Friday, December 23, 2016

Prophets on high

What's at the end of the rainbow?  Gold?
Dreams and hopes more durable than gold?
Porous faith siding with doubt?
Unbelief struggling midst moist tears?

Rainbows arrive after the storm
after the thunder and clapping rolls round the sky
bending their soft frame toward the earth
arching their backs in adoration toward God.

Rainbows never birth themselves.
Brightened by the sun's warming light
their flesh glows with prisms of hope.
They are the curve of prayer from on high
mystics bowed in the moistured sky
proclaiming love, tossing fear aside.

Rainbows are prophets hovering in the sky
covenantal promises for those looking high.

*...when do men fall on their brothers with mighty weapons and bloody acts?  They do such if they do not know that their brother is themselves.
-Carl Jung

*...nothing is more dangerous than to play the hero.
-Carl Jung

*...solitude leads one away from other people only to bring you closer to them once you are able to face yourself in your entirety.
-Carl Jung

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Novelist Walter Percy wrote somewhere that artists and people of the Spirit are often like the canaries people used to send down the coal mines to see if the air was sweet and safe enough to breath.  Some people are like that.  They are sent ahead of us to test the air.  And some of them suffer greatly on our behalf so that we can breathe.  It may sound grim to affirm (also with Walker Percy) that the person of faith is an ex-suicide, the one who has faced death and said to herself, "I may as well live!"  She can get up in the morning and laugh and go on to work because she doesn't have to.

  -Prayer is a daily placing oneself on the threshold of death.  It helps us anticipate and participate in our dying, and this is good news because it also means we participate in the new life of the Spirit. The deal is this.  You wake up!  You're alive!  You win!

  -"Surfaces can be seen, but depths must be interpreted."

  -Truth is also fiction.  Truth is a story.  And stories lie as well as tell the truth.  We shall have to take care.

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