Thursday, December 31, 2015

The vengeance of the turba

The depths of Holy Saturday is being lived
in all the darkness and hell hidden below
as the lives of many priests are splayed
by the investigative pen of hungry reports.

It is not these servants of The Holy alone
who have sinned in the manner of the criminal flesh
but all in the nation of the safe and secure
of Puritans sure of salvation by promised decree.
For who dare imagine that after their plunge
some smoke of Satan would darken their soul?

When denizen-followers of the Papist State 
stand bare on TV revealing their flaws
it's simple to snip the balls of consecrated flesh
of celibates who know that they are enfleshed
then fart in their faces and puke on their names
now that we've seen their Jockey's dropped.

The vengeance of the turba has opened wide
and the venom of envy flows out onto the streets
pleading that the swords of justice be unsheathed
till the blood flows from the beds of their sons.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -God's "appearance" in the world shows us how we are to "appear" to one another.  The pattern or paradigm of God's self-giving is found in John 15:15: "I call you servants no longer; a servant does not know what his master is about. I have called you friends because I have disclosed to you everything that I have heard from my father."

  -I can know myself only insofar as I am willing to disclose myself to others and to allow others to disclose themselves to me.

  -God is Trinity, and so am I.

  -I am invited to define myself in terms of my future instead of my past.  This is liberating because, as a believer, I trust that my future is in God.

  -This does not mean that my past is is irrelevant.  It means that my past is interpreted in terms of my future other than the other way round.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Questions for WAR

Does your blood bleed the flag
because you dwell in this land?
Did your ancestors mold the earth
upon which you proudly stand?
Is your birthplace so sacred a miracle ground
that God knows it and it alone?

Why do the nations rage in war
as if their people were creators of all?
Do the tears of children change
when their eyes see the innocent slain
or they scour the garbage mounds for food
when they're shot cold in the head?

Whose pain is noble where bullets lodge?
What wounds distinguish friendly fire?
What corpse is perfume drawing flies to feast
or you to nurse upon their bones?
Do blind patriots condone the perverse?
Is the mute flag mouth-piece for the dumb?

Stare into the eyes of Death and see yourself.
Stand bravely midst the wayward bombs.
Dig for mines for your dinner table.
Grind the poor into meal for tanks.

Do doubts ever rankle your peace-filled mind?
Do your prayers wrestle our virgin flag? 

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -The dominant lure of life is toward the "We" and we may thank God for our neuroses in that they are, at least, signs that there are cracks and cervices in the egocentric shell we build around us.

  -...our falling apart can be a sign of God's work in us.

  -We prevent our own healing when we misrepresent what is going on inside us, and lie to ourselves. 

  -Only those who go through the crisis, only those who endure "the perils of the soul" and dare to brave the unknown dangers of the future find the way to new, mature and productive life (Fritz Kunkel) 

Monday, December 28, 2015

gasp for air

gasp for air it's said
gasp to live a minute longer
gasp while pushing off the force of self
to belong completely to the Force of Life

my head submerged beneath the waters
beneath my wants
beneath addictions holding bound
holding bound my preferred attachments

against my soul
 against my good
against my distant wish
to fight against my God no more

to give-in long enough
to behold forever with a throbbing heart
with a lively passion
breathing free
that drowning would be pleasure
a gift for touching Life

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -...solidarity with others us essential if the soul is to be made and re-made.

  -I am, paradoxically, most myself when I can say "we".

  -(The) sham "we" makes us feel safe and at home for a while, but it often depends on excluding others and even persecuting and killing them if our safety is threatened.  A family can be a prison house of the soul.  Each member must serve its honor and worship at its shrine.  Freedom and spontaneity are crushed by the family group.  A nation can wound the souls of its members by belligerent and exclusivist policies formulated in the name of "national security."  That is why the making of a soul requires us to break out of the small groups in which we live and find our true Self in an ever-widening circle, first in the whole and then in God.

