Sunday, August 31, 2014

Manila Madness


the dirt, the dust
the diesel in the air
the dodging crowds
the gaudy jeepneys;
the daring clashes
the space claiming
the street crossings
the suspension of fears;
the dance of wants and musts
the "have to's of dogs and men
of poor and upper class:
this is Manila Madness
its struggle to be
its laughter and pain
of being without 
and getting by
in the zany liveliness.


i wonder about 
the happiness we wear:
our vulgar wants
our slow suicides
our premature deaths
our money madness
our lives being scrubbed
antiseptically clean! 

*As the stories of our lives unfold, conflict is inevitable and even essential in the attempt to achieve balance. Countless plots are possible.  We move from narrative to poetry, from farce to tragedy, where according to Aristotle, there must be a purging if one is to be purified and prepared to accept the hero's fate.  We move from equanimity to despair in search of an elusive wholeness, knowing it is not possible to chart one's own course with assurance.  As obstacles confront us, we are called on to find our way.

*The bridging action of healing appears to be not an isolated act but an ongoing process.  Another way of envisioning this process is as call and response: the Divine, the ultimate expression of wholeness, emits a call or a pull towards itself.  The sufferer, the one who is ill  or incomplete, yearns to respond to that call.  We are all such sufferers, and we are all heroes when we admit that we are incomplete and at the same time accept the pain of being drawn out, through healing, toward the Divine.  We see that healing is not passive; on the contrary, it demands the most active participation and a willingness to suffer.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lazarus at the friary gate

a mountain of silence

Lazarus squatted at the friary gate
a mute beggar
hands tuck within his lap
his mind fixed on a gesture
a blessing pressed upon his head
that he might kneel 'pon gracious knees
before me with my folded hands

with eyes fixed above, toward the perceiving God
i lifted then his pressing hand
raised his arm to touch my head
saying forgive me please for all my sins
wanting the blessing that he could give
held within his out-stretched hand

Friday, August 29, 2014

The rickshaw man rushed through the streets
pulling the tree budding new leaves
blood-red as if on fire

He ran as if fixed on a goal

Was he Christ racing toward the Hill
bearing wood that wound form his cross?

It seemed that ev'ry jeepney that followed
was a nation longing to taste his blood

*...some things simply aren't going to get better.
-Sidney Poitier

*I want to feel good about what goes on around me.  I want to feel good about the way I'm thought of.  The way I think of myself.  Good about how my friends see me and how they feel with me and how they accept me.  I want to feel good about the things I do.  For myself and for my children, for my wife, my friends and my community.  I want to feel good in other ways too.  I want to feel pleasurably good.  Ideally, I would like life to be as close to an orgasm as it can get.
-Sidney Poitier  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


if i commit suicide Lord
will you hold me in the noose
let me swing in the breeze of comfort
drop me gently to the floor?

i awaited your visitation
but patience met my fiend
anxiety won the argument 
and dead is how i swing
may my face register peace
as i enter into your door

hug me in your light
dark has been my life
despair they'll say
midst thin anger and tears
but you alone know
the things i couldn't say
my words held back
against a dam of concrete stares

so now i swing loose
arms and legs falling free
entering into your paradise
on this noose which set me free
having let myself go  
falling into your arms a prayer

*Voice Lesson

out of a suitable
silence, a cave
perhaps, a mist
you come to
the awe
hiding in loneliness

out of infinite
attention to nothing
or beyond you
-Jerry Schroeder, Cap.

*Some people don't want to know of the presence of personal demons: they pretend not to know even when they do know.  And there are others whose consciousness merely dances around the edges of their dark-side reality all their lives.  Those folk never step close enough to look even one demon in the eye.
-Sidney Poitier

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

when i shut my eyes
a crown of thorns flashed
as if a caution light
was signaling my life

read with any comprehension

he sat and could not read
with any comprehension
for his eyes fell tired
as his brain dried

thus ev'ry effort to read
fell dead between his knees

he could not read the letters
forming words before his eyes
but only chase them down
with each nod of his head

words as if foreign
incoherent as is smoke
paraded across his cranium
like ghosts pursuing ghosts

was he ignorant?
was he dumb?
his IQ often said No
but this afternoon in the library
he could not comprehend at all

