Wednesday, April 27, 2016

break in the grey sky


clouds  enclosed Char
comforting her
wrapped in the grip
of winter's cold hands

her woman's heart wanted something akin to sun
wanted a man to swallow her heated breasts
and between grunts and passion-eyes
lay light upon her flesh


against clouds grayed by Winter-winds
and the down of chilly nights
she opened to the sun
locking her clouds away
laying open her wanting flesh
granting him both time and day

twas a wonder-moment of heat
a scene of smiles released
when he broke the surrounding darkness
with bowls of liquid-light
laying it upon her ground
with a breakfast of laughter complete

*"...there are no pain-free options.  You have to choose which future regret you're going to live."
-Andrew Anthony

*" never get a second chance to make a good first impression." 
  -Peter Galbraith

*"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
  -James Baldwin

*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:

  -The path toward faith is also a matter of unlearning things.  Spiritual sanity resides in a youthfulness which spontaneously rejects everything that is static.  Almighty God, King, Lord, Prosecutor, Judge, Spouse, Lover of the soul, Father - get rid of all those words, and thousands of others, until nothing is left.  Nothing, that's our name for God, condemned not to intervene, for fear of making us all immature.  That means we shouldn't be afraid to use the most everyday words.  Only you know what you've put in them - hidden love, deep laughter.

  -Remember, God speaks through the lips that happen to be there - those of the unbeliever as well as those of the saint and through the silence of those who no longer have anything to say.

  -Don't expect manna every morning...

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