Sunday, May 18, 2014

a stratagem against fear

stand up in your own blood
shining with might like all others:
red with murder
and the colors of hate

stand while you weep
and the blue waters fall
into a waiting pool

and then
decide who you are

and when you decide...

* must be repeated, the memory of Jesus can be merely a glance behind, sincere veneration of a past that we see ourselves reintroducing into a life sprinkled with pious thoughts and symbolic acts.  But we will always have to go through the disappointment and disillusionment of Golgotha and the ascension.  To remember is to experience him as alive here and now in the unknown and to laugh at learned theories about the empty tomb, the appearances, and all the archaeological material with which people distract themselves; it means coming out in the open and creating a new relationship.  Because as soon as that happens, it relativizes all the ideas, old and new, that we have or thought we had.
-Jean Sulivan

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