*There is an interaction between seeing and being. The kind of person you are effects the kind of world that you see.
-Simon Tugwell
prison of the mind
the prison in our mind it's that that draws us round from cemetery to cemetery from tomb to tomb where our stinking pasts are laid
we long to douse smoke-clouds hovering above the smoldering of our deeds the garbage pit that yawns as we watch here we stood attempting to burn the rubbish that taints us the refuse of sins thought long discarded in the dump we called "home"
we're like fools in dunce caps facing the wall of rejection twiddling our thumbs waiting for some trapdoor to spring hurling our vision into bas-relief on the wall of lost grace
like dour virgins posing for a date we sit staring into cameras that hold our image without soul seated and staring into the coated glass hoping our Mate will ring and lead us to Spring
but will we remain stuck on the hinges of old queries trapped in the questions that philosophy can't resolve as we travel the road hungering for Light
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