Thursday, March 5, 2015

From this fanfare of joy
rising from the rich o'er the poor
the strong o'er the weak
will come a roar of praise
the underlings alone can mouth
a day of renewing acclamations
of huggings and embrace
when the down'll be up
and the high-flung thrown into doubts
wond'ring "How could this be
when all my labors were for You
although they suffered for love of You
when all my claims were for staking You
for giving You reign o'er the terrorists of earth
o'er the realm of the Fiend;
How could this be?"

Ah, praise there'll be
that heav'n will ne'er tire to hear
cause all the rich and the strong
the grand upon the earth
will be drawn into the arms
of the victims of their might
of their pains to rid the land
of the dregs of Adam's sin

The Sin will have been them
brought through the Gate
by the forgiveness of the pained
and the love of the Lamb

*Thoughts of Gregory Wolfe:

-When we are too tender about something we can easily become too violent in seeking to defend or preserve it.

-The essence of Kinkade's sentimentality is the packaging of nostalgia.  It's an oxymoronic idea, but it has become a major part of our cultural life, as Florence King has noted: "True nostalgia is an ephemeral composition of disjointed memories...but American-style nostalgia is about as ephemeral as copyrighted deja vu."

-The majority of his expressions of faith are fairly conventional, solidly within the evangelical mold, but his theological defense of the world depicted in his paintings is that "I like to portray a world without the Fall."

-...Christ's message was not to pretend the world isn't fallen but to take up our crosses and follow him through suffering and sacrifice.  To create a body of work illustrating a world without the Fall is, for a Christian, to render Christ superfluous.

-...Jesus took every opportunity he could to counter sentimentality.

                                                                                      Dedicated to those curious

I pour my heart in2 this oem
and look 4 the meaning of Life
the rich and powerful always prevail
and the less fortunate strive through strife
MISTAKES R MADE 2 be 4given
we R 2 young 2 stress and suffer
The path of purity and positivity
has always ridden rougher
Your insatiable desire 2 find perfection
Has made your faults magnify
curiosity can take Blame
For the evil that makes u cry
It isn't a good feeling when u disobey your heart
The nightmares haunt your Soul and your nerves R
ripped apart
-Tupac Shakur

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