jesus crucified...again
how many crucifixions
have i caused?
how many spikes pounded
through the hands and feet of all?
how much blood forced
when i lanced the other's heart?
how many bones lay broken
beating the drum of their flesh?
how many crosses kissed
then powered into the ground?
how many jesus-twins have i crushed?
too many to count.
i've crucified jesus again and again
fixing him to a tree with consummate passion.
*Live the truth of love with all its light and pain.
*For the Church/church to re-discover itself and be effective, it must break away from the political systems.
*How can I be substantial if I do cast a shadow? I must have a dark side if I am to be whole.
-Carl Jung
*If you are silent, be silent out of love; if you speak, speak out of love.
-St. Augustine
*Reflections of Sue Halpern:
-"God makes us...capable of liking virtue before we possess it," the Trappist monk Thomas Merton says. It requires exercise. And just as no one can run five miles a day and cede the cardiovascular effects to someone else, no one can trust for us. Forgetting how to trust, we rely on random drug tests, honesty examinations, telephone monitoring, and credit checks of prospective suitors. Forgetting how to trust, we find ourselves in Ed Sklar's office, deciding between Garfield the Cat and the briefcase tape recorder.
-Without meaning to, the intern hits upon modern medicines greatest failing - its tendency to view people as bodies, and bodies as containers of data, and to treat the data and not the person - though he doesn't phrase it this way himself. What he does say is: In this place you can do whatever you want to people. It's like a dog lab."
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