*At eighteen I was plenty old enough to damn well know better than that.  And if it sounds like I've rendered a self-assessment far too harsh in light of my age, trust me, I haven't. I was wrong to embrace that crap. Spending  my impressionable years operating in the real world on such wishful thinking wasn't only too costly, it was also dangerous.  I well remember as a young man learning day by day to test my wings in life by stepping farther away from my ignorance.  Then one day, at a bold distance from the safety of that ignorance, I finally spotted my demons - first one, then another, then another.
-Sidney Poitier

Monday, August 25, 2014


How does one address madness:
kill it with  a grin
chop it with a machete
poison it with arsenic
address it with love?

When scrunched faces babble, do you hide
lest the idiots devour you like rare hammered meat?

Round and round the foul taste of hatred tests.
The work of Disdain circles our eyes like mesh.

We see through filtering lids 
rosy slits, redirecting the sun.

The hair that's pulled is not ours but theirs.
The extracted teeth are those of fiends
named and disposed.

Violence is sweet, revenge ever souring
shoved 'neath stairs where the morgue is housed.
What we smell is dead
fertilizing the earth as rotting flesh.

What we keep are records of recall
recalling whom to repay
a thousand times to repay.
It's beauty like the blood-strained grass
near the shrapneled trees salted with flesh.  

No one screams, mouths agape
only a whimper to record the pain
as children play among the dead.

Normalcy's their mind-set.
Today's the same each day.
They'll play again tomorrow
with madness and the blood. 

*When I was quite young, with no awareness of the personal demons within me or the different forms and faces those demons could endlessly assume, I developed a belief that the hard work of good, honest, fair-minded people with a passionate commitment to justice would bring about a world in which a life of dignity for all would be the rule.  A world in which opportunities to pursue fulfillment would be limited only by the outer margins of one's individual ability.  I had come to believe that problems of race, ethnicity, color, education, sexual preference, class, and poverty, and the attendant afflictions left in their wake to plague the modern world in their names, would be successfully resolved through the efforts of those same good, honest, fair-minded people.  A new progressive force with insight and cohesion was in the making, thought I.  The ills of my generation would ultimately be addressed.  Frictions would be tamed, tensions neutralized, and out of the hearts and minds of good men and women would come the way to a better future - one in which we would all lend a hand at weaving the strong cultural thread of our social diversity into a more caring, a more human community.

-Sidney Poitier

Sunday, August 24, 2014

are the Gathering Darkness

the Black Hole
into my Self

bathing my feet


i see dust pouring down the hillside
an avalanche of particles rushing toward the road
their swarming million spermal movements
heading toward the city by the sea

in the swarm's head, Darkness
droplets sparkling with the brilliance of the sun
latching upon a host of quarry
in flight and on the run

grace touching whomever it can

*...a scarcity of money goes a long way in shaping the vocabulary of a community.
-Sidney Poitier

Saturday, August 23, 2014

singer of sorrow

i led myself into the pleasure dome of death
hell burning my conscience with devilish delight
collapsing into recriminations repeat in my life

i can't even cry
tears evaporate before reaching their ducts
i roast in repentance which even that i doubt
surviving on a struggling wormy-kind of faith
like a centipede moving in cross-directions
pleading for mercy

hear me through my broken mouth
my unclean lips
pity this singer of sorrow
with tattered soul
and tainted guilt

*...our life is grounded in our true Mother Jesus in the foreseeing wisdom that he has from without beginning, with the might of the Father and the high sovereign goodness of the Holy Spirit.
-Julian of Norwich

*All shall be well, and you shall see for yourself that all manner of thing shall be well.
Julian of Norwich

Friday, August 22, 2014


there's hope in Your rising amongst believers
observing You from the rear of a mirror.
Your dark countenance reflects a question
when communicants gather 'round Your Body longing
staring at Elements hiding Your presence.
You're a Man laying cloistered
beside the tears of his lovers
sequestered and submerged
neath their mottled hopes.
Has their faith betrayed them in their wanting
or is waiting the page upon which
the vision of You is made visible?
They hang on to invisible threads
belief throws out into the abyss.
As they gulp You down in bread and wine
is it madness in them
as them march from the gathering
to the struggles of day,
struggles with themselves, their mates, 
their children, their state?
What holds them when the challenge of belief 
meets the commercial world
where the steel-slabs  of curses 
bore their brittle hearts
and they, against the harshness  of fate
break forth to Golgatha
with patience in their gait?
Whatever You model
they have added to with prayers.
What flows from the deep of their lips
is nourishment for the journey ahead.  

