Saturday, November 29, 2014

two darkfigures
am I
abyss of
burnt by
sin gonewild
and stale

*Seeing is a neglected enterprise.
-Saul Leiter

*I like the idea that simple and unimportant things can be a source of great beauty.
-Saul Leiter

*Art ain't about paint.  It ain't about canvas. It 's about ideas.  Too many people died without ever getting their mind out to the world.
-Thornton Dial

-We are weak and fallen human beings who continue to murder by word and deed.

-Today we honor the dead to whose numbers we add by killing others in the name of peace.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

I'll ferry you to rest with me
beside the sperm bank, rich for robbery
beneath the ocean swells
rising on the beach of my flesh
on skin so gentle, a poetry of love
that you'll wed the heat, ocean and all
and rob the bank of its whited gold
so soft, moist, warm and long
in bolting hugs that guide with each embrace
till passions' sleep soothes us to its hour

*If I Fail

If in my quest 2 achieve my goals
I stumble or crumble and lose my soul
Those that knew me would easily co-sign
There was never a life as hard as mine
No father - no money- no chance and no guide
I only follow my voice inside
if it guides me wrong and I do not win
I'll learn from mistakes and try to achieve again.
-Tupac Shakur

*What Is It That I Search 4

I know not what I search 4
But I know I have yet to find it.
Because it is invisible 2 the eye
My heart must search 4 it blinded.

And if by chance I find it,
Will I know my mission is achieved?
Can one come 2 conclusions,
Before the question is conceived?

Just as no no one knows
what lies beyond the shore,
I will never find the answer 2
what it is that I search 4.
-Tupac Shakur

-If death doesn't get you, something else will.

*The dangers of life are many, and safety is one of those dangers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The unadorned Christ

Splattered with sin
the servant-God in flesh
of human nature's gifts
you stand, bare-assed
head caressing the whipping post
where soldiers' blood-letting strokes
release health upon the human race
 You are the sorry-sight of us
the sullied grace of God
deserving life into Hells upon Hells
moaning now the saving prayers of death
facing the tree barren of its fruit

You are the apple, pealed
nailed to Our Parental curse
shiv'ring neath the Eclipsed Sun
the Spirit-seed released from your core

You are a naked-nothing
full with All we'll ever need

*Let no one hope to find in contemplation an escape from conflict, from anguish or from doubt.  On the contrary, the deep, in expressible certitude  of the contemplative experience awakens a tragic anguish and opens many questions in the depths of the heart like wounds that cannot stop bleeding. For every gain in deep certitude there is a corresponding growth of superficial "doubt."  This doubt is by no means opposed to genuine faith, but it mercilessly examines and questions the spurious "faith" of everyday life, the human faith which is nothing but the passive acceptance of conventional opinion.  This false "faith" which is what we often live by and which we even come to confuse with our "religion" is subjected to inexorable questioning.  This torment is a kind of trial by fire in which we are compelled, by the very light of invisible truth which has reached us in the dark ray of contemplation, to examine, to doubt and finally to reject all the prejudices and conventions that we have hitherto accepted as if they were dogmas.  Hence is it clear that genuine contemplation is incompatible with complacency and with smug acceptance of prejudiced opinions.  It is not mere passive acquaintance in the status quo, as some would like to believe - for this would reduce the level of spiritual anesthesia. Contemplation is no pain-killer.  What a holocaust takes place in this steady burning to ashes of old worn-out words, cliches, slogans, rationalizations!  The worst of it is that even apparently holy conceptions are consumed along with all the rest.  It is a terrible breaking and burning of idols, a purification of the sanctuary, so that no graven thing may occupy the place that God has commanded to be left empty: the center, the existential altar which simply "is." 
-Thomas Merton

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

naked child

naked child, where are you:
on a path running
dashing toward childhood
to an innocence lost?

guide me to the inside
the safer side of fear
far from the trembling fright
the echoing noise of night

i yearn for tattered Eden
but cherubs block return.
i scour the streets for heaven
and devils chase me in

