...trying to stay sane in the insane world...via photography, poetry, painting, graphics and thoughts...
Saturday, April 30, 2016
14th and Broadway in Queens
The sky that was heavy and threatening rain
showered its moist brew upon the dirt-dry earth
while wandering Broadway to Isamu's dream
Caught in the downpour of the shivering sky
I parked myself in the doorway of an Indian motel
awaiting respite before continuing my walk
I'd never been to a quick-sex joint
but here I was standing before the rate-board chart
letting rooms for 3 hours or more
Couples come and go during the array of thunder
hope-filled enough to pay the displayed prices
while the owners chat about the approaching sun
Outside the cage the prosties munch
the peanut butter and jelly sandwiched in their hands
as I thumb Campbell on the myths we share
out of nowhere
find myself
the I
I thought
I had to
to find
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-We rush past questions in order to avoid anxiety.
-...in order to forget one first must know.
-To live may also involve losing your faith and coming to realize that you are "possessed" by it.
-By his absence-presence Jesus is more present than in the flesh. Every spiritual experience, if it's not just imaginary, is rooted in this understanding.
-...to meet God is at the same instant to deny him. Every certitude is a way of "putting God to death."
-To create is the only important thing, to rediscover the fervor that produced the thing you're weeping for.
-A true revolution always rediscovers the source of a tradition and expresses it in body and soul at the same instant.
-...in order to be unrooted it's first necessary to be rooted.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
You are bright-light
and yellow bar of splash
criss-crossing the universe
shooting across my heart:
Light emitting light
to sun and moon
and stars of galaxies unknown
making darkness light
to play away the night
You sing of love and mercy
for us who bedevil your might
providing ropes for safety
and ladders that we might climb;
laying highways straight on bent paths
and paving them with care
setting food on the waysides
setting tables lush and fare
You are marvelous daystar-You
natural life devoid of death
So I run running-run
where You trod, plod and sod
following your call
ready, abandoning all
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Spiritual life...is possible only because of not-knowing. The mentality that presents faith as natural betrays it while pretending to serve it. That's why a rigid faith is merely flight from oneself and overcompensation.
-Believers almost always imagine that faith means certitude.
-Learn to recognize the faith that reveals a secret despair.
-For me the absence of doubt would be disturbing.
-I'm speaking of an active doubt that hunts out prejudices and every kind of idolatry, an ongoing discovery that grows stronger by overcoming all obstacles.
-To hesitate, to change ones mind, to make mistakes, these are proofs of honesty.
-We rush past questions in order to avoid anxiety.
-...in order to forget, one first must know.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
break in the grey sky
clouds enclosed Char
comforting her
wrapped in the grip
of winter's cold hands
her woman's heart wanted something akin to sun
wanted a man to swallow her heated breasts
and between grunts and passion-eyes
lay light upon her flesh
against clouds grayed by Winter-winds
and the down of chilly nights
she opened to the sun
locking her clouds away
laying open her wanting flesh
granting him both time and day
twas a wonder-moment of heat
a scene of smiles released
when he broke the surrounding darkness
with bowls of liquid-light
laying it upon her ground
with a breakfast of laughter complete
*"...there are no pain-free options. You have to choose which future regret you're going to live."
-Andrew Anthony
*"...you never get a second chance to make a good first impression."
-Peter Galbraith
*"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
-James Baldwin
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-The path toward faith is also a matter of unlearning things. Spiritual sanity resides in a youthfulness which spontaneously rejects everything that is static. Almighty God, King, Lord, Prosecutor, Judge, Spouse, Lover of the soul, Father - get rid of all those words, and thousands of others, until nothing is left. Nothing, that's our name for God, condemned not to intervene, for fear of making us all immature. That means we shouldn't be afraid to use the most everyday words. Only you know what you've put in them - hidden love, deep laughter.
-Remember, God speaks through the lips that happen to be there - those of the unbeliever as well as those of the saint and through the silence of those who no longer have anything to say.
