A moldy warrior's apologea
What do I stand for sitting among the dead as they lay upon their coffin-beds?
Can't I rise to something or do I fear the known? Am I the
coward-king martyred in dreams and whisked away at my awakening?
Coward-kings rule everywhere: in white houses and walled temples
columned halls and limousined stalls at the measured speed of bureaucrats
with filed cases discussed ad nauseam What's the use is stamped upon their
heads I'm one of a multitude of believer-citizens armored in grace
and untouched by sin suburnbanized and guarded from the cursed
I wrench at the truth of it my concrete-feet avoiding noble deeds My mouth
speaks at computer-pace the alphabet-sentences of sounds too weak to miss
I'm a molded-warrior lacking attentive eyes and a prophet's might
uncourageous to speak and might to walk until my oppressive fear is balked
*Reflections of Jean Sulivan:
-Conceptual man is exiled from communion; death tears away from him the only thing that counts, possession.
-The West with its mechanistic intelligence has thus become the third world of the spiritual life.
-We say, "We believe in" but we're not "Moved by." That's why joy rarely visits us, and when it comes we feel guilty.
-Because eternal life doesn't run in your veins and you haven't learned to laugh, you have to feel important, like small gods.
-God is the silence of every word.
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