*The Shining Star Within
                         Dedicated 2 Marilyn Monroe

Secrets R hidden with the clouds
of Darkness.
And in this place no one Dares 2  Breathe
in Fear of self-expression 
It has been this way
forever and a day
until she came 2 shine
with a spark of innocence and questions
only 2 be answered with Darkness
Not just Darkness but the silent kind
that steals your soul and kills your mind
There was no compassion
for this thriving star
only exploitation
and confused jealousy
u saw no hope and brought the end
Never acknowledging the star within
-Tupac Shakur

*Starry Night
                                 Dedicated in Memory of
                                           Vincent van Gogh

a creative heart, obsessed with satisfying
This dormant and uncaring society
u have given them the stars at night
and u have given them Bountiful Bouquets of Sunflowers
But 4 u there is only contempt
and though u pour yourself into that frame
and present it so proudly 
this world could not accept your masterpieces
from the heart

So on that starry night
u gave 2 us and
u took away from us
The one thing we never acknowledged
    your life
*Tupac Shakur

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wrestling angel

Myst'ry angel of Jacob
brown angel of mine
both angel and Jacob
tussling in myself
on the rocky desert floor
minus comfort, minus rest
for my sore, naked soul

Kneed to my side
my nerves ache for balm
that God soothes o'er wounds
had in the struggling feud

Tis God who is the balm
masseuse, physician, friend
wrestling angel of Jacob
wrestling angel of mine 

*It is not we who choose to awaken ourselves, but God Who chooses to awaken us.
-Thomas Merton

*Contemplation is not trance or ecstasy, not the hearing of sudden unutterable words, nor the imagination of lights.  It is not the emotional fire and sweetness that come with religious exaltation. It is not enthusiasm, the sense of being "seized" by an elemental force and swept into liberation by mystical frenzy.  These things may seem to be in some way like a contemplative awakening and control exercised by our empirical self.  But they are not the work of the "deep self", only of the emotions, of the somatic unconscious.  They are a flooding up of the dionysian forces of the "id". Such manifestations can of course accompany a deep and genuine religious experience, but they are not what I am talking about here as contemplation.
-Thomas Merton

What of Fame?

everyone knows ure Face
The world screams ure name
Never again R u alone
-Tupac Shakur

Friday, November 21, 2014

Finding one's place in the sky
can balk ones movement midst the stars.
Their lights beam bright about;
one's own, a flickering match, it seems.
Yet, an ardent match can set aflame
the wood which firemen sweat to tame.


at any given
moment we can
become transparent
without the wind stopping
or the waves counting on
themselves to be waves-
a naturalness in
the way change
and change again
rises from a thousand
campfires on an endless
plain before the oldest
battle to discover the brilliant
emerald valley at the end
of a moment of
nothing but breath
I hang on
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.


of light
of darkness
of every
I am
at play
on the edge
of the deep
I miss
but more
and more
I miss

-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Heaven is

Heaven is
   a long-awe
   endless wonder
   'tinous delight
   child, leaning back
   on pitched arms
   struck that Such
   can so enrapture  
   that one's all-pleasure
   is being-still
   absorbing All

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Reflections on a day meandering

My heart is a zillion whirlpools
spinning in a symphonic chaos.
I race 'tween doubt and doubt
to touch one second of assurance
enough to push me through the gate

The twisted road of hist'ry
where the sure and lame are halt
is the only trail to Home
where You stand at the door.
There I'm Yours, all Yours
A tattoo upon Your arm
written, "Mine, all Mine",
my name inked in red

No mad eyes rolling out of sight in their sockets
nor perfumed anger torching the toxined air
but a Doorjam-Daddy eyeing the distant street
awaiting my return from the stockade of The Found
where I fashioned a home of filth
midst the stick horses loose in the world

Tis there You stand, searching the distant scene
as bedraggled I walk, rememb'ring
those tattoos writ in red