-Don't expect manna every morning...
Monday, April 25, 2016
boy, i'd like to
boy, i'd like to tear you from your mother's breast
snatch you crying for her soothing chest
whisk you into the forest dark
have you strip at the water's edge
sit naked among the ghosts of night
frighten hell from your trembling bones
that you might question till the breaking day
till the sun crawls upon your nervous back
then talk with you man to man
cov'ring you with strength that wisdom brings
that you might stand tall in the ancestral tree
and learn yourself the masculine strain
through the death your initiation brings
for then you'll live having walked through death
with your name newborn unlike the rest
returning grown commissioned to live
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-We don't decide to to doubt; it just happens that way.
-To tear down the idols that exist outside oneself doesn't mean much. To destroy idolatry within oneself is far more difficult.
-In the area of faith it is both vulgar and stupid to try to prove anything. Fight for truth? Never. People fight for convictions in place of truth. Someone who genuinely loves the truth seeks only to let it fill her whole being.
-Don't try to change people's opinions or convert anybody. Be what you are and perhaps someone else will be led to become what she is. Adopt a genuine manner to tell us what moves you, without worrying about the consequences. That's neither laziness nor amateurism, but a spontaneous self-discipline which has nothing in common with the party line. It might better be compared with the constant practice of someone who wants to play a tune.
Friday, April 22, 2016
I sit staring blankedly at the darkness
staring through the holes in my mind
through the emptiness of my thoughts
I sit straight-jackedly straight
within an id, cramped dungeon-deep
jailed by the fiend of loneliness
I search for a key to free the humdrum of me
to unchain the dazing spirit
holed-up in my butter-fly cocoon
Mine is the plight of an introverted me
an unsure creature growing sour
awaiting boredom's mate to lift me from the floor
*The more you protest against life, the more bogged down you get in it. That's a truism. The problem is how to leave this earth behind, rise up and go further.
-Ilya Kabakov
*Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no straight thing was ever made.
*The nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools,
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Someone in love doesn't constantly go around saying "I love you." Love speaks just as well in silence.
-Not a day, not an hour rolls by without my thinking, in some way, about eternity.
-Yes, I am a believer - like you, unless you've yielded to the illusion that the dividing line between faith and belief only passes between one person and another and not within each of us.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed
I feel like a pagan yet am redeemed
like one not knowing Christ yet holding on
wanting to chuck him yet drawn to his side
desiring to wallow yet aware that I'm washed
the barbaric holding tight while grace whispers thin
I canter the futile tha 's decoding my sins
the "easily got" tantalizing my heart
Looking toward Jesus as at some distant fog
I doubt and un-doubt in cycles spiraling round
down to nature's base, finding rest and escapades
Yet being here is a statement, a hopeful deed of faith
staring at my savior in his ciborium-cage
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Just as in art and literature, the real, or what we call real, is grasped by those who give such unique expression to it that each authentic creator can be immediately recognized in a page, a single phrase, one canvas. Just as a child recasts the world in his or her uniqueness before being harnessed for useful purposes, each Christian "author" only knows how to speak in his or her own voice.
-In societies where people exist only in terms of their profitability, the vocation of Christianity is to remind them, against all evidence, of their royalty.
-Humor should be part of Christian language.
-Almost no one looks for or listens to a truth that reveals its roots. People prefer ideas that function apart from themselves, that won't make any trouble.
-You are lucky not to have to become a celebrity, because nothing makes you grow old before your time so much as fame - you begin to take yourself seriously.
-Too much reverence kills life. Too many people become suspicious of a thought when it becomes flesh and blood, word.
-Formulas are useful, as necessary as the mileage markers along the highways, but they are not the way.