  -...since it is going against the stream of life flowing towards that wholeness which is in God, the ego is always on the defensive, always at war with others and with itself. 

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A laughable matter

It seems that...
and no matter what...
things continue...

Since we are caught...
our own intransigence...
'cause sin is real...
and own the truth...

cutting ourselves off...
separating us from ourselves
and the God of our creation...
engulfing us in this darkness
trying to block the Light


I do not



I long


                                                      *Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -The second and third conversions are necessary precisely because they reach those painful depths of personal suffering and terror that routine religion simply cannot touch.  Without the second and third possibilities, the first conversion can easily become a masquerade that keeps us infantile (rather than childlike) and prevent us from moving into a maturing faith.  "Nothing is as apt to mask the face of God as religion," wrote Martin Buber.  Soul making has to do with the removing of masks and with setting us free.  We are called to enjoy the very life of God..., and it is to that life that we must...turn.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

tears know me
not as cascades
but as sighs
as moist corners
of leaking glands
yearning to scrub
and clean my eyes
clear of crusted years
of dirt-mound mem'ries
and dulled emotions
which like muzzled dogs
strain to romp and bark
with a freedom found
chiseled in the heart

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -All of this has some serious implications for the way in which believers spread the good news.  It requires a rigorous honesty in the way human beings experience the world.  The first conversion is important as the first step on a long journey, and the different churches can help each other to emphasize this first step.  It may well be that those churches which understand themselves as catholic and sacramentally oriented have neglected the first conversion too much.  They tend to take it for granted and hope that people will want to walk in the Way by a sort of osmosis.  The evangelical churches, alas, know of little else but the first conversion.  We need all three.  The first calls on us to be born again, the second and third invite us to grow up into "the fullness of the stature of Christ."

  -Unless there is a change and renewal from within that takes into account the hurts and tragedies of human life the second and third conversions seek to address, millions will be left with out spiritual sustenance.

  -Human longings and human needs are much the same everywhere, regardless of class or education.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


sit in your heart
as life's busy-ness
and you upon her venture

a bell sings through 
the night
its voice radiantly
awakens you
to walk 

*Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology.  He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholar's gown, bid farewell to his study and wander with human heart through the world.
-Carl Jung

Monday, December 21, 2015


prophet purpled in passion and penance
something aches in your craw
you rail, you scale, you slash, you burn
something's beefing up your heat

something shoves you toward us
you'd like to flee but your feet twist you about
positioning you body as a compass toward change
toward rememb'rance, rethink and vital reform

your words enclose us like skin
we claw and scratch and cover our ears
but like hot molten lava your message burns through
and we listen or threaten, declaring you insane

you stand firm in the center of your Trust
your fleshy mouth speaking the thoughts of God
as we scurry about rationalizing the Word
your words sear our hearts with the Fire of Truth 

Historical information is always after the effect and rarely makes a difference.  Sometimes it becomes more brutal as a corrective of the supposed or brutal wrong.

Jesus is the trigger in the trap that brings down those values and principles upon which our systems stand.  He forces us to re-think our relationship to the divine, religion and the state.

*Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts.
-Daniel Moynihan

*Democracy cannot be "promoted" on top of a mountain of corpses.
-Asef Bayat

*Reflections of Alan Jones: I worship God or do I worship my experience of God?  Do I worship God or do I worship my idea of God?

  -From time to time we fall flat on our faces.

  -We make mistakes, and thank God we do!

  -..."the ego had to break, something absolutely natural and seemingly good, seemingly perhaps the only good, has to be given up.  After that there's darkness and silence and space.  And God is there."

  -We tend to make religion only of our better moments.