*The Eternal Lament

From my mind 2 the depths of my soul
I yearn 2 achieve all of my goals
and all of my freetime will be spent
on the 1's I miss I will lament

I am not a perfectionist 
but still I seek perfection
I am not a great romantic
but yet I yearn 4 affection

Eternally my mind will produce
ways 2 put my talents 2 use
and when I'm gone I'm done no matter where I've been
I'll yearn 2 do it all again
-Tupak Shakur

*Contemplation does not arrive at reality after a process of deduction, but by an intuitive awakening in which our free and personal reality becomes fully alive to its own existential depths, which open out into the mystery of God.
-Thomas Merton

*For the contemplative there is no cogito ("I think") and no ergo ("therefore") but only SUM, I Am.
-Thomas Merton

Monday, November 17, 2014

We're in

We're in

We're in

We're in You
imaging You 
at ev'ry corner
imaging You
on ev'ry street
in the maze of written hist'ry
in ev'ry strange
and not so strange
whom You mother
on the breast
the abundant breast 
of Your Spirit

spilling free
a niagra flowing
moistening open mouths
a-ga-pe with credos
and manna for the soul

*The only way to get rid of misconceptions about contemplation is to experience it.
-Thomas Merton

*Contemplation is not and cannot be a function of this external self.  There is an irreducible  opposition between the deep transcendent self that awakens only in contemplation and the superficial, external self which we commonly identify with the first person singular.  We must remember that this superficial "I" is not our real self.  It is our "individuality" and our "empirical self" but it is not truly the hidden and mysterious person in whom we subsist before the eyes of God.  The "I" that works in the world, thinks about itself, observes its own reactions and talks about itself is not the true "I" that has been united to God in Christ.  It is at best  the venture, the mask, the disguise of that mysterious and unknown "self" whom most of us never discover until we are dead.  Our external, superficial self is not eternal, not spiritual.
-Thomas Merton


Please waken me when I'm free
I cannot bear captivity
where my culture I'm told holds no significance
I'll wither and die in ignorance
But my inner eye can c a race
who reigned as kings in another place
the green of trees were rich and full
and every man spoke of beautiful
men and women together as equals
War was gone because all was peaceful
But now like a nightmare I wake 2 c
That I live like a prisoner of poverty
Please wake me when I'm free
I cannot bear captivity
4 I would rather be stricken blind
than 2 live without expression of mind
-Tupac Shakur

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Moving to old age

How quietly I moved to old age, 
a snail sliding toward the wood!
How could Time walk me to Death
grey me without my permission?

Zero could expand this fast
like  nightfall for some child
playing through the supper hour.

This creeping, crawling process
seducing me to view ME at prime
holds me in procession
while my flesh flakes away.

What wonder at the play
of Time, Flesh and Sister Death
the tide-in, tide-out of living
of being born at the Breaking Day.

The trip from womb to "slow-down"
is sure a subtle leap;
on this I've reached my "Senior Years"'
chauffeured by mem'ries growing dim.

*To enter into the realm of contemplation one must in a certain sense die: but this death is in fact the entrance into a higher life.
-Thomas Merton

*...contemplation is a sudden gift of awareness, an awareness to the Real within all that is real.
-Thomas Merton

*...we are words that are meant to respond to Him, to answer Him, to echo Him, and even in some way to contain Him and signify Him.
-Thomas Merton

*...the contemplative is at the same time, question and answer.
-Thomas Merton

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Light Is More

The Word became flesh as a word of terror
knocking hell from the Prince of Dark
bringing light to the crannies of doubt
where earthlings despaired at the thought of loss

Bleakness held our hopes in bondage
war upon war the prime vision for life
death after death seemed the glory died for
in the name of god or country or lot

Crying aloud for an unknown something
"Peace", a term, sometime slipped from our lips
we shivered in the cold of its mention
shook with the trembling earth underfoot

