Tuesday, March 4, 2014


you were always outside

you lay bent
folded in twain
awaiting birth
wanting contractions to begin

but they lay still
needing a nudge to budge
a movement within

none could midwife you but you
being both fetus and womb

you hold the force to deliver on course

stretch, contract, accept the tear
birth the child gasping for air

*We must stop using theology and law as instruments of control, unless we want to produce a world of slaves - and ultimately of rebels.
-Jean Sulivan

*...poverty is not a matter of whether the cross you wear is made of gold or wood, or whether or not you own an amethyst or an American car.  Poverty begins in the depth's of one's existence, in the language and style which emerge from the depths of night.  Poverty springs from the heart, out of an experience that remains unformulated, in words still heavy with darkness yet shining with light, the only kind capable of evoking friendship and a taste for the impossible.
-Jean Sulivan  

1 comment:

  1. It is extraordinary that you have faithfully posted so many entries. I do, however, miss the artwork. But if I may make a suggestion..... perhaps play a little more with fonts as a way of enhancing such expressive prose.