Friday, December 18, 2015

contention in the air

clouds call on the wind-song flying
loosely moving by whim-some laws
via hot and cold waves of of the morning
the sun and moon lights of night

the fury of tornadoes scream
with lightening on the quiet days
with adventures and grey might
at high levels taken in stride
the shapes formed by their blowing
are beheld by eyes of awe
thet're heard by ears of fear

'cause contention's in the air

*Up to Now




                                                         -Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -...part of self-knowledge is the acknowledgement of our soul-sickness. is fatal to interpret Christianity as a program for self-improvement or self-fulfillment.  It is now, as it was then, a response in obedience to the God who calls us out of our lostness and pain into the light of (God's) future.  Believers are people who are always making new beginnings.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

floating empty

there ain't no what i need
where i stand upon the shore

hope has been drowned in a swamp
mired in an empty effort to reach a wharf

i build a raft that might take me home

thick arms of clouds release their thunder
as if storms move love in an empty chest
where gold nuggets count for nothin'

i enjoy the water spilling from the clouds
but my marbled heart can't hold the drops
and flushing ennui into the sea requires a flood
through whose embrace it'll quickly pass

from this raft of bamboo planks
sufficient for one who has lost his oars
i float empty toward a wobbly dock
to await redemption wrought by the cross

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

-The three crises: The first crisis is one of meaning;...The second crisis is one of betrayal....The third crisis is one of absence or emptiness.

-My quarrel with popular evangelism and its love of easily digestible solutions is that it concentrates not on dismantling of the false self, but on the baptism of its neuroses and pathologies.  The idea is that the convert is to hand everything over to God with the naive understanding that that is the end of the matter.  There is not enough emphasis on the need to reorder the personality and redirect the character.  Instead, our weaknesses and fears often get redirected in the service of a new found but false faith.  This weak and timid person is converted into a narrow-minded fanatic, when what was demanded of true conversion was a way of dealing with and transforming the weakness and timidity. But it takes a long time for a life to be totally converted, and most of us want instant conversions and overnight transformations.

-...religion is (in part) what we do with our craziness; and it should be no surprise that Catholics at times play snakes and ladders.

-The making of a soul is hard work, and yet it is also free gift. God's wild card of unconditional love is secure and sure, but we are found and lost in our choosing.  We are free to get lost and stay lost.  It is, therefore, legitimate to understand soul making and conversion in terms of progression and growth.  We are free to slip back.  We  are free to fail.  We are free to say "No."  Perdition - which means being lost - is always a possibility, and rescue is always near at hand.  The choice is ours. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dying dad

Between laughs
remembrances descend
somber like dead balloons
leaking whatever life remains

He looks beyond looking back
probing deep down
through the ground of crumpled colors
through the tired and piled balloons

Between laughter
his sober thoughts gather feelings
grains of gratitude and sorrow
or more for us who want to know

He smiles again
dispelling our dis-ease
lest we dive into a funk
a desert without reprieve

But midst our labored exhalations
we pretend exhilaration

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

-It takes a long time to make a human being, and conversion is that continual process of being made and re-made.

-Desert believers know that however we have come to acknowledge Christ as Lord, there is always more of him to know and more of ourselves to know and surrender to him.  This means, among other things, that we don't all have to experience the same things at the same time.

-If we follow the life of Christ as set out in the Gospels...we find a range of possible experiences. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Blaming escapades

We'd like to save ourselves
but can't

We blind ourselves to our escapades
escaping, if possible, the original fall into dis-grace

We fall deeper into the ancient hole
dug while fleeing the first

It's tragedy we long
Responsibility we set aside

Felix culpa we sing at Easter Mass
yet quickly suppress the message therein
wrapping it in blaming tones
unable to face our own

With difficulty we accept ourselves
and the pathetic state of our kind
but if we would responsibly say Yes
our present stumbling would occasion grace

If  death doesn't get you, something else will.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Evangelism has been infested by the desire to package things for easy consumption. can't sell Christ the way you can sell a car, a deodorant, or a bottle of scotch.

  -The question for the desert believer is to tell the truth in faith so that what we are and what we present is both genuinely hopeful and uncompromisingly realistic.