Then in the night-course of a quieted sky
when sleep engulfed the tensioned horde
he lept from heaven with arms worldwide
and clothed himself in a virginal womb

The word became flesh, pitching his tent amongst us
setting us on an unimagined course.
The journey continues but it is different:
hope's more firm than what's been lost

Though Dark be there the Light is more;
with outstretched arms the Light is Sure

*Under the Skies Above

My child is out there somewhere
under the skies above
waiting anxiously 4 u and me
2 bless it with our love
A part of me a part of u
and a part of this love we share
will protect my unborn child
who lives dormant out there somewhere
Sometimes in my dreams
I imagine what it would be like
How could I properly guide him
when even I don't know what's right
Whether he is born in wealth or poverty
there will be no deficiency in love
I welcome the gift of life
given from GOD under the skies above
-Tupak Shakur

*Life Through My Eyes

Life through my bloodshot eyes
would scare a square 2 death
poverty, murder, violence
and never a moment of rest
Fun and games R few
but treasured like gold 2 me
cuz I realize that I must return
2 my spot in poverty
But mock my words when I say
my heart will not exist
unless my destiny comes through
and puts an end 2 all of this
-Tupak Shakur

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I paused this morning to peer through the mirror
to gaze through eyes both green and grey
to plumb the visage upon the glass

I stared to see beyond beyond
to cross into heart and soul
to touch The Face upon face
my face, Christ's face facing

The image stands curious
on a morning after bath
as the world awakes to day
and I to the questions of Life

This icon I bear, is it Christ's?
Is he the one staring back at me?
If he's the one, then who're the others I see?
Is it his face I face in the mirror of their eyes
                                     the molding of their lips
                                     the coloring of their skin
                                     the silence of their cries
                                     the laughter of their heart?

*The Rose That Grew From Concrete

Did u hear about the rose that grew from a crack
in the concrete
Proving nature's laws wrong it learned 2 walk
without having feet
Funny it seems but by keeping its dreams
it learned 2 breathe fresh air
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else even cared!
-Tupac Shakur

*Sometimess I Cry

Sometimes when I'm alone
I cry because I'm on my own
The tears I cry R bitter and warm
They flow with life but take no form
I cry because my heart is torn
and I find it difficult 2 carry on
If I had an ear 2 confide in
I would cry among my treasured friends
But who do u know that stops that long
to help another carry on
The world moves fast and it would rather pass u by
than 2 stop and c what makes u cry
It's painful and sad and sometimes I cry
and no one cares about why.
-Tupac Shakur

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I hold you, scarred one
as your press against my breast
a John against a Jesus
a needful youth of twelve
for warmth, embrace, certain
of unpainning love and care

Your bereft hands finger
those of mine and arms as well
affirming that flesh's soft
in a zoo of rhinos on the prowl

You slouch like a new champion
who's run the course of life
in want of some elusive prize
so long slipped from your grasp

But now, for one moment
however brief or short or long
your heart has banished panic
your face bright-full of calm
while comforting peace enfolds you
your frantic frame in search of home

You're held secure 

*In the Depths  of Solitude
                                        Dedicated 2 Me

I exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
Trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
CONSTANTLY yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
Never compromising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret
A young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
How can I be in the depths of solitude
when there R 2 inside of me
This duo within me causes the prefect opportunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity
-Tupac Shakur

*Life Through My Eyes

Life through my blood shot eyes
would scare a square 2 death
poverty, murder, vilonce
and never a moment 2 rest
Fun and games R few
but traesured like gold 2 me
cuz I realize that I must return
2 my spot in poverty
But mock my words when I say
my heart will not exist
unless my destiny comes through
and puts an end 2 all of this
-Tupac Shakur

