Friday, June 21, 2013


Do you weep for me Mary of the Lord?
if i call you sister would you feel insulted?
i never had a sister being my father's only girl.
it was in my genes as an unknown child
and relations find dark genies where'er they hide.


When the storm blows o'er a house of shame
and the holes in the streets become puddles of muck;
when the home you own is a square in the Dome
what's to be done when the toilet overflows?
we watch the waters reclaim the kitchen we owned
and wonder why the bedrooms are full.
thus we move as quickly to higher ground
to return to her what she's been looking for.


A song repeats itself when the mood is mournful
rightfully owning the heart-felt spirit roving in the the tomb.
for what is a person to do when tears fall free as if in a box undisclosed?
all it takes is a voice that becomes a key to the soul
touching he sore spot bandaged against crimes.


Understand betrayal as release from the attachment to an unknown god
the one placed on the pedestal you thought you occupied
and reclaim, the wholeness cast upon a shore once claimed as ones own
sailing into your tears to find the home you were meant to roam
known to yourself with nothing but known as a whole.

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