  -The Gospel is grotesque.  We have got to give in to that idea, no matter how repulsive, no matter how - and especially because - it goes against every culturally conditioned notion of "significant issues" we have.  The Gospel is ludicrously incongruous in our world.  It is not headline material.  It cannot make it onto C.B.S. News.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

I'm old enough

I'm old enough to say Yes to sin
and not get stuck in the game of blame

I'm it
I'm the one

My sin shines before me and Thee
No cheap release from responsibility

My sin is mine
It's mine to repent

For the wicked are healed by love
if we but do it

if we but die and keep on dying
till what is seen is You

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Yes, love has teeth!  It asks us one terrible and demanding question; "What are you going to do now?"

  -Being a lover, becoming a soul, means making choices.

  -We often mistake maturity for a dampened ardor or a dried-up enthusiasm.  True spiritual maturity is the serious honoring of the validity of our deepest longings. 

  -I am rescued time and time again from the vicious narrowness of my own projects and schemes precisely by the agency I both dread and long for.

  -Jesus calls me, but I don't like some of his friends.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tensioned silence

at once arrogant and shrill
speaks a truth about relations
louder than words could say
as these two stand
at the thresh-hold looking
staring blankly past their eyes
their lips sealed against the word
that would free the caged Bird

like God is silent
silent yet speaking
speaking like God won't slay
by speaking
holding them in tension
attending to the other's absence
to the other's presence
brushing each like a whispered hope
a fermenting dream
believing that one day
appreciation will blossom
embracing and kissing
wondering why it took so long
to speak

*The only face I see of God is the face of another human being.

*The past is history, the future a mystery but today is a gift which is why it is called the present.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -The double desire to love and be loved is common to everyone.  It is the ancient drive of eros that unites us one with another.  Eros is not simply the drive towards sexual fulfillment; it is the impulse towards any satisfaction and completion.

  -God is the One who attracts, lures, draws us to "himself."

  -All our desires spring basically from the same source.  All our "erotic" impulses, even when misdirected, destructive, and erratic, relate in the end to the "Love of God."  Love in this sense is much more than a romantic urge.  It is the desire  of every creature to find its proper place, to find its true home.  It is like the force of gravity, which pulls things to their rightful place in the scheme of things.  Water finds its own level.  Smoke from a flame naturally rises upwards.  So it was believed that everything spontaneously tended towards its own place.  It is love that draws everything to its own unique home - for Dante, it is that which literally, makes the world go round.  It is this love/impulse that we all share in common.

  -To be a lover is, by definition, to be someone on "his" way home.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A wild chap was he
walking slowly through the wood
eyes grabbing each movement of leaves
the dance of trees, the swaying wind

He was a wild thing the land reclaimed
for ev'ry ant and twittering bird
entertained his curious glance

His was no rush past nothin'

No insignificance dodged his sight
for ev'ry piece of life be there
a presence like God in hiding
covered neath clods of green

Just an old man they thought
strolling through the park
an almost dead somebody
or nobody meaningful to watch

But there in his eyes shone wonder
and his heart beat life's excitement
walking slowly through the wood
watching expectantly for life

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -While I do not want to reduce Jesus Christ to a mere paradigm, he is at least that for me.  He is the means by which I interpret myself and my experience....Jesus is God's Word to me about myself.

  -In Christ, nothing has to be left out, or sanitized.

  -The two great characteristics of the desert believer are joy and gratitude.  These are the marks of the converted life.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Seismic the destruction bottled 
to maim, to kill, to dominate the horde
then beamed like some lighthouse on a nervous shore
spilling blood bottled as a Nobel prize

It seems callous, heartless, emotionless to a fault
that what's been cursed a hundred thousand times
is sanctioned by the maddened peons
appealing to the insanities of the crowd
as enough death to consider to consider us strong

Leaders salute stagnate air
gas-passing o'er the media wires
building ardor 'mongst us slobbering for war
leaping hard-drugged under the cauldrons of hate
encased in some magical Easter wrappings
protected from our enemy's hands
awash in flat promises of victories we'll win

