Thursday, September 11, 2014

On  the road traveled often

On the road traveled often
but blindly, as it were
zooming by what waits to be seen
the beauty of life simply being
like oneself being zoomed by
like God being zoomed by
like many of ev'rything being zoomed by
just stop one day and notice
stoop to the ground and peek
unwind ones rushing
view flowers upon the moss
or twigs on ice
ones hand on bark

Flights from the obvious poke you like a pesky fly
bouncing 'gainst the window pane
yearning for the sun
the air, the freedom
eager to pull the transparent into yourself
to be the pane exposing you

What's being filled is that hole in your soul
gasping for life and an open escape
that dodges neglect
and is alive again

*After I had been sick for several months, it became clear to me that I was changing in fundamental ways and that I would never go back to my "old self".
-Kat Duff

*Like many sick people, I had begun to realize that my illness was not do much a state of being as a process of transformation.
Kat Duff

*Paracelsus...wrote: "Decay is the beginning of all birth...the midwife of very great things!" adding  that this is "the deepest mystery and miracle that He [God] has revealed to mortal man."  People who have endured great physical trauma - car accidents, war injuries, surgery, or torture - occasionally bear witness to this mystery with stories of tunnels of light, angelic presences, and religious conversions.  Physical pain cancels the claims of the world and the hold of ordinary consciousness, opening us to the unworldly forces of the metaphysical.  No wonder the image of Jesus suffering on the cross is the central symbol of spiritual rebirth in Christianity.
-Kat Duff

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