Monday, April 18, 2016
bare skin
bare bones
nichts to offer
nothing given
pitied and plucked
plopped upside down
stretched forth,
like a Lazarine beggar
kicked and leaked
soured and beat sore
begging for pennies
awaiting some hand-out
pennyless, duped in
scouring nude pockets
accepting foreign coins
given without kin
You are me
the Me i won't see
begging with nothing
a nichts wishing mercy
touch my virtue
spark my assurance
spit on my blindness
clear my failing eyes
to view You in me
in the pit of my hell
'gainst the fence-post of heaven
where Abraham rocks You
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-You only have the right to speak about the grain of truth that grows within you. You can't talk about faith as if it's something outside of you, a kind of spiritual satellite that turns around in the heaven of ideas. The gift of tongues takes place in the depth of a living experience.
-It's not the living who imagine that faith is disappearing and morality is crumbling, but the dead. Whether they realize it or not, such people consider morality and faith as a product, and men and women simply as supports for a human condition.
-If a person wants to be something more than the mouthpiece of the dead, she must let the Word percolate within her until it emerges, the same and different.
-The word-poem doesn't get just into ones head but stirs body-consciousness into movement, like a roar of laughter.
-To get out of oneself, to rediscover oneself, is the same thing - it's connecting with the universal. Absolute and silent within us, the words slit open the world of contradictory desires, tries to break past the barriers of egoism, expresses itself in bursts of anger and joy, revolt and prayer, and acts out a dance. It's like the pre-verbal stage of childhood when you found it hard to distinguish your body from the body of life, when you didn't exist as a separate individual.
-To create literature is to give life.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
at the site of myself aging
magma boils below the ground
churning in the earthiness of flesh
awaiting the pressures fo fear
eager to blow through the bones
of skeletons hid in the hold
in dark tunnels of the heart
to destroy the peace in the park
the battle-ground is greening
flowering with the rose of Sharon
towering before the Philistines
whose pebbles are vehicles of hope.
blood will spill out freely
like beer at a tail-gating party
and will pour into national chambers
where white cells tremble from the cold
a soldier squats like a child at toilet
struggling to rise like thalidomide at play
fears slicing into his wholeness
amputating his integrity and grace.
physicians mold his prostheses
as he reviews the movies of his mind
wishing down the shadows of hist'ry
and longing the embodiment of love
*Today is my mother's 97th birthday.
*Today, President Lincoln emancipated the slaves in the District of Columbia (1862).
I continue to weep.
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Both means and obstacles, words lie as much as they tell the truth.
-Dead truth is worse than error; at least you can react against error.
-The word of Scripture or the word of someone who proclaims the Gospel anew, the same yet different, reaches us with body and soul intact. There is the shock of a superabundant life with its burden of enigma and its secret, which draws us toward the risk of adventure.
-It's impossible to cheat reality. Reality will always take its revenge. The abandonment of the Church, indifference, the much-publicized religious crisis, are undoubtedly related to the new structures of society which no longer have credibility. It's not that there is less faith but that sociological conditions are changing. That's true, but to an incalculable degree those structures are the crystalization of our illusions and lies.
-To become aware of the abyss that separates words and reality, to live with that pain, is to pray and thereby reduce the split, regardless of the poverty of words.
-...it's not verbalization that best brings people together, but something more obscure and vital, a breath, an aspiration, a movement, gestures, that make people who have opinions recognize each other. Even among those who use the same vocabulary and the same ideas, if that quality doesn't exist, a declaration of community is only a veil of illusion.
-Since people are not always inhabited by the superabundant life of faith and the joy that goes with it, they surrender all the more quickly to the urge to convince others.
-The thrust of the Word can only be borne in the hollow of consciousness, without any detour. Loves offer no explanations or proofs. It takes you by surprise, disorganizing before recreating; it invents it own path, the path of communion.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
as wetness rushes like a solid form
o'er the rocks circling the pond
minnows strain and press their grey
into invisible currents pulling neath the light
they dart toward the shade
brushing 'gainst the rocks
i watch their movements
envious of their wants
*House at Rest
a caterpillar ripples
along a leaf
into flight
a sunflower
into seed
a river
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-All religious discourse is empty if it does not present its proof in a breathing body. Unless you're convinced that faith is only an assent to propositions and not an existential experience in which the message is grasped with your bare hands. And that the community of proclamation and explanation had been definitively substituted for the living and confessing community. And that the interior kingdom promised by the Gospel is only a lure, and that it's enough to obey, watch and wait.