I go crazy, wondering if God knows what's about
wondering how we slaughter each other patiently
marching 'neath the banner of theological themes
God has given us to enter the fray

Stories and tales are repeated year after year
Murder and gags torture the Word
all for the good of the conquering nation
arrogant leaders of a people with anxious gods 

Not enough death to reconsider ones worth
nor enough Earth destroyed to reconsider our cause
We kill off and on to purify our world of dread
purging the universe of the demons occupying our minds
There upon a cross the Best Victim hangs crucified
begging forgiveness of the Father since we know not what to do

But Some Thing's been long released
and we claim it's not tears
We mull with eyes watering
envious for peaceful years

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -In order to be formed into a person, a human being has to be organized around a center.

  -...we all find a center, a love, and order our lives within the circle of our allegiance.

  -The desert believer's soul is formed through (their) double process of the making and breaking of circles.

  -Lovers understand this because they have to learn what it is to hold another without chaining up the other's soul.

  -The God of our Savior Jesus Christ is the center of a faith that is as much concerned with braking and letting go as with holding and binding.  It is a faith for lovers.  The believer claims that this double action of holding and breaking is characteristic of the life of God himself.  Love is God's name.  Genuine lovers and true believers know how far they are from being able, in any consistent way, to hold and let go at the same time.

  -The inability of human beings to reach out and touch each other causes many of us to suffer from a deformed and crippled sense of self.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Our daily bread

Bread buttered with tears you see
bread that curves our hungry lips
bread that fills the bellies of our lives;
bread that smells of war and pain
the fractures of rape, the tortured minds
neglected love, abandoned friends;
bread torn apart by folks we know
fam'lies that pound us into dough
bending wills, reshaping souls;
bread, Your bread, spit before the poor
avoided in clubs and on city streets
blamed and cursed for being too near.

This is the bread that is daily
that bread upon which we prey
the bread You offer us pray upon
with tears and shame, re-membering
to shape us whole as nurturing bread.
This is the bread we're given to eat
bread to be given, given as feast.

When our teeth grind the host
blood unveils the whisp'rings of our lips;
your Christ leaks through what we intend forget
each drop of Him falling 'pon the weak of us;
and when your priest holds aloft the sacred host
it's us You see clown acting our own charade
our false and tainted scripts revealed.

Skilled Molder of the Human Clown
knead the dough of us anew
that we might feast without our guilt
bearing the shame that truly frees;
and You weeping with crucified love
with tears to wash our crusty hearts
press forgiveness into our filthy hands
the bread You unstintingly give.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Victims bear no responsibility.  They live in a world where blame and fault can be laid elsewhere.

  -For those who profess and call themselves Christians, the lens through which everything is interpreted is a person: Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection.

  -We cannot do without a paradigm to help us live.

-Human beings need a ritual, an icon, a holy place that will lift them our of the terrifying grip of a deadly everydayness.

  -"Choose and be chosen" is a law of the psychological and spiritual life.  No one can avoid choosing or being chosen by a "paradigm."  It is where we locate our sense of identity, where we find ourselves, our place.  Human beings have found their identity in such diverse models and paradigms as celibacy, sex, war, reason, equality, buffaloes, snakes, tea, peyote, alcohol, tranquility, money, ecology, psychoanalysis, Mao, and Christ.  Choosing, therefore, is very important, because who we are and where we stand will depend on our choice.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

no sound

he made no sound

though belly bobbed
though cheeks bounced
though hands waved

he made no sound

like some dog whipped
silently snipped
Don't Perturb flashin' 
nervously 'cross his mind
in a death-trap house
a forbidden zone
making sound splatter

so thus he was there
in comedy's air
making no sound

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Human beings take a long time to come to maturity.  We are not made overnight.

  -If we would learn about love and the making of the soul we have to enter the world of metaphor, and image.  We have to surrender our desire to control reality by analysis and system building.  These are vital skills for human growth and flourishing; but love (and therefore soul making) require surrender.