Thursday, August 21, 2014

mothering gaze

ever trapped in the desert of my dreams
my wishes, my hopes frustrate your every move
my futile struggles with the Silent God
and the paltry gods i have come to know

even Jesus is a mere grumble in my gut
more a lucky charm than friend
i lean on him in times of disgust
through acts in which i weakly believe

i satanize myself
sporting dried up virtues
as if these were nourishing fruit
for the hungry ones who follow

i am burdened and heavy ladened
a strayed sheep naked without wool
a coin lost in the common latrine
swine condemned to the Galilee Sea

keep me somehow in the corner of your eye
your gaze holding me somewhere between blinks
and when you sleep may i appear in your dreams
a mosquito boring your flesh
your blood offering meat

your large eyes encompass me, staring at me
i understand the look upon your face
it's compassion for the broken spirit
a mothering gaze offering support

thus i stand again upon my failures
lift high my head and wipe my nose
you're here, your eyes speaking
a motherly gaze offering support

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Nanjing's Pain, Nippon's Shame

the soldiers marched in
hungry for sex
bayonets in hand
to conquer the land
and hungry for sex

gathering the populace
to fulfill their need
to spill their seed
conquering the land
for the hungers of sex

woman and child
course for the hour
knifing the men
slicing their heads
hungry for sex

labium ripped
by rape, by hand
riv'lets of blood
from vaginas fled
from the addictions to sex

silver swords were drawing
fresh springs of blood
people were falling
and displayed like dolls
for the glory of sex

three hundred thousand
eventually lay dead
piled into mountains
as if they were crowns
for satiation by sex

Nanjing screamed, Nanjing moaned
Nippon lost in the rivers of blood
staining boots, staining name
departing from Nanjing
hungering for sex

many faces gaze
into Nippon's hist'ry-eyes
splattered with the blood
of the thousands who died
still hungry and unsatisfied

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


standing naked for a police line-up
but found wanting, lacking balls
blood poured forth from the hierarches' bodies
melting those nursing on cancerous breasts

black flight

 i should take you away away 
but to where should we go: 
to Frederick Place replaced upscaled 
follow the crowd 
escape with them to suburban-haven
but safer than the graves we left?

i should take you away 
but we 'd return from whence we fled 
cause the cycles of displacement 
will bring us here again

Monday, August 18, 2014

can't cry

can't cry
anger has dried my soul  into a waterless hole    an empty cistern
numb and cold

grief like a harried widow droops near the bald pond
lamenting stunned emotions

i would like to cry my angers    cry poison from my prison
cry doubts of God's embrace    cry wasted belief
cry the confidence of the assured    cry ashes grasping for spent straw
cry for heaven's sake    cry from barren clouds hanging like dry breasts
for a starving child
cry from dead eyes where the tsetse flies suck puss to fill their empty guts
cry envy that it might hate enough to fill hell a thousand times
cry 'gainst the complacent crowd reveling in my handcuffed fate
cry for prisoners within safe and gated mistakes
cry 'gainst the sinlessness of righteousness that revels in no-fault grace
cry through the opera of the night    where might is right
and white is might    where Jesus won't cry for American guilt

i want to cry
but what are tears for the guilty
but a dumb response inculcating sin
and hiding the guilt of the accuser's faults? 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Tensioned Silence

at once arrogant and shrill
speaks truth about relations
louder than words could cloak
as these stand at the threshold looking
staring blank past their eyes pleading
their lips sealed against knowledge
that would free the caged Bird

like God is silent
yet slaying
like God can slay
holds them tensioned
attending to each other's absence
and presence
brushing each other
like a whispered hope
a fermenting dream
believing that one day
forgiveness will bloom
and wonder why it took so long 
to speak

