Monday, July 18, 2016

I see you flying with your lights bright

I see you flying with your lights bright  Like a camel with dynamite up its ass
As if you were a bullet-train hugging the rails  On your way to who-knows-where
Or kapsa that's ready as soon as you hit the door  Or that "lamb chop" 
resting in your bed  Or any other number of countless mucks  Running 
'tween the openings in your head

You flash and blink to blink and flash  For making straight paths to the place where
The highway stops near your pad  A show of lights to warn us you have come  But 
it's a bet I 'll pass you at 90 clicks  As you stand amidst friends  Talking air 
till it's time to fly again

*Pope Francis has said he would follow John XXIII's motto which was, "See everything; turn a blind eye to much; correct a little.
-parish bulletin

*Innovating poorly is better than doing nothing.
-a Chinese play-wright and director  

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -Believers who are mystics have always been a lowly race, repressed for a long time.  Such confidence, and obedience not necessarily passive, is the path of a very different race of people who are in touch with the absolute.  They are usually people of silence, without necessarily being quiet. They show a certain healthiness, a disinterest in religion and doctrinal abstractions that will save them. They start off in the right direction.  It seems to be enough for them to believe without too many illusions in the spiritual experience of the Church.  Although they've never had an interior illumination, a loving faith is at the center of their life. a society that is out of joint and has no direct spiritual experience, the credibility of the Christian disappears.

  -Pity is appropriate for dealing with individuals, not situations.

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