.
-Theodore L. Prescott


Strength is overcome by weakness
Joy is overcome by Pain
The night is overcome by Brightness
and Love - it remains the same
-Tupac Shakur

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