*Solitude is not necessarily a retreat from communion.  The deepening of subjectivity can be liberating for others.  A day can come when you will belong totally to yourself - that is, to what created you, when alleluia breaks forth.  Then you'll no longer want to wall yourself  in, and in communion with all things you'll rejoin the universal in a vital experience.  You will still sweat blood, but a tiny unshakable joy awaits you in every corner.
-Jean Sulivan

*Don't take away anyone else's certitudes.  Everything ripens in its time.
-Jean Sulivan

* Strangle the phrase with which you were going to compare the present with the past or fear for your future.  Leap into the present instant; the past or and the future are contained within it, and it carries its load of the eternal.  Stop torturing yourself, poisoning your own life.  Disappointed hopes, a broken heart - she has wounded me to death, he has destroyed me - what vanities these are!  Happiness is not in happiness; it's in the unending process.  Then let's get going, live as long as you're alive, do something, something absurd. Or better, who knows, if you've just had dinner, quietly do the dishes.
-Jean Sulivan

Friday, August 8, 2014

failed words

where words do you fly when the wind wounds your neck
choking accents and penults with your insults and jokes?

where do you flee in the maelstrom of lost pleas 
in the porridge of silent mush you serve to keep us free? 

i wonder why we nibble on the vomit of your hatred
on the stale sewage of its dark and failed dreams;

why we chase after the crust of rotten damage
stinking beneath our closed eyes and clouded ears.

longing for a hope that will lift us from our graves
where are the words we anxiously long to hear

to be polish for our hearts, nourishment for our minds?
where are the words nursing like piglets on their momma's tits

content, peaceful, ready to nurture the ark?

*Refuse to live only for work,money, the illusion of happiness, the distant future. Your sons will take care of themselves.  They are no more important than those of the janitor. Therefore, reject efficiency at every price and any action that isn't meaningful to you. Give top priority to the decision to create a space and time for games, gratuitousness, the unexpected, for what can be neither bought nor sold, the instant: "enduring love."  People don't decide to love, but if the way is cleared, love sometimes survives. These are suggestions which, without being necessarily Christian, are sufficiently in agreement with Christian experience.
-Jean Sulivan

*It's harder than you think to prosper in society such as it is, to accept its ruling ideas, without participating in inhumanity.
-Jean Sulivan

*If you're caught in the daily round, let your anger build up: it's an indication of hope. ....You'll have to be willing to lose respectability and all false social virtues, but you'll give joy to someone, to a few -  and that's enough.
-Jean Sulivan

Thursday, August 7, 2014

when across God your prayers scratch
the surface of his face, smile
because the roots of your hatred
have bled again for you
and bleeds more as the blood drops
falling upon the bodies of the struggling ones
striving to live beneath the stone piles of hist'ries hates
history's continued battle-cries of the small or great
of the gods we all strive to imitate
and displace in the heaven of our immoral dreams
immortal plight playing at our feet as poisoned snakes

smile.  smile as the waters run
as the sun speaks to the haggling scars
kissing what would have been our horror-grace
waiting to rise with the buried one
now risen one
the buried one rising as our Sun

*...whatever rises up in her against society is also that which secretly is in league with it.
-Jean Sulivan

*Be suspicious of the rebel who uses her insurrection as stepladder.
-Jean Sulivan

*Destroy prejudices, liberate yourself, liberate me.
-Jean Sulivan

*Since it's useless to cry out, smile at yourself, since you're not so brave every day.
-Jean Sulivan

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

wall of gray windows

this wall of gray windows and scratched glass
closes me in an atmospheric tomb of dancing fleas
waiting for a dog to fly by or flee

we stand in the cold of its empty hall
it's shadowed sun and balding glow
wanting some light to illuminate the day-stars rising

to lift what seems like miracles of people crying
weeping because their laughter had run astray
resting in a fragrant ball where the bumble-bee flies

empty, empty, empty of pollened berries or flowery moss

who knows what to think, expect, sow
when darkness hugs the eyelids like a napping mom

feeding her babe hanging near her lip, clawing
searching for a breast to beat or lap
to take into the land where children rest

where sweet lullabies hover like glass above the door
wanting to fall and crash upon the expectant floor
but can't because the wind has blown