  -Soul making involves the willingness to cultivate a certain disposition towards the world and to other people; an attitude of receptivity and openness.

  -The hardest part of moving into mature believing is to allow oneself to be the object of God's delight.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Artificial passion


What's artificial is their passion.
It's akin to the "Just Like" colognes
from the dollar store:
no pain, no doubts
nothing hot enough to burn someone;
nothing raw enough to expose ones blood.
It's sanctity that's dead letters in a book
ones we dream"if only's" about.


I trip upon my struggles
my pretences to follow you
to cling tenaciously with passion
to whatever I need to mimic you.
Your feet have pressed into the land
their mark of passion that's real obsession:
red roses soaked in gall
beaten and stirred to the sweetest fragrance
borne stately like thorns circling the skull
and binding like nails through one drooping wrists.
You rub against my coward's flesh
to summon me whene'er you call
your niggling spirit pushing me 
through tears difficult to swallow.


There's no escape but death
no assurance to measure ones step.
Send quickly then your Paraclete
and coax me up your hill.
I'll cry, "Abba-Daddy, give me a hand"
cause I'm scared to taste your redemption meat.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

-Love is a kind of pain for which we are starved.  The pain comes when all that we have tried to deny will be denied on longer.  The soul suffocates when it is walled up. No wonder it resorts to violence when the pressure gets too much.  Love, the wild card, comes to such a soul by first puncturing the hardened shell in which it has encased itself.  Love, therefore, often comes as a terror - a threat to the self-protecting carapace under which we shelter.  A friend explains to William Golding's hero Wilfred the dire consequences to the soul that constructs for itself  a protective shell.

You see, you are what biologists used to call exoskeletal.  Most people are..endoskeletal, have their bones inside.  But you, my dear, for some reason known only to God...have spent your life inventing a skeleton on the outside.  Like crabs and lobsters.  That's terrible, you see, because the worms get inside, and...they have the place to themselves.   So, my to get rid of the armour, the exoskeleton, the carapace, before it's too late.

The task of love is to help us rid ourselves of the exoskeleton, to lay us bare, to set us free.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

visions of a promised land

the silent tears of the foreign-languaged
heated by the visitation of homing mem'ries
brew in a cauldron of screaming images
spilling o'er the edge like waves on a turbulent sea
their minds, a roiling lake sloshed about in reflections
churning dreams bombarded with sorrows.
they are invisible bodies wallpapered with greenbacks
that monied hands hang like carrots before their face.

affections rise for air in hopes drowning in need
when they think about their fam'lies, oppressed and baited.
visions of a promised-land seduced by a prostitute's voice
they chanced their bodies against the desert's death
thrilled to have arrived across the borders of fate
with homes awaiting the news of freedom's price.
sons and brothers, dad's of various stripe
bear the blows of their scourging
escaping toward a promised life.
Rachel wails still the song forlorn women wail
when the loves of their lives are ghosts haunting their dreams.

they who ne'er wrote, lay dead with sand in their eyes
while the captured are bound to the land of the their birth
handcuffed in jails, awaiting some sentence
no better saved than those who escaped near-free.
but God loves each howe'er their plight might end
for each is Jesus bent upon the pillar of their scourgings
receiving wounds bearing the carcasses on their backs.

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Love...can easily become a device for avoiding unpleasantries and denying tragedy.  In the name of love we tend to deny "pity, joy, grief, and passion" and all for the sake of an egocentric "peace".

  -It is in...daily incidents when pity, joy, grief, and passion are denied that the soul is aborted.  Our neuroses are God-given signals to us of these denials.  Life will not be denied.  If we cannot or will not live it out creatively then life erupts in "a good drunk", a fit of meanness, or uncharacteristic behavior.  We often hear someone say, "I don't know what came over me."  What "comes over us" is those parts of us that are denied and unlived.  They need air.  Without it they smell, and the odor of those repressed and unlived parts of us eventually finds its way to the surface.