Monday, November 10, 2014

for better or for worst
his father's still about-
disturbing, violent, present
...and boards be used to tame him
to knock sense into his head
when non-sense is what's a-riot

i am not this man for him

i am stranger 
and stranger more than dad

i'm someone's wish for him
a manipulated god to hold him together
while life falls apart, is breaking

but i must cut our chain
while he searches for his strength
for he will call soon enough, I know

and he'll find himself in his weakness
and me in his need

* desire things which benefit only yourself will eventually result in your own downfall; to wish something which will bring good results to your people will produce good results for everyone.
-Joseph Burchac

*The contemplative way of life a process that takes you apart and lets you see inside yourself.  It's a challenging life, a life whose goal is change.
-Dianne Aprile

*...the point is to get beneath the surface to the place where God waits in love.
-Dianne Aprile 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

a truth to be heard
knocked persistently at my heart
a patient, Revelation-Christ
desirous of entering the den
of the sisterhood of men
sups on their bread

*What about masculinity?  Do you know how much femininity man lacks for completeness?  Do you know how much masculinity woman  lacks for completeness?  You seek the feminine in women and the masculine in men.  And thus there are always only men and women.   But where are people? You, man,should not seek the feminine in women, but seek and recognize it in yourself, as you possess it from the beginning.  It pleases you, however, to play at manliness, because it travels on a well-worn track.  You, woman, should not seek the masculine in men, but assume the masculine in yourself, since you possess it from the beginning.  But it amuses you and is easy to play at femininity, consequently man despises you because he despises his femininity.  But humankind is masculine and feminine, not just man or woman.  You can hardly say of your soul what sex it is.  But if you pay close attention, you will see that the most masculine man has a feminine soul, and the most feminine woman has a masculine soul. The more manly you are, the more remote from you is what woman really is, since the feminine in yourself is alien and contemptuous.
-Carl Jung

Thursday, November 6, 2014

man urge 
dad urge
hormonal push and pull
for her
for You
for him 
and You
and me
wanting more
than me
or him
or her
but You
midst the push and pull
of body parts
stretching for union
genital peace
and release

* seek God is no the same as to seek sanity.
-Jim Forest

*They [the iurodivii] remind us of a deeper sanity that is sometimes hidden beneath apparent lunacy.
-Jim Forest

*God is a God of the present.  God takes and receives you as God finds you - not what you have been, but what you are now.
-Meister Eckhart

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Last nigga on the plantation

"Ya Sah, Mista Charlie Man!"
"No Sah, Bossman, You!"
No more, no more those slavish words
chocking breath a hue of blue

I've seen the promised meadows
'cross the Jordan's water blue;
have tasted manna in the desert;
got a hunger I can't subdue

I'm not the same, no longer
no slave 'pon plantation land;
have seen my brethren flee over;
no more niggas to command

the comforts of the old place
the mem'ries stored o'er years:
it's tough to brake the shackles
to drop manacles without tears

The flights into the darkness
 near drownings  in the creeks
stumbling through the underbrush:
the journeyings did get bleak

The new land won't be easy
gonna wish I'd never come
but senses will remind me
why this rugged path I've run

When you're standin' on the plantation
looking round to catch who's there
if you're the only nigga peering
take courage and leave it bear

There is only one art to life, namely, to live the truth and be in love.

In our running, are we running toward something or away from something; toward our self or away from our self; toward God or away from God?  At least, we're not standing still unless it is to be quiet. Being quiet in solitude is a movement.

It doesn't matter where I die.  It does matter how I live.

What's important in life is not to become some body but to know and be ones self.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jesus if

Jesus, if I could ever shape you
I'd pour you black as tar
and white as snow on Himalayan heights
with brown eyes in yellow face
and feet that know sand and rocks alike

I'd grow you breasts  upon your chest
and hang testes between your legs
your lips as broad as the Ganges
your hands soft as  canyon grand
your smile as wise as the world
You'd hang on an inlaid cross
woods from ev'ry tongue and land

You'd die a freak in Palestine
and  rise, claiming ev'ry Man

*Every saint is troubling.  Every saint reveals some of our fears and and makes us question our fear-driven choices.
-Jim Forest