*It's impossible to grow without dying.
-Jean Sulivan

*Destroy prejudices, liberate yourself, liberate me.
-Jean Sulivan

*Since it's useless to cry out, smile at yourself, since you're not so brave every day.
-Jean Sulivan

Tuesday, August 5, 2014



help the shadow-people
the hood-bound hucksters
stuck in the trays of her national glue
sunken worms struggling for earth
to feed
to wear the dust of dignity
betrayed and slain
stained like Abel's Cain
the power of White
too clean to perform
a violent rite


help clear the air of poisonous flairs
the bottled-botch
that holds your history's sins
locking us in your pens
where you belonged
innocent of shameless blame


help US stare
into the mirror of truth's uncovered mirth
and weep the filth from bleaching bones
placing Blacks in crippled-carts
begging freedom from legal slaves
and smashing love
as our gift with life

Sunday, August 3, 2014

head's in a pot of magic-moving
thinking it can turn about on silver dimes
with sensations of the after-glowings
of love or the taste of fresh apple pie

don't know why this spin refreshes
or sends me into the realms of the dead
but i sit watching the blurring sweetness
fall o'er the face of my love

strange echoes seep up from the past
of longings more unsettled than truth
of lost journeys into the darkened future
into the place i'd like to call home

but i sit at the window of torn farewells
near the door where dreams long to appear
and wait, stilted and partially shackled
with cold envy clinging like a kiss

ah, my shadowed memories and heated longings
my short dreams of all that could have been
i stare at the door where death may early enter
awaiting the fire's sweet after-life

tho broken and disappointed through countless ventures
peace with life is what i've stoked

*...crowds are caught up in the rush to conformity.  Lured by money and success, they become raw material for dictatorships, and for the democracies which are partly or already dictatorships.  It sometimes happens that men decide to excel in order to institute reforms.  They usually end up destroyed, content to mediate between various tendencies, to adjust appearances, to bring laws into line with customs.  Others set out to be revolutionaries.  But to employ violence against these evils is to bear them in oneself.  As soon as a cause triumphs, it's time to oppose it in the very name of the value that created it.

My preference is for rebels, those whose sanity leads them to relativize the ideas and automatic reflexes that society produces in them.
-Jean Sulivan

Saturday, August 2, 2014

do i believe?


do i believe
i'll commit suicide
if i leap sitting here
neath "foul weather"?

it's a ? i ask
...but y?
of saying gd-bye
& movin' on?

what's in me
...or not?

i wonder.


o Gd,
come to my assistance.
wash my sin away;
let we grow
[n] be a new man
or ever what i might b,
might be


i say!
some art is madness
2 c.
b free.
b alive.
survive the sadness.

Friday, August 1, 2014

well, then, toward where do you stare
when the sour wind beats upon your breast
to shake you
stir what's weak in the worn frame of "genuity"
without the "in"
without the standbys, the make-up
we pretend to have when standing straight
without fault or sin
or any human broken-self within

ah! what a mess we transport like graves
even before death ever caulks us in our tombs

i wonder
staring toward the forever long forever
why we play our foolish games
pretending to be masters of the fractured world
gods of the universe dancing with death
when many cry, waiting for some seasonal grace
for a touch of light
to smash the darkness known so well
yet sick

o, to have an eye wide enough to see
grasp the momentary grace gliding past our face
spilling tears
heating hearts
pushing feet to walk a moment ahead
feeling the breath of God slide where we stand

*The West is the third world of the spirit.  Its sadness can't be fathomed; it's the sadness of those who are separated from themselves, insatiable.  The poverty and destitution of the third world still leaves room for fraternity in collective agony.  In the West agony is individual.  Old and young, sick and handicapped - all are placed in the charge of specialists but are irredeemably alone.
-Jean Sulivan

*Technocratic rearrangements are insignificant and can offer no remedy to the illness secreted by a profit society.
-Jean Sulivan