Friday, June 20, 2014

where's the spark
that washed upon you in the pool
that cleansed the scales from your eyes
and made a fuming Paul
to kill the traitors to grace?

open up!
don't hide Him from me!
I'm searching for meat
to feast my soul upon
light to guide me through my nights
of black-holes filt''ring my universe.

open wide your eyes to the blind ones
and lend what is blind in you
to lead the seeing to sight
peering the tunnel of your eyes
in search of Light
to find there some semblance of Jesus
some residue of the Big Bang
hit upon the earth when He was born.

*We go on trips, taking notes while passing through half-starving continents where cadavers are piled up each morning along with the garbage.  We no longer can put up with the parable of the good Samaritan. Faith becomes impossible, noting is what it used to be, but we go on cultivating the moral garden of the West!
It's obvious that the Church is not catholic but Western.
-Jean Sulivan

*Because of compromise Christianity doesn't appear in its truth - a truth that is often unacceptable.  It is revealed only in tension and debate, provided that it's not looking for power and prestige.
-Jean Sulivan  

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