  -...our weaknesses are signs of life trying to get out.  Love without a strict regard for the truth of what lies under the surface of things is not love at all.  Souls are not made by lies, denials, or avoidances.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

small minds

the time is not ripe for the adventure of peace
small minds swing on the play toys of power

history yet nurses off the blood of the envied
her roots entangled in the bones of the quelled

the conquerors of evil bind the dove in chains
her olive branch stripped to whip the bad

the righteous empire uses the trappings of faith
to dispose of God, their collateral pawn

their every move reflects the will of God
on their journey to victory, in the excitement to win

they chase the leaders of the world they choose
clothed in the muck from the swamp of their lies

kingdoms lay on the gurney of destruction
wronged and mocked by infidelities to justice

small egos rule the halls of conquest
their ribald spirits re-imaging the world
through tales their blind eyes tell themselves:
that the darkness they see reflects the desirable light

along this path many nations journey
in pursuit of empire fashioned by their hands
rulers of fancy chasing their need for image
they guide their flock toward an acridly flavored life

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

-To be a soul (to be fully mature and alive as a person) is to struggle in hope with love, because we know that at our deepest we are loved.  To be a soul is to know what it is to be a terminal case - to come to terms, however minimally, with the fact that we are going to die.  To be a soul means to know what it is to struggle for, to achieve, and to be denied power.  To be a soul is to live in time, with all its opportunities and limitations.  Our life is a story that slowly unfolds in time.  The believer understands that the great wild card promises that we are to be understood, recognized, and known in terms of our future, which is secure in God, rather than our past.  This means that there is much to regret, that past does not determine who and what we are.  We are in God's hands...the past does not have the last word. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Why do you warn your children, "Be careful!"
when you enter my neighborhood?

Don't you see
I've lived here all my days
through its dangers, trials, toils and joys
or are we more alike than some
cause in your neighborhood
I watch for the boogieman too?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

On this Thanksgiving Day in the USA 
I thank all of you who look at and enjoy
or dislike what I place before you
for, at least, looking at it and expressing
yourselves over it.  I enjoy realising 
that these images and thoughts, held to myself
over these many years but now freely released 
for both myself and you to see and ponder upon, 
and, for me, to rejoice in and over,
however painful some situations have been. 
If nothing else, I have discovered 
over these numerous years and multiple experiences 
that God Is Love..and is that, Absolutely.

Enjoy your days...with gratitude.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"When people are saying, "Peace and security", then sudden disaster comes upon them like pains upon a woman in labor, and they will not escape."
  -1 Thessalonians 5:3

i pray against empire
against it's pledge of universal freedom
a copy-cat mickey mouse way of living
where ev'ry mall repeats another
and we kill ourselves striving to look alike
"God, spare the world this imitative curse"

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
informers with a patriotic scent
stir toilets to analyze ingredients within
where ev'ry enemy of mine will be theirs
and i'll be suspect when i finger their friends

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
protective pulp circles the fearful seed
and like religious kitsch fills its emotional needs
moments of humor are primed by sitcoms
the last laugh for all being History's ghost

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
the poor are snuffed, intellectuals spurned
the arts are targeted as corrupters of youth
the military machine drives the minds of most
distinguishing not between friend or foe

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom
peace and security no one can give
when your mind's not free and your spirit's chained
for fear smothers freedom, love frees one up
the kingdom of the human always tragically ends

i pray against empire
against its pledge of universal freedom

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

-The wisdom of the saints and mystics comes to us only after we have placed ourselves in a  position of waiting and receptivity.

*Longing and desire play a great part in soul making.  It is as if God has deliberately put unfulfilled desires into our hearts so that our hearts may be stretched beyond their present capacity.

*To be a soul (to be fully mature and alive as a person) is to struggle in hope with love, because we know that at our deepest we are loved.  To be a soul is to know what it is to be a terminal case - to have come to terms, however minimally, with the fact that we are going to die.  To be a soul means to know what it is to struggle for, to achieve, and to be denied power. To be a soul is to live in time, with all its opportunities and limitations.  Our life is a story that slowly unfolds in time.