-Those who live on the boundaries between blasphemy and adoration are sometimes more stimulating than the machines that produce religious propaganda for today's fashions.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
as Schiller's painted image looked down
leaning flush against the red cafe wall
a couple sat staring past each other's eyes
catching conversations floating their way
stiff of posture, they awaited the meal passing by
their taste for communion being left unmet
their smile poised as if a surprise
dining quietly in panelled warmth
any mirth would have been gourmet to them
the bread of their meeting being silently dead
*More than ever, we'll need to constantly keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing.
-Elizabeth Loftus
*It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.
-Mother Teresa
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-So much that we call understanding can develop into make-believe. Even in the order of human knowledge, to understand is often simply a matter of putting a new word among words that are already known.
-It's the same, even more so, when it comes to eternal things. The natural tendency is to come to a stop at signs, with a pretense at understanding that shows laziness and pretension. For example, the concept of a personal God in itself, apart from a spiritual experience, is only a projection into metaphysical space of someone who has a high opinion of himself and passionately desires to be immortal. Everything gets organized on that basis. If God exists, he is all-powerful, all-good, etc. Hence, if there is disorder, man is guilty. Such a God must reward and punish. This is the kind of irrefutable logic that forms the foundation of many religious consciences. Religious knowledge is often a shriveled chain of reasoning that starts with an idea that can't be questioned, the recognition of the need for a solid foundation.
-Language cannot be distinct from the person speaking; one might even say that language creates the speaker.
Monday, April 11, 2016
minding their own bus'ness
casting nets and scaling fish
some rabbi splashed their ears with words
that swamped their fishing hearts enough
to abandon all and follow him
to fish the waters of the world
saying come follow me
hang out on his drying rack
*Play, play, play while day has dawned cause night comes so quickly.
*...trying to make holy sense out of the insane around us.
*You're invited to sing the wrong song.
-anonymous WSU student
*More than ever, we'll need to constantly keep in mind that memory, like liberty, is a fragile thing.
-Elizabeth Loftus
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-The element of the unknown in the resurrection is like an aspiring emptiness.
-The very vulnerability of its proofs gives faith its essential character, which is to be incapable of being possessed.
-The object of faith is not a means of knowing, any more than the mystery of Christ is an object of historical knowledge. We can't reach it across twenty centuries of history, but faith instantaneously makes it contemporary. Hence it represents neither object nor an effort to understand but the transformation of the subject.
-Thoughts by themselves have never produced a single act of love.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
any thing but this?
any thing but this:
going crazy
as if the trip was complicated
cause your marbles fell loose
having no bag to collect themselves
holding conversations 'bout a stint in jail
as if they were peaches and cream
served in a blue Wedgwood bowl
going crazy may be a blessing
a welcome break
from the buzzing madness busying your mind
with the chatter of shrill voices
incessantly speaking confusing words
in tongues of blurred and buried forms
you might wish this on yourself
when lunatics attempt to flee the bottleneck
of whispers swirling near your ears
bouncing about the bones in your head
sequestering sanity
like one listening for the Voice
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-In contrast to faith as knowledge, faith that is experience and word immediately gives us the reality that it aims at, the way a poem does. What is separated in reflection is not necessarily separate in reality, though knowledge always tends to dry up living forces.
-Get ride of the idea that secularism has prevented the Gospel from getting through to people. It's the rationalism that was introduced into the message, making it abstract, imperialistic ideology, that undermined it.
-A faith which produces fear or sleep is a false faith.
-...reason recognizes that no choice is made once and for all.
