Saturday, August 31, 2013

on the horizon

i ask myself
who will see it
who will notice those cries heard in the night
as companions to the crimes outside our door?
will ours be a voice trembling 'neath a dimming bulb
warning that the light we see is truly dark?

totalitarians love war as if bread for their tables
blood, red wine slaking their throats.
when people disappear, they'll make then hide
cause crimes against the struggling are cause for more.

we'll shake our heads when the warning sirens wail
hoping that the enemy will learn the we are right.
who imagines our sincerity to be tainted?
nothing is more natural than knowing God's on our side!

when we smell flesh as the rains upon our heads
will the silent torture of convictions spew vomit on the streets?
when The Bomb, our bomb sprinkles the lawns behind our gates
will then a whimper rise enough to explore the rumbles of despair?

when bodies return wrapped in their symbolic flag
will it be too late to redirect the movies in our dens
to cancel the show about dandelions on our lawns
and show the faces which horrified the dreams of our parents?

are we to salute or weep the dead murdered at our hands
for they'll be our brothers, our children
our neighbors slain upon the carpeted earth?
then the airy transparency of our majesty
will lay crumbling like a yellowed constitution
released magically from its isolated tomb.

who will see it?
who will notice
complicit in the crimes outside our door
as oblong clouds stretch across the azure sky
as if pillows awaiting heads to rest patiently
upon lungs possessive of suffocating themes?  

God is not an extra in a movie.  God is the movie and we're the screen upon which God is viewed.  God must be seen in a new way and that way is love: love of self and love of the other as self.

*I beheld the working of all the blessed Trinity, and in this beholding I saw and understood the three properties: the property of fatherhood, the property of motherhood and the property of Lordship in one God.  In our Father almighty we have our keeping and our bliss as regards our human substance, which is ours by our making without beginning.  And in the Second Person, in wit and wisdom, we have our keeping as regards our sensuality, our restoring and our saving: for he is our Mother, Brother and Savior.  And in our good Lord the Holy Spirit we have our rewarding and our recompense for our living and our labors which will far exceed anything we can desire, owing to his marvelous courtesy and his high plenteous grace.
-Julian of Norwich

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