*The believer understands that the great wild card promises that we are to be understood, recognized, and known in terms of our future, which is secure in God, rather than in our past.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

on the horizon

i ask myself
who will see it
who will notice those cries heard in the night
be complicit in the crimes outside our door?

will ours be a voice trembling 'neath a dimming bulb
warning that the light we see is dark?

totalitarians love war as if bred for their tables
blood, the red wine coating their throats

when people disappear, they'll help them hide
because crimes against the struggling are cause for more

we'll shake our heads when the warning sirens wail
longing that the enemy would learn that we are right

who imagines our sincerity to be tainted
nothing is more natural than knowing God's on our side

when we smell flesh as the dust rains upon our heads
will the silent torture of convictions spew vomit on the streets?

when The Bomb. our bombs sprinkle the lawns of our villages
will then a whimper arise to explore the rubble of despair?

when bodies return wrapped in their symbolic flag
will it be too late to redirect the silent movie
to cancel the show about dandelions on our lawns
and show the face which horrified the dreams of our parents
now possessive of our lungs as a suffocating theme?

are we to salute or weep the dead murdered at our hands
for they will be our brothers, our children
our neighbors slain upon the carpeted earth?

then the airy transparency of our majesty
will lay crumbling like a yellowed constitution
released finally from its vacuumed tomb

who will see it
who will notice
complicit in the crimes outside our door
as oblong clouds stretch cross the azure sky
as if beds awaiting heads to rest upon?

*Human nature: the beautiful face with the ugly scars.

*"Whatever remains unconscious emerges later as fate.
  -Carl Jung

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -Gigantic questions about love, death, power, and time feed the soul.  They do not confront us as problems to be solved, but as mysteries to be wondered at, or intractable darknesses to be raged at or endured.

  -...we need to learn that there is power in surrender, in contemplation of the gigantic things.

  -Without the willingness too be still on the beach and play poker, we won't have the energy or resources that laughter and simple exhilaration in being alive brings.

  -Soul making...has something to do with paying attention to the Things Invisible, things which do not lend themselves to manipulation and control.

Monday, November 23, 2015

A wild chap was he
walking slowly through the wood
eyes grabbing each movement of leaves 
the dance of trees, the swaying wind

He was a wild thing the land reclaimed
for ev'ry ant and twittering bird
entertained his curious glance

His was no rush past nothin'

No insignificance dodged his sight
for ev'ry piece of life be there
a presence like God in hiding
 covered neath clods of green

Just an old man they thought
strolling through the park
an almost dead somebody
or nobody meaningful to watch

But there in his eyes shone wonder
and his heart beat life's excitement
walking slowly through the wood
watching expectantly for life

*Reflections of Alan Jones:

  -...the shortage of mystics, desert believers, explorers of the the inner world is the reason why we are undergoing a crisis of soul in our society, why we do not know how to love.  Love is transformed into psychic poison when it is used as a means to an end, as a way of "solving a problem." 

  -...we need to understand that our basic relationship to reality (we might even say to God) is one of gift, the wild card.

  -Souls come into being when they are willing to contemplate gigantic things, when they are willing to allow the wildness of the wild card to enter their systems.

  -Gigantic questions about love, death, power, and time feed the soul. They do not confront us as problems to be solved, but as mysteries to be wondered at, or intractable darkness to be raged at or endured.

  -...we need to learn that there is power in surrender, in contemplation of the gigantic things.

  -Without the willingness to be still on the beach and play poker, we won't have the energy or the resources that laughter and simple exhilaration in being alive brings. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

...if we had not loved each other,  none of us would have survived.
-James Baldwin

Outagamie County Jail

Who would have thunk?
Who would have thought it?

Would it ever have crossed the old folks' minds
that in this place of enclosure
Negro children would be skippin' for joy
in jumpsuits, binding them to jail?