gasp for air
gasp for air it's said
gasp to live a minute longer
gasp while pushing off the force of self
to belong completely to the Force of Life
my head submerged beneath the waters
beneath my wants
beneath addictions holding bound
holding bound my preferred attachments
against my soul
against my good
against my distant wish
to fight against my God no more
to give-in long enough
to behold forever with a throbbing heart
with a lively passion
breathing free
that drowning would be pleasure
a gift for touching Life
*Reflections of Alan Jones:
-...solidarity with others us essential if the soul is to be made and re-made.
-I am, paradoxically, most myself when I can say "we".
-(The) sham "we" makes us feel safe and at home for a while, but it often depends on excluding others and even persecuting and killing them if our safety is threatened. A family can be a prison house of the soul. Each member must serve its honor and worship at its shrine. Freedom and spontaneity are crushed by the family group. A nation can wound the souls of its members by belligerent and exclusivist policies formulated in the name of "national security." That is why the making of a soul requires us to break out of the small groups in which we live and find our true Self in an ever-widening circle, first in the whole and then in God.
-...since it is going against the stream of life flowing towards that wholeness which is in God, the ego is always on the defensive, always at war with others and with itself.
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