*...the iurodovii[ a unique Russian holy person] dramatize something about God that most Christians find embarrassing but which we vaguely recognize is crucial information.  It is the special vocation of the iurodivii to live out in a literal, breathtaking way the "hard sayings" of  Jesus.  Like him, they live without money in their pockets (thus Jesus, in responding to a question about paying taxes, had no coin of his own with which to display Caesar's image).  While never harming anyone, the iurodivii raise their voices against those who lie and cheat and do violence to others, but at the same time they are always ready to embrace these same greedy and ruthless people  They take everyone seriously. No one, absolutely no one, is unimportant.
-Jim Forest

*...the Gospel and sacramental life aren't just for smart people.
-Jim Forest

* seek God is not necessarily the same thing as to seek sanity.
-Jim Forest

Monday, November 3, 2014

Calvin Klein could never veil
what I see.    You
showing beyond the cloth
and swam of cotton threads

"Clothes make the man", they say
but it's soul, your soul
that's real, supporting flesh
beautiful as yours

"Go naked!", is more than
a Mystic phrase.  It's core
where God begins
and we end

Undress then
and know yourself
for once

*So it is on the spiritual path.  Inner rejuvenation comes only when the outer vessel has been set in place.  Then the very forms that originally seemed restrictive become liberating, for the practitioner has been freed from the fallen nature of reality.  The rose of tradition unfolds to reveal the presence 
of the Holy One within, and the flow of life released finds no better vehicle of expression than the very words of prayer one has been saying all along.
-Eliezer Shore

*Thus, in Judaism, this world is never abandoned.  It provides the tools with which we search for God, and ultimately becomes the channel through which God reveals Himself in our lives.  If our words of prayer have become routine, it is because we have not been saying  them long enough.  One must persevere with the practice despite the difficulty, until the forms reveal their inner meaning.  To keep digging for treasure long after one has abandoned hope of ever finding it.  We are given tools, and we must work with them.  In doing this, we build the vessels to receive.  Ultimately, God in His love and compassion, fills them with His presence.
The hidden things are the Lord our God's,
but the revealed things are ours and our
children's forever, that we may do all the 
words of this Torah (Dt. 29:28)
-Eliezer Shore

Sunday, November 2, 2014

i pick up papers and books
setting them about the room
in some display of elegance
some class i believe is mine

but who sees or cares
the print of both is black?

these children of the mind
companions of the noble thought
are heroes to the learner
pals to those with wit

touch them with reverence
place them as sacraments for the brain
take them into tender hands
hold them like crystal glass  

*The purpose of the mitzvot [commandments] is to engender a union with God. The very word mitzvah is from the root of the word "to join".  Furthermore, Judaism does not consider the mitzvot as merely expedient means of reaching the goal of enlightenment, they are themselves considered the ultimate expression of God's will, and Kabbalah speaks of their mystical nature as conduits for divine influx. The practice of mitzvot refines the being and opens it to movements of the spirit. Commitment to their observance, regardless of repetition and boredom, is what ultimately reveals the inner light. Slowly, a window is opened to the soul, so that it can begin to shine in all the corners of ones life.
-Eliezer Shore

*This same process is reflected in every discipline, be it art, religion, or craft.  No great artist ever mastered his field without first being mastered by it.   And nothing new was ever created that did not build upon the achievements of the past.  Only commitment to the exterior form of the craft, in spite of the tediousness of the process, allows the inner source of creativity to reveal itself.  Ultimately, a person touches the core of life, which then flows out and fills the precious static forms with new meaning.  When, through ritual, one reaches the point of infinity of the soul, the ritual itself becomes the setting for the revelation of infinite content.  "A person who  studies Torah selflessly, " says the Talmud, "becomes like an ever increasing spring."  In the mystical consciousness, every detail of creation has the potential for infinite meaning, because the presence of the Infinite God is beneath the surface waiting to be revealed.
-Eliezer Shore