groaning into holiness
i am a bruised vessel
empty and cracked
waiting to be patched
peering into clouds
searching for a scoop
groaning into holiness
born of the worn earth
i live in a field of cautions
setting out, stiff of heart
an uptight preacher of the Word
the irony borne on crumpled bones
asleep in hope
beneath a wreckage of doubts
what am i to say to the weary-worn
forlorn of heart with thirsting souls
but that we encircle the table and have a drink
partake of bread
affirm our common bond
*The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize.
-Chinese fortune cookie
*Art ain't about paint. It ain't about canvas. It's about ideas. Too many people died without ever getting their mind out to the world.
-Thornton Dial
*...we are what we a have lost.
-from the film Amores Perros [Love's a Bitch]
*Religions get lost as people do.
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