slow drag
a jag
of youth on the prowl
for a dad
fled from hell
to hell
and stench
and chains
and dreams of riches
with bubble baths
and worn loins
and sad laughter
for a dead child
dogging messiahs
to heal their tears
blowing bubbles to air
nursing with care
feelings coddled in worth
for some body
dads stalk sure
their youth
and lost boyhoods
still lost
and twisting fixations
with restless lust
like blind men poking
into their wooded past
eros tracks the young ones
in the shadows of the street
with the phantoms of their soul
near the crevice in their heart
a carnal quest of lost gods
seeking a ME in their eyes
*Reflections of Alan Jones:
-The Hebrew Bible helps to make us rebellious, as does the Christian mystical tradition.
-The mystics believe that the universe is trying to tell us something about ourselves.
-Love itself is a form of knowledge.
-The point of reading the Bible is for mystical transformation, not for defending a particular position or punishing those whom we regard as deviant.
-Conversation is closer to conversion than we thought. We have to be in an obedient community, one where the members listen to each other. According to this tradition, life is the peregrinatio pro Christo, "exile for Christ's sake," an ongoing process of conversion. Conversion means continually being pierced to the heart, also called compunction - a form of clarity that makes us open to new possibilities. Like a good conversation, conversion offers the constant promise of change
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