Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Walk naked 'round the slumbering lake

Feel the breeze wrapping you in her refreshing silk
her sun warming the pores of your available flesh

Lay in the grass for the nectar-seeking bee
Roll in the chlorophyll greening  the soles of your feet

Whistle as if whittling a spirit on the air
Sing like a bird flirting with the neighbor's goose

Let your lungs open to freshness
like a babe born new to the earth

Be the womb receiving the Sperm of God
rejoicing at the graced-life lubricating your soul

Plunge deep into the water's darkness
deep into its subterranean holds

Meet her aquatic and abundant life
Speak her tongue with the creatures dwelling there

Laugh midst the chatter of  their bubbling voice
that their scales feel the sensations of your humorous flesh

Then rise from the depths embraced by the rolling winds
skipping across the fields like chipmunks gathering seeds

Taste full the freedom of this precious time
embracing the newness alive in you

*And if the good news is true, why are its public proclaimers such assholes and the proclamation itself such a weary used up thing?...As unacceptable as believers are, unbelievers are even worse...[The unbeliever] is in fact an insane person....The present-day Christian is either half-assed, nominal, lukewarm, hypocritical, sinful, or, if fervent, generally offensive and fanatical.  But he is not crazy. The present-day unbeliever is crazy as well as being an asshole - which is why I say he is a bigger asshole than the Christian because a crazy asshole is worse than a sane asshole....The rest of my life...shall be devoted to a search for a third alternative, a tertium quid - if there is one.  If not we are stuck with two alternatives: (1)believers, who are intolerable, and (2) unbelievers who are insane.
-Walker Percy quoted by Alan Jones

*A true revelation is a very disturbing event because it demands a response; and to respond to it means some kind of inner revolution.
-Alan Jones

*...when the "truth" beings to be at variance with belief, a pattern of self-deception and lying begins to emerge.  Ask Christian believers what they would do if they had to choose between Jesus Christ  and the Truth.
-Alan Jones

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