Sunday, January 25, 2015


it is...


...and off we go on the false trip
to another space
a place
where the long forgotten had been buried
after their divine, scientific murder
and their forced terrestrial transference
imposed by might
by white
in spite
in the name of christ
granted and leased
in the name of
...of since forgotten


adherence to possession
and historical procession
snatched from the long selections
of abrogated reflections
and mismanaged devastations
of a people now considered
ones own

o the unjust accumulations
and our steroid intercessions
that destroyed the distributions
of our poisoned replications

it is...

will it be?

*I am puzzled by the hunger for purity among people.  The people who walk down the street with bottles of water, for example.  They have a drive to cleanse their bodies of all that is impure, a dream of escape from the impure.  I am very impatient with that.  We have to reconcile young people to the idea of the unsettled, the indeterminate, the compromised life.  That is my moralism, a brown moralism.  I'm not urging people to any accommodation of truth or light or a path.  I like the idea that my impure lover would be the one giving communion at Mass as a eucharistic minister. That's what the church should be about, it seems to me.  We should always hand the Eucharist over to a sinner
-Richard Rodriguez

*We are now entering a time when we can no longer control history.  Not only can we not control history by putting fences around things and saying, "This is clean and that is impure," but we are now participating in a time that we no longer know exactly how to imagine.  The old journey that defined America, the movement from east to west, from ocean to ocean, the journey of the sun over a day from sunrise to sunset, is now replaced by the journey of the seasons, the north-south journey, the journey of monarch butterflies - and of increasing numbers of Americans who move from hot to cold as the seasons change.  Our understanding of nature is changing, and rather than controlling it, we now have a sense - or at least I have a sense - that it controls us.
-Richard Rodriguez

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