-...to sing the Credo is not necessarily to live the faith.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Anguishing the Holy
Let the wolf howl, Myst'ry
the beasts cry
those mating, Fate
gathering as they cry
Let the myst'ry play
on the unpredictable paths
beckoning the heart to walk
to walk, to walk, walk tall
through darkness and light
to the forks that chart
one's unknown course
to cascades of castle rocks
to the beasts of moving life
Go tither there
go with forward chest
with feet firmly placed
though knees in tension knock
and hands shake
and fear unseen assails
and unknown groans mock
Christ walks beside you
stands silently inside you
is met with prayer within you
as the tremoulous journey begins
until your tremoulous journey ends
*History is selective memory.
*We can all speak as if we're innocent, yet we are all guilty.
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Who would want to drink at a dried-up spring? In the spiritual order everything is spontaneity and beginning.
-Faith is not communicated by means of doctrine only, but in spite of and apart from it, to everyone who believes that something opens up beyond human experience.
-...in the last analysis neither laws nor rituals create love; they imply it. The death of Jesus radically challenges for all times those social mechanisms that substitute culpability or repression for love.
-One has to want to be a dupe to believe that love can be harmonized with worldly prudence and good will, with "virtues" that help arrange our comfort or a "justice" that is nothing but the organization of universal greed.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
am i a hermit
and there is only
for my cell-block
only You
neath the logs
of this hut
where love's nostalgia
i weep wet-down
the face of my flesh
as Hovhaness' horn
the swarthy Black
of Solomon's song
he pines for her
his love
his dove
am i his cell
his prayer
his Black
his horn
and You
his Home?
do i pine for You
and Lord?
*Every place one settles in has what one needs and don't want.
*We all can speak as if we're innocent yet we all are guilty.
*Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
-Martin Luther King, jr.
*Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
-Samuel Beckett
*A reflection of Jean Sulivan:
-...it must be repeated, the memory of Jesus can be merely a glance behind, sincere veneration of a past that we see ourselves reintroducing into a life sprinkled with pious thoughts and symbolic acts. But we will always go through the disappointment and disillusionment of Golgotha and the ascension. To remember is to experience him as alive here and now in the unknown and to laugh at learned theories about the empty tomb, the appearances, and all that archaeological material with which people distract themselves; it means coming out in the open and creating a new relationship. Because as soon as that happens, it relativizes all the ideas, old and new, that we have or thought we had.
Monday, April 4, 2016
often fussing like blowing wind
we shuffle leaves that have already been raked.
nothing's right.
no orders please.
no humor honors our strange dislikes.
we fear taking life as the trip it is.
journeying through incongruities
like white-water rafters
we dodge bumpy rocks
the best we can.
we play "Salmon" leaping
toward certain death.
"to hell with it", we say
rambling about our stinking pits
holding us captive there
in what we'd like to escape.
*Afraid! Afraid! Yet we strive to dominate others with our fears - in the one space where God is: stillness.
*Every place where one settles has what one needs and what one doesn't want.
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-We will never catch up with real people unless we start with the body of the earth, which is also our body.
-...to laugh at having believed we had encountered God, to blush at having said it, to enter a kind of nakedness in discovering the artificiality of ideas that we had imagined were part of us. And in this way to begin to exist in a more relaxed style, more available to the first comer. You can be like someone who all his life shouted out his faith, which he believed was his own, and suddenly, perhaps at death's door, realizes that he is surrounded by darkness and asks himself, "Have you been lying?" Better to wake up before you're laid out for burial.
-There is no spiritual life which does not encounter deception and disillusionment, suffering and confusion.
Friday, April 1, 2016
a Word most precious
alights like snow
floating down upon the earth
gently quiet
and packaged light
covering lands of grass and stones
with freshness
moistening the hardened ground
for Spring
tis "Come!"
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-The message of the Gospel can come alive only in a mind that is timeless and therefore contemporary.
-Christianity, once it becomes linked to abstract thought, merely skims over the surface; genuine universalism is concrete and has to have roots.
-There's a long road ahead for those who try to follow the Gospel.
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